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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. For some strange reason Grace I can imagine you speeding up when you see a ranger boat or a police car...
  2. Yes... please support RNLI... certainly whitstable.. nice bunch of people... grrr.. Lesson learnt... <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fwhitstablelifeboat%2Fvideos%2F1451685081555662%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
  3. This topic always pops up.. Speeding happens everywhere, we all do it despite what anyone says.. although we do it when we think it's safe to do.. we shouldn't but it's easy to do.. so we do it. We all know the broads are best enjoyed at slow speeds.. there is a mooring problemwhich probably doesn't help but the best nights afloat are moored in the middle of the broads where no one is about so better planning in terms of supplies onboard can go along way. GPS's are good but depending on the tide they can make it permissible to cause too much wash depending on the tide and still be legal, so it's not the solution.. it's really "check your wash" ... Please no them and us.. it's really not pleasant to see.. I can't justify speeding boats but a large boat doing 6mph with a 4mph current will be displacing a lot of water. I meet a lot of boaters and we are all the same really. Truth too it's along way down from the flybridge to see smaller boats
  4. There is a list here: http://www.broomowners.com/gallery/discontinued-models and the current model section too.. Sadly I notice the scorpio isn't listed.. bad luck Mark.. Bit of shame though I would have thought the more the merrier really..
  5. Wonder if Orca would be welcome... can I technically fly the BOC burgee from her??
  6. Looking good! Couple of things. We need a certain fender of course and some multicoloured lights and erm a Philippines flag.. and how on earth are we going to get the teak carpet.. do I need to send you a small sample over?!!?
  7. Thanks Grendal.. that's perfect ;) It used to be ok with embedding though :(
  8. All.. I didn't ask pauline to do this.. promise! Glad you like it Pauline, it was a pleasure working on Ocean Dawn.. The hiccup was only because I wanted to come back to Norfolk ;) We have made a few improvements to our manufactoring processes including a Quality check.. Couple of pics below from Ocean Dawn: <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fteakcarpetuk%2Fposts%2F1922350157837973&width=500" width="500" height="645" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> Thanks again Pauline :) Cheers
  9. Matt's = Carpets... why have cheap matts when you can have the best? Teak Carpet of course! Visit www.teak-carpet.co.uk for full details! Don't forget to mention NBN for a special discount.. P.s... Lidl do cheap door matts for 49p and they do meat balls too..we should do meat balls..
  10. We spotted this a few weeks back. A rename overnight it seemed.. But yup good luck to them.. We had exceptional service under moonfleet so I'm a bit tearful that moonfleet is now now more..
  11. There is nothing "fun" about high season on the broads. The broads are far far nicer out of season with the best time june or september.. perhaps lots of people are sharing the same idea and staying away.
  12. We do stainless work.. not local but have to say obviously! I've heard good things from Marine weld.. I remember there's another on the broads but can't remember where.
  13. Hey guys, was just up on the boat for the weekend.. Yeah it's for work. There aren't really other businesses near by like us. I traced the cables back and there is a box with a trench so they can run cables. Jonzo made some good companies and I'll talk to them tomorrow. Sadly as I say mobile just isn't suitable for a business when we have VOIP and other bits running, we could easily do 20gb a day.. But it is perfect for else where, i have a mifi unit for orca, I've got a phone line at home but if cruising then the phone will be good enough. Cheers, Alan
  14. We use Craftinsure.com and have done for many years, they are underwritten by Navigators and General (owned by zurich) who are one of the best and highly respected, They handled out £8k claim the other year with so much compassion and care, they was even willing to fight our corner all the way through the courts, despite the no fault claim our premiums did not go up. You can go direct with Nav and Gen but you get a good price and a the same service via craftinsure. Sadly I couldn't get them insure the broom as they don't cover "long stay aboard" and went with yachtmaster in woodbridge and yeah would rather be with nav and gen :(
  15. Cheers guys, problem with mobile is it's expensive and not really a long term solution for a business where we are using a serious amount of data. The mobile companies will quickly see us in breach of fair use policy. We also have the problem that the building we are in has problems receiving mobile signals so it really needs a cable connection... does seem a bit annoying that BT still have got their act together and cabled everyone in.
  16. The problem is we don't have fibre... seems like it's only leased line (SDSL) but wondering if theres a cheaper means like bonding.
  17. Hopefully someone can help advise. We have a really slow internet connection with downloads of 7mb but uploads of 700kbs but it's hardly getting that upload and it's causing a pain. I think the line is adsl+.. BT are saying there is nothing faster without getting a leased line (EFM?!) but it's like £300 a month with a 3 year contract and only 5mb each way.. Is there any other "thing" out there which will help.. Ideally I want VOIP with at least 3mb up ideally 10mb up.. I'm software world really so I'm a bit lost.. Appreciate anyone's help as always. Cheers Alan
  18. I've been in and out of shadow craft the last few weeks and I must say the finish on firefly is spot on and a very happy new owner is enjoying being aboard. A few other alpha boats are looking brilliant too.. So nice to see them being reborn! Top work Shadowcraft!
  19. Any reports of sunken boats yet then?? So pleased Orca is in a secure marina...
  20. Thank you sir for posting this! I remember this the first time we booked!! Amazing.. Anymore please share! Cheers
  21. Thanks Polly. We certainly can, we use the same products as Hawke House use. I'm just developing an online shop on par with our competitors. We can supply products or manufacture from start to finish. Take a look at the website: www.trimnet.co.uk.. Mention you are an NBN member for a discount too. Cheers
  22. I understand the rangers at yarmouth yacht station are actually MCA coastguards (also) therefore they have a hell of a lot of authority. Personally despite being me, if coastguard tell me not to do something... I'm not going to do it. Rangers are there not just to make our lifes difficult but to keep everything safe and deserve respect and support really. Also there is nothing intelligent about going out in thick fog even on a wide stretch like Breydon, Even with radar like everything in this world "you" maybe the most intelligent person alive but it's others you need to worry about (I.e those that think it's fine to bomb along on the plane in the fog with no such systems).. Better to be safe than sorry. (Poppy that picture is missing.. scrapping and applying new antifoul ;) )
  23. We stopped in this week for the first time. I did like the pub before Rick and Co took over, It had a country feel, you can really really see a load of work has happened here it's a changed pub, I think it's all for the best, The old sign outside looks very cool, clearly still lots to do and I can't wait to see it progresses... It's certainly an asset. We moored up the mill side and the mooring was all fixed so well done Ricks team.. A couple more mooring eyes but way better than before. We've moored here a few times and never had any issues with boats getting rammed, thankfully I've stopped seeing my srink too so I think I'm perfectly sane.. Most people go down the end and try to turn around.. Perhaps someone needs to put a sign up (argue between yourselves who that is) to advise people to turn on ropes even carefully at the end.. thus if you moor mid way you don't get damage... all honestly the day we moored up all hireboaters did well the only one that messed up was a privately owned broom (Not us).. Before I've always moored up the farm side, mainly because I'd rather give the farmer mooring money than the pub, certainly as they said most people leave without paying, we always go looking for them.. But it does depend on the wind as I prefer mooring where the wind holds us to the bank. In terms of pricing, I was confused that there was no signs advising to pay.. Rick.. Can I suggest you sort this asap.. it's always been a fee there, people expect to pay.. let them pay! Cost wise. As someone mentioned away from the broads, marinas charge from £25 a night up to whatever, I've paid here on the med £14 for a lunch stop (2 hours) and I had to wait like many others till a spot became available.. I think unlike many broads users, I have no problem with paying for moorings, I don't expect to moor my boat for free certainly in a place I want to moor. We mudweight alot and this keeps the prices low.. £10 a night sounds fair to me but I would suggest keeping it as it was for the first season, I can't remember if you used to get money back in the bar too, I know we didn't the farm side but I'm one which agree you have to pay to keep things, so whatever you do I'll pay. Can I make a small suggestion... The farms setup for taking money worked well (someone wanders around then there's an honesty box), talking with a couple of locals up there, a "Mooring assistant" apparently get a ton of abuse, akin to a parking officer...(Personally I'm annoyed to hear this and these type of people shouldn't be on the broads and boating).. so can I suggest you don't let your team get involved. However the farm deals with the mooring fees? They are pretty used to dealing with people and the problems that come with it. Obviously work out the costs between yourselves.. That's what I'd try to do first :) Good luck though.. Will be back shortly.
  24. ;) We can do cushions too, locality doesn't matter ;) give me a shout if needed Cheers
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