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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Well done Jocave :) Still could do with Teak Carpet me thinks! If the boat has a serial number on the back the last two digits are the year the hull was moulded.. Not all boats seem to do it though but think Vikings did.. Many happy sailings! Cheers
  2. Have fun both ... Please for goodness sake get a decent phone!! ;)
  3. This is similar to another shortsighted rant by a crew who complained that the new yard at acle was charging £5 a night for a mooring (refundable at the new restaurant). I always thought that us Brits are known for not complaining?!.. It seems that's long gone and we now complain about the most insignificant things. I really do wish at times people would think a little.. the world is not all about them! Totally agree the Bridge is an excellent pub, BBQ chicken melt is just the best!
  4. Or everyone just use someone else... plenty more companies out there..
  5. We normally moor in summercraft (or the hotel).. it's very pretty and had a couple of easy nights sleep. They do charge a small nominal fee but nice to offer some money to such yard..
  6. That's not really an excuse.. Any one who shows an interest is a potential sale.. maybe not now but you never know about the future. Some people are also far far too busy to pick up the phone.. It really doesn't take much to answer an email..
  7. This is brilliant thanks Gracie... I now know how to annoy everyone. ..
  8. I think it's thurne mouth.. potter on the left... either that our ant mouth...
  9. Wasn't there reports that the yard was closing this month? Probably some bloody good bargains there though... Saying that boats are generally cheaper outside of the broads as the agencies here are really good at playing on peoples dreams! Look outside of the broads and bring into the broads really.. also better to buy on a cold november day when everyone just wants to be at home!
  10. Robin, If you are going to Drive that BMW.. I really wouldn't worry too much about learning to drive..
  11. I still find it strange that there's a lot of carbon monoxide deaths reported on inland riverways compared to the about of sea boats there are out there.... All about natural selection
  12. (10% discount for NBN members ) What is she looks like a norman type thing?
  13. If you need a trimmer I know a couple Also have an online shop coming one day.. this year hopefully...
  14. It could be because when a mobo crosses too closely sailies just aim towards them.... nothing funnier than the look of terror on a mobo's face.. pesky wind does change just when you dont want it..
  15. I think I sneaked a peak at BV today... seems to make a good shelf Clive
  16. If you are in a marina beside boats which are connected to shore power then these are a must. Safeshore are the only ones really. The chaps website is here http://www.safeshoremarine.com/ he's very very helpful and will answer any and all questions. He doesn't need to sell these as they sell like hotcakes, but call him and talk to him. He will also advise what other bits to check. It's very complicated stuff hence best just to talk to the right chap.
  17. I thought they shouldn't ask for a copy of the actual certificate as that makes them accountable.. The normally ask for the policy number and the underwriter..Although I think on of our marinas ask and I provide then... Their problem then. I wonder what will happen to those insured by you know who lol..
  18. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    £6 isn't sad considering as Charlie says Burger king costs more and it's certainly not a £1 burger at costs.. The white horse burgers are really good. It's easy to forget that everything has to make money.. somethings alone are expensive and it's really hard to make ends meet even if you are busy. initial feedback from me on the menu. Prices look a bit cheap if you ask me. I can find things to eat on the menu and I'm right fussy. Please don't make it too posh though. Will pop in next time we are up there
  19. Saved by these when our solid stove flue blocked in the middle of the night.. There's no excuses for not having one.. Things may have been different in the old days, single glazing etc... but modern world is far more draft free and natural selection is working better these days. We have fireangel digital display (http://fireangel.co.uk/products/carbon-monoxide-alarms/co-9d/) this really is one thing to spend money on. I have no idea why anyone would not have one or have a cheap unbranded one. If they go off, turn off the gas or other dinosaur drinking device, open the windows, go outside and you will quickly start to wake up..without one then it's goodnight! Reading the instructions contained within them is probably a good idea too.. as they need to be positioned lower than smoke alarms and probably give you some helpful advice.
  20. Heyup.. (sorry I've been north of watford gap for three days).. Sorry everyones missed this...The wench moored up??? LOL I bet that was seriously funny!! I bet she loved that, the french she was probably giving you lol Glad you had a good time with the meetup too. We've had others undo ropes like this, we normally go and check the ropes if there's been any action nearby, it's the broads anything and everything happens, all part of the "fun". I know it's easy to say, one thing the yacht club taught me was that we should never exchange strong words, everyone makes mistakes, just smile and say lovely day
  21. Please all... make love not war... shop local indeed... I would love an ice cream right now... perhaps a 10% discount on icecream sales for all NBN members maybe the further encouragement needed
  22. Peter not sure if you meant me.. For the heads for obvious reasons carpet isn't the best solution. You really want the gel coat finish or a laminate finish. On Orca we have a special vinyl covering over the timber which effectively tanks the room and is easy to clean although our loo is a wet room. Via trimnet we do have a number of vinyls that are suitable.. To apply these a spray contact adhesive is all that is needed and if applied correctly will last many years. If you do want to go with sidelining carpets, typically below the gunwalls a special sidelining carpet works well, again spray contact adhesive works well, I would recommend using the correct purpose made sidelining carpet, some people use felt backed or whatever but the felt backing will peel off quicker than the right stuff, (you should get 15 years out of the right stuff instead of a couple of years). Above the gunwalls and ceilings (maybe in loos), you can go with vinyl, if you go with foam backed, spend a bit more and get one which as mesh weaved into the foam side, it helps the glue stick and stick longer. Contrary to popular belief foam back headlinings these days should last 15 years+ An industry hack though is to use a scrim foam which you apply first and then a non foam back vinyl, it's cheaper, allows you to adjust the thickness of the foam as to taste, and gives assurance that that it wont' come off. You can also use this behind sidelining carpets and it gives a really nice feel. The teak carpet product is water resistant and easy to clean so it can be used in wet areas and can be lifted to be cleaned, we don't recommend gluing it down really, it will still absorb water although it's mould resistant it does need to be lifted to allow the water to drain away which it does quickly. We typically suggest press studs to secure down or a non slip matting underneath with works well. It can be glued down but we wouldnt recommend it and don't do as part of the fitting service. We also don't suggest it's used on cabin sides mainly because the lines will look weird, customers requesting this are advised to use sidelining carpet which is glued in place. We can supply all required for any such job, I need to get a web shop up but contact me at sales@trimnet.co.uk for any trimming requirements, mention NBN for a 10% discount.
  23. So so so.pleased to hear that matey! Excellent news!
  24. Hello Sir! Thank you asking such a question.: Teak carpet is a waterproof, easy to clean product, We have installed in head's etc..to clean you can simply take outside and hose down and allow to dry. So although it's not necessarily designed for head's it will survive! Parent company www.trimnet.co.uk can also further assist with other non teak carpet products
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