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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. I wasn't quite on the broads then But they are letting the place slip.. how hard is it to negotiate keeping things.. they seem to work hard to keep members silenced but don't seem to be doing their job that well... I do always say there are lots of really good facilities on the broads for our toll money but if they start slipping it's going become questionable.
  2. Do the BA actually do anything useful? Seems like in the last year or so there's not much positiveness out of them..
  3. I didn't know the tea rooms did cooked food, last time we was in there they didn't so that's really good to know.. been in a few times and sandwiches have been good and well worth the money.. Looking forward to fish and chips in potter now Spot on.!
  4. Hi Eric.. This is always a tough one! You don't get much change from £10k for a broads boat with a shower, ready to go with little work for sometime and large enough to be comfortable on for a weeks holiday. Yes there's deals to be had but they will need work. Orca costs us £2.5k a year before maintenance (and probably another £1k for that... it helps if you can do work yourself though, otherwise it's way more expensive). We only use Orca about 3 weeks a year but pretty much every other weekend. You really need to be dedicated to boating to get monies worth out of having a boat. You have to live and breath boating.. you really can't have any other holidays.. it can be like gym membership.. You have to use it.. sometimes you don't want to, but when you go it's amazing! it's also near to imposible to sell if you don't like it!! But yup it can be a nightmare! But boating is nothing about "Monies worth" it's a lifestyle and there are many many uncalcuable reasons to be boating as we all know.. Owning your own boat is just magical.. i.e, if the weathers good.. "right up on the boat", being able to navigate after dark opens a hole new world... you aren't limited by anything and navigating after or near dark is amazing certainly on the broads. (Personally I think its a big shame some people may never experience it. The rivers are really amazing and at their best out of season and in the evenings). When we was without a (toy) boat (in norfolk) we had a 2 second discussion.. "Do we really want our own boat?", "Yes". "OK".. but that thought did pass through my mind for a moment. I wouldn't worry about how much time they can use it.. it just makes it more expensive if they don't get much use (but they may find they will spend more weekends than they thoughts which makes it work a bit better). But it can't be only based on Money, if it is then I suggest they go down the syndicate to start or continue hiring until funds/time permit. Also if they aren't handy then I suggest owning a boat is not wise. If they do do it, I suggest they get a boat with a shower and large enough as the worse thing is having a boat which is too small/cramped not with the best facilities as they will probably be disappointed and use less. Very good points about getting a broads boat which will go under the bridges, although a boat capable of going to sea will broaden horizons but if all they want is the Broads then certainly a Broads boat.. (again though they need to consider that they will be using out of season so a boat with a hardtop is wise too). Get them to Join the forum!!
  5. Brilliant news. Reedham is back on my list to stop.. hopefully stop off in a couple of weeks!
  6. I must admit each event we have been too.. people have been so drunk enjoying themselves they hardly talk any sense either.. I'm sure I've seen some talking to the dogs as the probably do make more sense.. Dave perhaps go to the next one but get there early so you have a hope in hell in getting some decent convo going...
  7. It may be worth calling Morgans Timber here on the Med (http://www.morgantimber.co.uk/) they are a huge importer and although their website doesn't mention they do have lots of exotic woods in stock.
  8. oh Doug that's not good.. fingers crossed you get her fixed soon.. Hope it's done to your standard too.. looks like a lot of work if to be done properly too
  9. The blue fender award (the 99p badge) can proudly be sponsored by the NBN...
  10. We've been woken by our CO alarm before at home. Everyone should have one and another next to the berth... Even If I was hiring I'd take one.. best investment ever.. Please if you've not got one order it today and check yours works (I just tested ours here). And for goodness sake.. BSC sort it out..
  11. Ouch! Yeah I'm sticking to 6kts for a gallon an hour!! Be able to see the world more than once then and get a nice sun tan!!
  12. I don't think we have the boat to do a flying over the waves picture like that. This broom is a slow heavy old girl that needs an easy (but active) retirement. I also can't get out my berth if it's too windy! But I'm sure we have some rough old days so I'm sure I'll get some pics one day... It's a really good picture though.. Probably pretty unusual for a Broads resident boat to have a run like that so top marks! (How much was your fuel bill? We've done 20 hours for about £100 so far!! Slowly slowly see! )
  13. Brilliant Pictures Mark! That certainly looks like a lot of fun! Not quite sure I would (and can) do that in Autonomy. Brilliant though.. nice to see some pics and good to see you getting a lot of fun out the boat!!!
  14. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    +1.. I didn't quite know the past but it would be brilliant to see another pub like the White Horse here. So should it come back on the market please try again!
  15. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    I quite like the originality of this pub (have found the pub to be typical pub food too which ain't all bad).. Service has always been friendly. I hope it remains though and doesn't change too much only obviously for the better.
  16. Poppy can you go here http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/discover/8/ and screenshot and attach your screen too this may help too.
  17. What happens to lakes if motor boats don't use lakes/Broads?? Don't they silt up and dry up?? Sounds to me hickling is in trouble and needs rescuing!!.. I think it's time to liberate above the bridge.. Let's knock it down and remove all speed limits on hickling, that will soon scare off the wildlife, kill the reeds and dredge the broad...
  18. I've said before... perhaps they just wanted a nice peaceful mooring?! Salty sailors do it alot. It's on my list to overnight on the mud there... Can you imagine the atmosphere.. you will get surrounded by oyster catchers and other wading birds but not another human in sight... Big skies so lovely sunrises and sunsets! A night on the mud is seriously the most peaceful mooring ever.. Bliss!
  19. Personally I believe every boat should be fitted with GPS certainly now the prices have come down (£60 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/142047015541?lpid=122&chn=ps&adgroupid=13585920426&rlsatarget=pla-142413568866&adtype=pla&poi=&googleloc=1006565&device=c&campaignid=207297426&crdt=0) . That would remove all arguments and give the Rangers a hand.
  20. I doubt they would have caused any damage. Broom's should be fine unless it affects handback. B.A (should have) would have just shouted over asking if all is well. There's little need for any intervention really unless they try walking off the boat so yup they would have just have to sit and wait until the tide anything upto 12 hours (or 24 as they shouldn't motor after dark).
  21. Nice soft mud perfect place to learn.. People have to learn one way.. they now know they wasn't meant to go that side.. lesson learnt...
  22. Solid oak flooring (as you get in B&Q) works well inside (Just leave a fair gap on the edges to allow for swelling). But I'd go for a short pile carpet if you don't want wood flooring, one short enough that you can sweep with a brush. Take a look at lining carpet (Martrim are good.. http://www.martrim.co.uk/catalogue/flat-lining-carpet.html)
  23. You probably want to call them and check on that as I suspect this is what the rangers are using. The chaps in tolls are always really friendly and helpful though.. I always have a bit of a laugh with them!
  24. Paid .. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/annual-toll/annual-toll-check?reg_query=234y Not paid http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/annual-toll/annual-toll-check?reg_query=807H Jaws not paid either (Bad Jaws) http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/annual-toll/annual-toll-check?reg_query=801x
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