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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. I need to redo my parents covers, they haven't been made well and have been put on too tight.. I won't mention who done them originally.. Does the felt not break down Frank? we use normal (van) sidelining carpet in work (and on my own boats), I do like foam backed vinyl the darker colour foam now lasts a lot longer although a trade secret is to use a separate scrim foam and then recover with a normal vinyl.. My boss swares by something called "Veltrim" I hate the stuff but some people like it. Personally I now like suede.. it's on alot of sunseekers and just looks neat (but you need a boat with no leaks and no condensation issues.
  2. My pleasure, they should be able to tell you what you need and will likely have one on the shelf, they made us a custom one whilst we had lunch in the nearby canalside pub! True craftsmen..
  3. I didn't know there was a french marine in Norfolk.. been using the brightlingsea one..
  4. Hi David.. TN norris will have a new one: http://www.tnorrismarine.co.uk/product/standard-range-propellers/ Highly recommended.. they won't be pennies but you will never need to buy another.
  5. Guys as always can we please consider the staff and customers in this. Phil and staff at moonfleet (and Richardsons) were amazing with fixing Orca, I felt in real safe hands. I understood that Clive and co brought Moonfleet because they have very high standards and thus ideal for private work (And they brought them years ago) of which they have been doing for some time. I am very surprised to learn that they would close the doors and I certainly am sure any staff there would quickly find work elsewhere or within the Richardson group. If Phil has decided to take early retirement then I personally wish him all the very very best and hope he enjoys his well earned retirement.
  6. I can supply all you need Stuart and we can quote to do it.. Feel free to PM me or email me directly. Sales@trimnet.co.uk.
  7. Some good news for once.. Nice to see new yards starting up! Means the broads is still alive and strong.. Can't wait to see them on the rivers. (That broom really needs some nice teak carpet though!!)
  8. Ma.. we are planning on coming up this weekend and spending sunday on the carpet hopefully get it all prepped at least.. Not sure if we will get anything done on the hull but will have a look. Paul, you mentioned you wanted some cushions redone? If you want to PM me I can take a look when we are up and measure up and get trimnet to quote. All honestly my boss is quite good on pricing and it will probably a bit cheaper than norfolk prices.
  9. Looks amazing!.. .have you thought about how you will do Robins xmas lighting though?
  10. thankfully I'm now being paid to do projects everyday! St kats most of next week on a Sunseeker Manhatten 80.. hard life
  11. People even charge to quote?! wow I'll have to pass than one by my boss.. could make a killing just doing that!! I'm just one of many at our firm so if you do need bits PM me and I can advise if we can do it.. I don't mind spending a couple of days in Norfork running round getting some patterns! Certainly if my boss is paying me!! Paul, I do need to do quite a bit on the folks so I'll message you when we are next up and I can see what you need.. Cushions or repairs which can be taken away to my workshop are obviously easier. This time next year I'll be a millionnaire!!
  12. What you don't know won't hurt....
  13. PM below ; (You dingbat!!) ... You have far too much time and Energy Tim Right you see...what happens is...right, when it's spring...right the flowers sort of, you know, and the bees, well they sort of wotsit and well, they all sort of...Look it's like well, you go out for a couple of shandies with the lads and somewhere between dropping your kebab down your shirt and getting in the taxi...well there's ...wimmin involved. So at first its all, you know 'hows your father' but you stay clear of him, and then its all that not going out with your mates any more unless she comes with you and then next thing you're 'olding her hair out the way while she's being sick in the bog...that's when you know, and then its all like kids everywhere and then you're working your bum off and then next thing the solicitor gets involved and then it's all like settlements and stuff and you lose your house and your car and your boat and then the solicitor send you a bill and then there's something to do with pollen and stuff and that's when you find out what's what! I'd have thought your Dad would have explained all this to you young man!
  14. There's a lot more people in Norfolk though Paul.. down here we have no competition lol .. I've got a few things do on mum and dads boat so can already get up to norfolk I've seen creatives work... sadly I'm not impressed but canopy and headlining is two very different things.. I've not seen any of their such work. Obviously this time will be busy for all as everyone wants stuff done before the warm weather arrives.
  15. A certain someone (I.e Me ) has just landed a job working for a firm who do commercial bespoke interiors (and lots more) (Loving it so far peeps really am!!! Like working on Orca all day and being paid for it!!!).. Sadly most companies are busy as there's not many of us around, I already have a 3 month waiting list! maybe PM me anyway and tell me whats what, if it's something quick and easy maybe able to find a gap
  16. Oh this is good news.. I really like this bars location and mooring... a refit is so needed.. can't wait to go back and look
  17. Ma, what do you want to know? I'm confused? Most old poles (as pictured above) are the same size. You can buy these anywhere and they are pennies obviously brianwards do or a caravan shop would be cheap. I think we have spares in the garage if you want new bases or poles.. (Sorry dying of manflue so barely know where I am today). Marineteak do a cool simple base which you can unscrew and leaves a minimal bottom base.. we are looking at getting one for our forward cabin table but £80 is a bit steep (but I think worth it).
  18. Solutions not problems.. Park in the pub... Have breakfast, lunch and or dinner in there... few hours on the river on.. everyone wins...
  19. Erm well.. ships cat "Sylvester" as his vet records show was nicknamed "s***bag" by us when we invited himself aboard all those years back... Although lately as he's getting use to his name and plays up to it is now answering to "Oi" and lots of other associated french words... I've started calling him "Cat" as he gives be a right evil look... (as the cat prison lady said there is actually a cat that comes in with the name "Cat"..)...
  20. ;( sorry to hear this Tim. My thoughts are with you and your family.
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