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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. A couple of boats down and you may find some lovely teak carpet :) Good luck with your sale ;)
  2. I have just recalculated... erm i mean guessed and I think it's closer to that.. ;)
  3. I'm not quite sure Robin will have the courage to probably check and tell us! but 2500 litres
  4. Gulp.. should I say what that flooring needs...
  5. Can I just suggest you consult a marine surveyor, that's what they are there for. If you don't before, then you should do after as you may find your insurance is invalid as that's quite a change your insurer wouldn't be expecting.
  6. Sorry Gracie I'm not sure they customer will be overly impressed with that... plus we haven't finished with the full refit job ;) Smoggy, sorry too ;)
  7. Dinette and Saloon Seating for a Princess DS 30 motor boat. We had a bit of a hiccup in work, It wasn't my fault but these was made in the wrong colour. Made by Trimnet, using this fabric: https://shop.trimnet.co.uk/collections/n-cushion-fabrics/products/buco-upholstery-fabric?variant=49755875526 £1110 - Should be at least double that so grab yourself a huge bargain. These are as new, may be slightly dusty from where laying in workshop. Can be adjusted if required at cost. UK bidders only. Can be delivered to mainland UK at cost, or free to norfolk when we are in the area. Cash on collection.
  8. Sorry Peter, I voted new forest.. It's as cool as Britains magical waterway ;)
  9. I just had a reminder about Pesky's birthday.. Sleep well matey
  10. Happy Belated Birthday from us to Gracie x
  11. He did your flooring? If you remind them when talking to them that you are a repeat customer I'm sure they will offer a discount anyway. We certainly do.. P.s you can get us a couple of them tables too!
  12. Nauticalia, Sheerline, Nanni, webasto, Guinness stand etc
  13. Personally I think it was better than I thought it would be, I had given up on as I think many had too.. It was so nice to see the inland section making a come back (Although I'm not sure why our richardsons are shown in a lock ;) ). I think the garden furniture and wine merchants aren't quite at the right show though. The right exhibitors aren't there though and the one weekend now isn't enough really. There are some prolific exhibitors missing too. Sadly it seems the main problem is that the exhibitor rates are the same price as the 10 day show which is clearly putting some off. I think if British marine can sort of the price and push it to two saturdays at least then it may start growing again. @Clive Richardson, first time I've been on Commodore, certainly better than some big expensive I've been on with work. Top materials used and really well done.. Nice to see... Maybe you should consider buying Brooms out ;)
  14. Just a concluding comment here. I must admit I'm a little disappointed by some comments on here although I have been away from the forum for some time and clearly the dynamics have changed. Mod's I will drop you a PM regarding the comments about Brooms sponsorship. I do know Brooms very well, I work with many companies whom retail the boats. Broom are very close to my heart as is norfolk, I do have a broom and it's, in my view, one of the best boats ever made and it holds that reputation with many, it's perhaps one reason why I'm so annoyed with Brooms marketing idea here, I offered constructive criticism back to broom via facebook as soon as I saw the movie, personally I think they understood these views and I hope that we won't see our rivers used in this manner. Brooms boats now are very different than they was and personally I believe they should appreciate constructive criticism when it's given, there is nothing helpful looking through rose tinted glasses just because they are who they are! Indeed constructive criticism should help the brand continue and grow. I will repeat myself, there is nothing cool about speeding around rivers and certainly not for marketing purposes a view some members have agreed with in relation to the other two posts. Whilst I personally do not agree that waterskiiing should be permitted on the broads system and high speed engine tests, that's a separate issue and something which I didn't expect to raise so if the BA believe that's acceptable then I support the BA's view as thankfully the BA do clearly have the best stance on speeding.
  15. That's interesting.. So they got caught under the safe speed rule... Looking at colregs which I suspect are whats used on Breydon. (http://www.nepia.com/media/73232/Colregs-Rule-06-Safe-Speed.PDF) they are a little vauge which means the prosecuting party had to have proved that unsafe speeds where being used and the examples in this rule are again a little vauge. I suspect that the skipper was inexperianced or failed to prove enough to the judge that they understood the controls of the boat or somehow got too closed or showed they was unable to stop etc etc. So certainly speed itself is fine just know how to handle it.. which considering most boat on the Broads don't leave the system that may leave many of them open up to getting caught.. Unless you have a trade plate and speeding in the special sections which clearly have special airbags under the water to protect everyone including the swans..
  16. You will be fine just say you are recording it for marketing purposes..
  17. Sorry John.. but rivers are certainly not the place to be waterskiing... This is not about them and us, rivers are natural and surrounded by wildlife. I think the BA's speed limits do a good job at limiting the effects of the right to navigate and limit the damage to wildlife. I travel to norfolk to get my boating kick, if your hobby requires an area where the speed and wash produced has less impact on the environment such as an estuary then I'm sorry to say but I feel you should travel to such place. I'm sorry if my views are seen as selfish or inconsiderate of all river users but I think it's easy to overlook that the rivers are not anyone's they are natural and need preserving for future generations.
  18. As I mentioned above, I strongly disagree with doing planning speeds on a river, certainly on the broads, no matter who owns the boat etc. I certainly disagree when some chap sitting in an office thinks it's cool to make marketing videos of such. I'd like to think that these videos were taken during legitimate trails but who knows...
  19. Ricardo et al, whilst Brooms and other may have been using such areas for engine test etc for years (rightly or wrongly), I highly doubt that been using these areas for marketing purposes for years, I've certainly not seen them if they have!
  20. Thankfully it seems I'm not the only one then.. Personally I'm appalled by these videos and deeply ashamed to be a broom owner. I'd rather see non river speeds be used on non rivers, Breydon and the open sea is not too far away. I've never understood the mentality of these areas when I first saw them all them years ago, it smells to me like underhanded dealings really. Whilst I understand a small degree of logic, using these areas for marketing material is a long way from what these areas are surely for and we can't allow for these videos to be made uncontested. (I must add the Broom owners that I have met through this and that they have actually been nice and "normal" people, actually the sensible older generation. I clearly believe it's Broom's marketing whomevers whom are messed up here). As per my signature below, the views here are my own.
  21. Hey All, I need some help here.. My blood is boiling over videos Broom have recently started showing on facebook .. Boats running along the "Special section" at planning speeds. There are two videos the other I can't find but it doesn't help they sponsor this post and so it shows up every few days but it's more markety showing traditional skills then a closing feature showing huge wash, I'll post it next time. Broom's comments so far have been "hahaha we are brooms, we are amazing, we have the right, we love animals, yawn" (not them words but that drift).. Is it just me or have Brooms lost the plot and these videos are just insensitive and showing the special section is being used (or publicised) for the wrong reasons?!
  22. Hi Rick and Co, Sorry to hear you have stumbled into problems. We've visited a number of times and it's one of my favourites, I think you have all done a brilliant job so far and I'm sure the dusting on the top will really finish the project off. The white horse is a real asset of the broads so I'm sure that should help reassure you that the pain is worth it. I look forward to being back in easter, i hope you get some down time and everyone feels well soon.. Let me know if you need any carpet or upholstery, we will take the stress out of them bits for you ;)
  23. It's certainly a case of make as complicated as posible! (http://www.rya.org.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/cruising/Web Documents/Regulations and Safety/Lights-and-shape-summary.pdf) I've gone for safety first and the boats have streaming lights, side lights and a stern light, an all round is used when "anchored"..
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