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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Free set of 4 NBN beer mats for the winner who manages to get the NBN logo in the shot..
  2. As far as I understand these listings were listed about 18 months ago, before the auction etc. I believe Langford snr is reluctant to sell the land so he's probably asking top dollar and see what happens. I've no ideas what the boats are like but they was in need of lots of work last year so I dread to think what they are like now. Still a very sad end.. Personally I'd like to see the boats sold off and the land returned to a working yard/moorings etc
  3. Please don't encourage the BA... can you imagine the toll rises next year if they have to replace every sign... (and pay the most expensive tender to do it).
  4. Smellyloo.. you certainly wasn't banned. I think there was some hiccups with all the bits and bobs.. Everything should be ok now.. Welcome back and thanks for trying and coming back
  5. I suspect they go on a low loader, although there are bathtubs which frequently go from the Medway to the Thames which involves a short trip out via the north sea. I've heard of skippers which do the run in river cruisers from the Thames over to Ireland although they probably do pick good weather.. don't forget any boat go to sea in good weather ..
  6. Thanks again to you both. Hoping to be back out in the next couple of weeks
  7. Interesting reading.. I'm on the fence (assuming I understand correctly).. Smaller boats are charged less, big boats are charged more (Yes boats with bowsprits get it tough, but marinas charge at overall lenght so you guys are surely used to it?).. it's kinda encouraging smaller boats which in turn will give more moorings.. you get alot more fun in smaller boats too.. You really don't need a Broom 50 on the broads! I'm sorry to advise too boating isn't cheap, if we have or own boat, I'm sorry but we are loaded, I don't expect anyone to make our lives cheaper, it really a case of if you can't afford it then sadly you can't afford it. We do get a lot back for our tolls compared to other systems, yes it would be nice to get more value for money but it's the way of the world now. I also understand the basics of making figures balance.. if you take from one you have to balance elsewhere.... I'm sorry but I see that it see it makes sense to balance as has been done (Ok yup it's a bit extreme and valid points about the BA's costs etc).. I think it's also encouraging to see a reduction in the hireboat fleet tolls, the broads needs the hireboats to keep it affordable and stop it from going snobby like the thames! Everyone will soon be moaning when you have to pay £25 a night for a mooring in a crap marina! That's what it's like outside of the broads! Yes there's room to make it a bit fairer but a rise of £20 for Orca (and a £30 reduction for Jaws).. I'm really not bothered. (We do need bins though). The broads are still very very good value for money and the times we spend up there are amazing.. well worth it..
  8. Looks like a blight on the landscape.. How do I complain?
  9. I do always call these things "Upside down boats"... Looks good though Vaughan... "Bon Voyage!"
  10. Sorry Sue, I can't see anyway behind the scenes to fix this.. I guess it's all connected to the posting.. Perhaps Jonzo can confirm.
  11. Thanks Chaps.. Spot on there Robin.. it really allows us to visit the places we avoid during the season.. I can't explain how much I enjoyed our stay in Wroxham. Obviously we normally stay rural so be in what to us feels like a town was pretty cool! Will certainly look to repeat again sometime soon.. the broads are amazing all year round!
  12. Steve.. Don't give away my secret...parts of this blog are dramatised for effect (you could have got her out on your though.. you did wimp out a little bit though lol ).. Thanks Jean.. it really was a very nice weekend, looking forward to more trips! Monday 7th November It's always nice to wake up in Norfolk on a monday morning! It was a cold one but again Orca's heating and insulation keeps her toasty inside and I slept well again despite the strong winds and creaking lines but we are well used to that. My planning went a bit out today, considering we had to head home but it was a good long trip back up to stalham! Whoops, but with empty Rivers it wouldn't be too hard. We was up early too so at 8.30 we started the engine and headed off. Not being into Wroxham for some time it all looks new so it was nice to see. The Rivers again were just quiet and glass clear about from the leaves on the surface. It was a cold one and I was all wrapped up including my new NBN hat Horning was soon upon us.. still not another boat in sight, we really had the broads to ourselves. The winds were still strong though and it was a bit hard to keep Orca going in a straight line but all part of the fun! Under ludham bridge a bridge craft hire boat waved back. I wanted to stop and have a breakfast but the wind didn't allow and after a few attempts in either direction I just couldn't safely come along side so I gave up! The winds at How hill where a bit more sheltered so she came alongside with no problems. Dave threw some bacon on the grill and a bacon sandwich was ready in moments whilst I enjoyed the quietness of how hill! Back on the river as time was getting on and Dave wanted to get home. A peaceful run further up the Ant, Irstead looked as pretty as always. Barton had a little bit of chop but nothing challenging for Orca's deep Vee hull. Sadly the marina entrance was quickly upon us, thankfully the winds weren't an issue and Orca was all tied up and packed away. Until next time!
  13. Sunday 6th November I slept really well, Orca's soo warm compared to the other boat (we did spend time and money making her such though). We had arranged for Jonzo to stop by and grab the other mudweight I again sold on facebay. I had to drag myself up though and Jonzo's appeared.. Nice few moments catching up although we chat alot on the puters still nice to chat! We dragged Orca forward to save Jonzo's energy making it less of a walk. We span Orca on ropes and departed to.. It was certainly a cold morning though and I was all dressed up for winter (including gloves ) . We'd notice our batteries where a bit low so we really needed to have a long run.. I wanted to have a night in Wroxham as we avoided it during the summer so perfect excuse! This is really our first autumn up here, both in terms of having the boat and being up north as we have always been south so it felt so weird but so explainably nice! It really felt like our broads and our rivers.. empty and so peaceful and relaxing! I helmed pretty much all the way into Horning. Horning again was somewhere we avoided during the summer but we spotted a spot on the staithe so moored up quickly and off for a quick stroll.. Nice to catch up with horning but it looks and feels better during the summer so off we went again. No boats in sight and clear blue sky, mirror glass rivers and the odd blue flash of a passing kingfisher.. soo relaxing! The hotel moorings where thankfully empty and no "Reserved signs" visible, I ran into the pub and got the OK to stay there yay! Engine off Orca all tied up I wanted to do a bit of shopping! I'm not quite a fan of Wroxham as it's far too busy but again it feels different and certainly more manageable out of manic season.. So yup walk around the boat sales all the roys shops.. socks brought (I forgot to bring ) dustpan and brush, a towel sorted. Back to the hotel and I spotted a band playing, I do like live music so grabbed some drinks and a seat with a viewed. It quickly became clear it was an open mike so lots of variety and really enjoyable.. really cool change! if anyone's interested 1st sunday of every month.. as if by music the band finished at 7pm perfect time for a curry, we've not been in for some time but a lovely curry (Star of india).. highly recommended. Back to the boat and again Norfolk had done it's magic and we was both exhausted so another early one.
  14. "Autumn weekend!" 5th November 2016! We had been planning on coming up for a couple of weekends but life as always got in the way. I'd been chatting to Steve on LadyP and they was thinking of moving the boat about so we arranged to met up and have a little cruise about. Dave took a day off work too so it meant for a nice long weekend.. We arrived into rainy Norfolk just after lunch and went straight to wayford marina to help Steve drive the boat... Yup his helming is just soo bad it needed the expert skipper in me to help It was a bit tight but no worries really (I'll teach you to drive one day Steve). Anyways sadly it was apparent that LadyP didn't want to out for a spin and was playing games so we put her back onto the berth and let Steve have a bit of a think whilst we went shopping! (And drop off a mudweight we had sold via facebay).. Steve called and we arranged to head over to the wayford bridge pub for some light refreshments and a late lunch. Lunch was really nice, good service and we sat in the restaurant area which had a nice view of the river. We only found this pub last year really and I do like it (Be much nicer when the bathroom tiles are banished though ). Sadly Steve and debs decided to call it a day and head home but we was still on for heading out.. (Assuming Orca plays ball!). Arriving into the marina we walked over to Orca but we decided to bring her closer to the car and load her up (It's a bit muddy so didn't want to walk back and forth) She started fine and we was quickly off. It was quickly apparent that we had the whole of the broads to ourselves.. The rivers just looked amazing, golden leaves chilled back wildlife and a lovely early sunset. We have installed some temporary spot lights as we really then don't need to worry about it getting dark. We did spot a couple of boats coming up from Barton including a couple of herbert woods boats so you can still hire this time of the year (and what a time to do so!). We was hoping to head towards Ranworth but as we approached Irstead I said to Dave we should stop and plug the spot lights in so they can be used. It quickly got dark so we decided Ranworth was a bit too far so headed upto Neatishead instead. Barton really looked cool in the dark and another boat coming across with Navlights on was unusual to see here (as it's normally only us idiots at night!). The spot lights were needed heading into Neatishead as I couldn't see a thing without them. We struggled to decided where to moor at neatishead as it was completely empty! but I put her right down the end. Off to the pub, nice to be a bit closer and not have the longer walk from gayes but it was cold and raining so it was welcomed! The pub looked cool and welcoming all lit up. We grabbed the usual and just ordered a couple of bowls of chips. Back on the boat and Norfolk was already doing it's magic and I was straight to bed and asleep.
  15. Hello and from me too! a 15kg parking brake should be enough for what you need. Give us a wave if you see us
  16. There's a link on Carol's website to donate. I don't think you can link directly to paypal like this.. however if you wish to donate, just scroll down the page and you will see the link. http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/
  17. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    I've not been into Surlingham, personally I think the Dukes head at Somerleyton has it right (ok it's a bit too gastropub) the menu is local and a polite mix of pub classics and a'la carte the rustic charm is there too.. It's not too expensive.. my perfect pub.. massive shame we are so far away and never get down there now. Last I heard (Not sure where) about the Lion was that the daughter and son has taken it over then I heard it's being turned into something which isn't a pub (nursing home or something) and the Yacht club will use the moorings for private yacht moorings.. Personally I'm hoping it stays as a pub and having heard about Sid now I think it will be good for the broads to have a new lease of life.
  18. ahh you landlubbers Tis not cold lol... We just got back from a brilliant weekend on the broads.. (apparently it was cold?!)..( Gracie I've got a ton of pics and I'll do a tale promise).. but it was amazing! Ok so we obviously live aboard, a liveaboard boat is slightly different, you do stuff to it to make it nicer, including using double glazing film etc etc etc...Our one at the moment hasn't been modified and does leak heat like a sieve but she will have lovely wet heating soon (Tomorrow hopefully) which will keep the boat lovely and warm.. can't wait! Orca this weekend was toasty! her heating is amazing and she was warm in seconds I want to stay on her really.. The main tip I offer really is to dress for it.. I live in jumpers in the winter and although it may sound simple when you are in bed still dress for it.. have a good thick duvet and throws over the top.. also don't skimp on the heating, if it's cold have the heaters on, it will cost but you do need to be warm, Oil filled radiators are good, they don't use too much juice, they get warm and stay warm, they are safe to use in confirmed spaces too so use these instead of open flame heaters.. But yes dress for it, use layers, I do invest in marine clothing and it is worth it as it's designed for it.. a decent boating jacket is a must. I really feel the cold but I'm rarely cold... we will be out all winter so happy to offer more suggestions and will be doing pics to erm rub salt into the wounds!
  19. Yeah not sure autonomy's will do that... although a barge beside us here.. sometimes they start up and put it in gear and you see the huge marina steel pylons bend.. so much power
  20. I second what Andy says.. I couldn't rely on tube heaters.. Marina powers do drop out.. We winterise our boats each time we leave them in the winter.. We do use the boats throughout the winter though so it helps keep mould etc down.. I don't think you really can leave a boat for 6 months and expect it to be perfect in the spring. Learn how to winterise the water systems each time and use her
  21. Griff... lovely words... (disappointed someone has taken it the wrong way though.. I can't be bother to comment on that any further). Where is the Rascal you clearly have made him blush at least! I echo your comments.. He does an excellent job for promoting the broads and his specials such as the ones you've posted are just brilliant.. MBE for broads promotion me thinks!
  22. Andy, I think you've explained really well about no nav lights.. non-comformity.. thus insurance cover vold. So thanks for that.. Your other points are interesting though, certainly in respect to my point that I personally would like to see hireboats equipped for experienced helms... So your freedom pod has this.. does that mean you and the mighty BA permit after dark cruising? I thought there are bylaws that clearly state "No hireboat must navigate after dark" (Again it maybe as you suggest above) so could the BA still cause an issue? Why did you also put lights on this boat (It's a new build I think isn't it?)... Interesting to see you moving towards equipping boats though and I am interested to hear your comment... Also what were the hires persecuted under? the bylaw or the terms of the hire agreement???
  23. It's ok steve.. 2 weeks today we will be in a pub and I'll make sure you eat something
  24. 2 tickets for £10 QUOTE CODE: CML10Offer ends midnight 31 October 2016 It's probably a waste of £10.. but must admit I am tempted considering I really enjoyed Southampton.. but it's a very different show.
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