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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. What a nice way to remember Hank. Thoughts are with his family. With regards to griff's jokes... he said to my boss (who has a shaved head.. he says he done himself but I'm not sure)... You should go to donny and get a tattoo of two rabbits up there... then it will look like two hares....
  2. A quick comment on minimum charging.. most marinas in the real world have a minimum charge, ours here has a minimum of 40 foot. As I'm sure clive knows to build and maintain a marina isn't cheap certainly if it doesnt have visitor moorings as cash flow can be a nightmare. It has to be a bit of a selfish view... the berth on the open market has a value.. it's not the marinas problem if you have a small boat... certain marinas won't even allow you access if your boat is of a certain value so I think it's polite for marinas to even allow you to berth your small beside larger boats of larger value... sorry but boating, certainly outside the broads isn't always fair.. Smaller gaps I suspect can only be catered for if larger berths can't be accommodated and again business isn't fair why should the marina subsidise your smaller boat? I can't remember seeing horning marina but I think it's a typical premium grade marina and as such demands a premium price. Clearly there's certainly a market for such product on the northern broads.. for norfolk though I love the rustic marina's. Clive had I sent you a sample of our teak carpet product yet
  3. Will try hard to come along this year... Not sure if I told you JA.. but managed to get into the wet shed and my god I almost fainted.. be nice to see all that timber up close again
  4. Thank you to everyone that stopped by.. was nice to add more names to faces.. including some who didnt want to.. ;-) a really really positive show.. lots of people loved the product.. hopefully we didnt miss anyone as the stand was busy but if so please just contact me.. I certainly know we will.be back here and other local shows. Here was our stand... we have learnt was to improve though!
  5. It is the same idiot paul.. I believe the game character mentioned is based on the same. For whatever reason he has chosen a different name.. his chosen name explains his posting style.. I believe the forum is for all but those who come here to cause hiccups should be blocked but I have no say really.. thankfully!
  6. Gracie.. you will be surprised how much you can learn from google.. its amazing!.. so that and plenty of time can make even the stupid amongst us seem smart...
  7. No etiquette here.. ;-) ive not found the time to watch robins new series but looking forward to!
  8. Pali is back! Lovely to see you back! (Sorry cba to scroll back and work out how you spell your name today.. I know its different on every forum.). I must admit the only interaction ive had with the ba is with joel in the tolls and we've had good chats on the email. I called today (forgot about it!) Joel answered and all sorted in seconds. Hang in there rascal. Just chat if you need to matey..
  9. We are on.way up.. we have a couple of fitting jobs to do.. managers meeting over a pint of wherry tomorrow evening.. sunday morning off to the norfolk showground. If you are there please do head over to our stand. We are doing a few shows but using this as a tester/learning show so come by! we are also doing a competition for two free tickets for beaulieu boat jumble which is our next. We also have some small matts on the stand..
  10. I just watched the link Frank posted (mowjo).. Whats mentioned in that is really it. Boat covers can last for many many years (up to 10), like everything on boats they need annual maintenance. If you use correct products (and I know we all like a deal but cover fabric and threads are specialised and new covers aren't quick and easy to make so thus cost lots of money ). Most covers we repair at Trimnet are being repaired because they haven't been maintained, again they need annual washing with the right products. Whatever you do, DON'T pressure wash it unless you want it to only last a year... Don't use bleach again unless you want to kill it.. use the correct products. We (www.trimnet.co.uk - sales@trimnet.co.uk - 01634 244 844) can replace windows from £40 and restitch. We are busy so we would need to book this work in, but we can collect and we can courier back. But honestly save yourself lots of money by annual care with the right products. I'm sure these products are available from all good chandlers. Obviously (swap hats) another NBN sponsor, Brian Wards offer 10% discount when mentioning NBN. Embeded link as Frank posted:
  11. 140 staff?! where are they all.. what are they all doing? Certainly think this authority needs auditing sorry but the BA from where I am do sweet all...
  12. We are due up there anyway so I think for a couple of hours it's worth a shot, if best we just give out flyers and meet lots all friendly people it's all good.. So come and see us You can't miss our van lol!
  13. Premier houseboats is owned by a friend of mine.. boats with residential status do demand a premium... £45k is nothing really compared to boats on the thames which sell for inexcess of £1mil... But the advert is working as it's clearly grabbed attention and has people talking
  14. You don't want to open the stitch of the fabric up as thats where mould grows into and it then breaks up the protected survace (which is actually on the reverse).. So a soft brush is ok not a yard brush.. go gentle though.. if you need to put lots of effort into it then it's probably dead sadly.. certainly worth a try.
  15. Whatever you do DON'T pressure wash it.. It kills canopies quicker than you can believe! but many people say to do it.. It really is a case of washing up liquid only and a sponge, then allow to dry and then waterproof straight away. Nothing more.. (You should do this every year and they will live for years). Sadly if is has gone really mouldy then it's a case of a new cover and washing up liquid no longer works then it's a new cover.... like mine
  16. What robin said lol... although these DIY websites are only good for personal use.. if you are running a business then for various reasons they won't scale up and may damage online presence and growth, so it really is a case of you get what you pay for. There's a free and well known company/software called "wordpress", if you are able to use a word processing software like Microsoft Word you will find this easy to use. It's more aimed at blogging sites which I suspect is what you want although it has some powerful tools. Link to Wordpress: https://wordpress.com I threw a blog site together in about 4 seconds: http://www.teak-carpet.co.uk/blog/ it's very simple to setup and allows you to easily add content. There are also lots of web hosting companies who offer free webhosting.. although these are only good for small projects, you may find them helpful to get you started for free.. Here's one I've used before: https://www.freevirtualservers.com/free-hosting Have fun
  17. I finally watched it fully.. Here;s my feedback to hoseasons: Some good points raised. Like the way she was local, you hear a lot of local people not knowing the broads are there so thats good points. Nice to see you actually spending some money on advertisements on the broads. The camera cutting off and back in all the time did my head in.. please don't do that again. The shakyness of the camera angle again made me dizzy.. it's ok when walking but it looks like the boat is moving all over the place and it's not a smooth ride?! which could be misunderstood?! Not sure what your thinking was there?!! Agree the water issue was confusing but suspect you did that to show how easy it is but again could be misunderstood that you have to fill up every 2 hours!! Not sure why you only did it as a night?? Is it because the average young couple couldn't afford the 2.5k it would cost to hire that boat for a week?? Did you think fully about your demographics? Perhaps a long weekend would have been a better idea and some comments about how cheap it is compared to a city break. Couple of mistakes too which most of the world are trying to address.. Feeding swans bread for starters.. Driving a boat is not like driving a car, I get why you want a comparison but lots of newbies make that mistake.. There's no comparison.. driving a boat is like driving a boat. Keep them coming though.. but spend a bit more time and money on them... don't just use your staff members for a night though. I'm sure the forums like this will help if you need it
  18. Thanks Peter. I'm not sure of the norfolk shows but what I've seen locally here, boat jumbles are being used by established companies as a marketing option too.. Certainly when the main boat shows have lost their way and as stall space is cheap and it's only a couple of hours out the day. I think they do attract a variety of demographics as everyone loves to think they are getting a deal! Our product is also one which needs to be seen to be understood and considered so the more people we can see it the better. We have been giving out leaflets too and we've had contact from people where the flyers have been passed around so I think it's not as straight forward as targeted marketing.. But I understand your view there and it's something we've thought hard about but I think it maybe worth trying at least once. Plus as JA mentioned a weekend in norfolk on company expenses!
  19. Hi All, Has anyone been to the norfolk boat jumble recently? I see there's one coming up and I'm just wondering if it's worth my company exhibiting Any feedback welcome Alan
  20. Guess who's templates are on the cutting table this afternoon
  21. I think she got a bit lost on the way to the yard though...
  22. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    That sounds brilliant.. tasty.. local.. fresh.. The dukes head at somerleyton have it bang on if you ask me.. if we can have something like that but a mixture of the quirkyness of the your white horse would do really well there!.. ... Can you fix the wind on the moorings too please? a huge plastic windbreak will do it Good luck!
  23. As I mentioned poppy, I only use when I need to which certainly isn't when others are around.
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