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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Yeah what happened with that wasn't we waiting to hear back or something??
  2. I watched it.. but only because I really enjoy those car crash shows.. I'd say it was an improvement on last weeks show. I'd probably keep watching it but it's really not working and I'm sure it will be pulled.. What's the deal with Amazon then.. do I need to subscribe to amazon prime? Is the app installed on the Playstation 4 already like netflix?
  3. "NBN Meet" 14th/15th May Erm, I don't remember I had a few too many...
  4. My ears are feeling hot?! I have you know I'm a brilliant helmsman.. I have nothing whatsoever to confess too... Although you may want to look at my "Adventures" series for some details lol!
  5. Oh geez.. why did we move the boat up there.. that looks like a nightmare considering Orca doesn't sit still...
  6. Halyards, topping lifts, daggerboards, all that We used to have one of those sailing things.. We tried to design a way to bring back the halyards but it was hard work so we gave up (thankfully we have really wide decks so we didn't really need to).. but it is certainly worth doing. The main obvious thing to worry about is getting the bit of string passed without catching anywhere.. which is easier said than done.. Our boat had a alloy mast and the string came out half way up so it would have been really hard.. most alloy masts like this need the lines out the foot.. Although I guess your boat the line comes down the mast.. So it should work just to use either a cheek block or a simple block mounted to the tabernacle or cabin top. Then using eye blocks made out of timber to run the lines neatly back.. (I think this is just what hunters have although I've not been nosy in a long time)... Don't forget you may also need to replace your bits of string with longer ones as the existing ones probably wont reach and you may need to move your winches/cleats etc... If I was you I'd have a good nosy around other boats and see how they do it.. Toplicht in germany would do all the (timber) bits . (http://www.toplicht.de/en/index/) (although ebay and jumbles is probably a better start)... Be careful with toplicht though.. it may seriously damage your health and you bank account!!! (But some very very lovely stuff in there ).
  7. Ironically that pub has 5 stars.. https://www.scoresonthedoors.org.uk/business/railway-hotel--413256.html Edit: Keiths post is a few years old now so improvements must have been made
  8. Sounds good to me.. It's about an hour from Burgh castle.. obviously less if they floor it. Going north we aim for 30 mins after slack, (about 20 mins after slack they will get the incoming tide under breydon bridge but it's for that short distance and it's worth it as there is less current coming down the bure.. We normally moor up at the YS for another 20 mins (Put a couple of quid in the charity pot) then carry on when the tides turned.. no point in burning dinosaur bones for nothing. Coming south, about 20 mins after slack is good as they will then get the tide all the way.. Just tell them to watch the clock carefully and just reduce to idle either way if too early. Bridge heights for these times shouldn't be a concern at all unless it's a flybridge and or a stormy week.
  9. Pops no more thai for you then https://www.scoresonthedoors.org.uk/business/thai-on-the-river--1023725.html Seems like many popular places are struggling for whatever reasons.. Sadly doesn't seem there's much we can do.. A few of my favourites up there seem to be struggling.. but all honestly I've never been sick from them so will probably still go there.
  10. It's looking like a warm weekend coming up.. 23dc light winds in lowestoft.. http://www.theweatheroutlook.com/forecast/uk/Lowestoft
  11. Jabsco 2.9 on ours. Seems to cope well with a shower, taps and washing machine all pretty much at the same time. At £65 when it breaks at least it isn't painful to replace.
  12. Surely 5 means "Pass".. Other numbers mean "Fail" but just how badly!
  13. No but it's one of the best places to drop the mudweight in the middle of summer watching the sun go down over the church.. I'm no fan of that pub but they certainly benefit from the popular spot.
  14. Location, Location, Location
  15. It was dreadful! I think the original did over step slightly and they needed winding back in a bit. Although yup this is dreadful and the should have reformatted at least. I certainly can't watch that ginger .... Looking forward to the trio on amazon soon.
  16. Definitely post away from me! I'm hoping to get up the Thames some point. Pictures, Videos etc would be icing on the cake (I believe we have a other waterways you want to put into there (http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/56-tales-from-other-waterways/) Have fun.. Just watch out for all those bloody londoners
  17. Certainly a good reason for staycations and visit the broads! I'm sure they will give up once it starts affecting them personally. Good luck to yourself Vaughan and others caught up out there, fingers crossed it's over soon.
  18. Better still.. Just get a steel or plastic one
  19. Norfolk was largely unaffected by the industrial revolution. Lol...
  20. Poppy if it helps I find Alan partridge the most irritating thing... Although saying that Jonzo loves it (and the accent does sound like the west country)... "Norr folk"...
  21. Neil.. Set up an account. It's just less hassle. We may see you up there that week.. We will stay north though
  22. Enjoy Mickey. Thankfully I'm not one who books a year in advance. I think we are going up next weekend.. Had a bit of a thought about going up this weekend but we was up a couple of weeks ago and I don't like when it's too manic.. We are up a week before you so will sadly miss you.. end of June is perfect though. Have a good time. Feel free to tell us all about it after you get back including the 1st timers thoughts of breydon.. Pics and videos if pos
  23. What's your plan's mickey? Share away it will make the time go quicker
  24. I have no idea how I make it to work every day actually.. Lol it was too quiet on the southern broads.. thought it would be fun at stalham.. Yup not the best move but you have to learn somewhere Grace I've played with my phone on the ant only a couple of weeks ago and the wind blew us into the bank!! Not funny... the depth alarm didn't even wake me.. (Although it was only a seconds).. I'm fine just make sure you have all your fenders if we are anywhere near you I'm getting the hang of it now.. If it's too windy I've worked out we go best backwards!
  25. Like grace, I've been boating for erm 15 years (ouch that long).. Our first trip out, I almost t-boned the reedham ferry, moored with the current at reedham, jumped off holding only the bow line (thanks again to the chap.. didn't catch your name , who saved the day and tied it up), then crashed into most moorings (before I learnt what reverse is..not that helps all the time).. turned at great yarmouth with the tide behind us and side swiped most boats (This was 15 years ago).. next left the lines too tight at oulton so had to cut them or miss handover day.. oh fell asleep at the helm and kinda went into the bank.. (more than once ..).. subsequent years, erm smashed a few windows, hit st olaves bridge (just gently - shouldn't have stopped at the pub)... Mistakes happen even to absolute experts like me and Grace... (P.s if my insurance company reads this.. some events may be fictional and dramatised).
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