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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Grace? do you...erm... get it?? please
  2. "Weekend Away" Friday 22nd July We was aiming on coming up last weekend but I've not been well so couldn't manage it. Dave booked friday off work though to allow us to have a needed 3 day weekend. I spotted it was the NBN summer meet down south but that was too far us being all the way north.. plus we wanted to use the car have a drive about. We wanted to stop into Tom at JPC to sort out the heating for the houseboat, as usual the crossing barrier was closed, after a long drive I fancied a walk so got out and went for a walk.. Brundall brings back a ton of memories as this was always our starting point. I walked over the footbridge just as the train came in.. I'm not one that does public transport these days but enjoyed getting bloody close to this huge machine. Dave collected me in the pub carpark, no sign of Tom. Off to Orca then. We arrived into Stalham at about 2pm, first stop off was the butchers, we decided on a BBQ for tonight as the weather was spot on and this butcher is amazing (So wish we had this at home), kebabs and steakburgers ordered (No sausage rolls left though), next sadly tescos but just for some drinks and random rubbish food. Orca was all good, sadly her mooring had sunken and David in the marina advised that we would have to be moved soon as so they can fix it. Unpacked, engine started no probs. Out the marina all good onto the main river.. Yup it was busy, we soon had a convoy of richos' boats, a couple clearly not understanding the speed limits and it's always a worry if they would try to overtake as we don't speed but thankfully they eased back and enjoyed the river. As we crossed a calm barton broad I counted 12 richardson boats behind us! I've fallen for gayes staithe, it's a very pretty spot and a good pub and a nice walk but with so many boats about we didn't expect to get in. To our surprise though it was pretty much empty, I managed to spin Orca around and moor stern on. Right walkies time. Off to the boardwalk, it's really is a nice walk, just long enough. The end of the walk have a viewing platform overlooking the broad, each time we've been here before it's been busy but this time we was the only ones so enjoyed the view for a bit and watched the fish which were on the surface feeding. On the walk back we heard some rustling in the feilds, I managed to get a sight of a deer jumping away from us through the maze.. (Dave always misses these close encounters as he's rushing off) but a bit further up we heard it again, he was a bit in front and scared a deer which jumped out right infront of me just missing me.. poor thing.. Another was hiding just behind but run the otherway.. We don't have deers at home and certainly not from our time living in London so it's cool to see. Off to the pub now, spotted Orca had no one beside her, the pub wasn't too busy but it was a quick Shandy for me and an aspall for Dave, Back for BBQ time. We spotted two classic freeman cruisers beside us (we like these boats and wanted one.. well I think Dave still wants one but tough!). People didn't quite want to talk though and I wasn't in the talkative mood for once. But BBQ on food all yummy and an early night considering we was getting bitten and the mozzies seemed to be attracted to the insect repellent! Saturday 23rd July Perfect blue skies as the usual at the moment. A couple of the boats have already left but don't really blame them. The plan for today was to head back to the marina and jump in the car. Finally I was in the mood to talk to people (it really is unlike me), both nice chaps though, one has removed the pesky watermota petrol with a nice nanni install, turning the gearbox on it's side to allow for the offset very smart, Dave was well impressed.. One day we will get a Freeman.. maybe. Anyways off we went, I wasn't in too much of a rush so headed upto neatishead for a nosy, I love this stretch very Norfolk! Thankfully no other boats there and back as I could see the bottom and it's not very deep now. Next I thought it's about we saw our friends up near wayford, we popped in a few weeks back no sign of them. This time thankfully they was in so all moored up we had a good chat, all is well, Mary has recovered from 2 hip replacements and a quadruple bypass but she's doing really well. We chatted for hours always but it was still early afternoon plenty of time. Of we went promising it won't be another year before seeing them again. Moored back on our berth only stalling twice as we mowed through the lillies. The car was backing hot, I like black cars but it's not a good idea with this heat! Dave was talking about hunstanton but Norwich looked doable. So off we went.. Norwich is a cool city, I really could work here I think, I wanted to go to the cathedral but probably not enough time. We did a spot of shopping. A computer game for me and some mustard for both boats Had a slow walk back alongside the river heading back to the car eventually. I fancied Chinese so we headed to the restaurant in Lowie. Lowie these days doesn't feel the safest of places and the restaurant seems to be in the worse area but it's nice and we found car parking close by. Yummy as always and stuffed. We jumped in the car and headed over to Oulton as it was NBN summer meet today so thought to quickly pop over and say hello. Sadly no sign of life on any of the boats I'm guessing you was all enjoying your Indian! Back to the boat, although our marina is lovely I don't like staying overnight when there's plenty of moorings close by. So engine and Navlights on, Dave had been driving my car all day so hadn't drunk so I thought best to get him to a pub. Sutton it would be. Surprisingly all the moorings were taken, I felt a bit disappointed but I couldn't even be cheeky and moor unconventionally (Someone had even stern moored to the broadside end)... I could have rafted up against some at the end for an hour but no signs of life to ask permission.. So Dave said he's got beers aboard so we went and moored on the broad. Time was getting on so it as DVD.. (Pirates of the Caribbean). Sunday 24th July Dave was up early, I had took a bit more encouragement but once awake he moaned about speeding boats but said he'd caught a few fish. He cooked a bacon sandwich whilst I woke up eventually engine on though and we made our way back to the yard and loaded the car, Dave wanted to go up to horsey so off we went. The car park was packed but we got a spot, the beach was full of people but the seals were right close to the beach keeping a close eye one everyone. Unusually for me I was wearing shorts so went for a kinda paddle before sitting in the wash enjoying the beach and the sun. I don't quite get why people go abroad when we have perfect beaches and weather here, plus all the extras of boats and the broads!
  3. Just for anyone reading.. there is no need to call before booking if you are a same sex couple, there are laws there which makes it illegal to refuse accommodation to same sex couples so therefore there is no need to call ahead. All yards obviously see every different type of visitor day in day out so you will receive no discrimination.. The broads and lovely and everyone's very cool! (Probably if you are 2 couples sharing then you may want to call them "tell them" but I believe the same laws apply).
  4. Lol.. I hope you managed to save some of the fruit pastilles It was blowing quite a bit down here so I bet it was a bit rough on the coast.. Big shame it didn't quite go to plan but I enjoyed watching Robin Live.. Pretty special trip.. All crossed for tomorrow.. Try to grab some pics! Have fun
  5. Mark... I heard on the grape vine that you poked your head around the breakwater and ran back in.. is that right?? I've had this broom out in gust of 30kts (averages 20kts).. (Although it wasn't that bad when we went out and there wasn't any swell that I could see from up top (although the lower screen got a wash apparently).. glad we have full thrusters though... phrew (No I didn't hit anything).. Come on.. videos.. what was it like what was it like.. what was it like?? .. I'll get Gracie onto you if you don't tell us.. (Enjoy chaps.. hope you all get out tomorrow for a little run).
  6. Glad she's all sorted.. Seems like you gave her a nice long run. So a good test which she passed with flying colours! Now get out and use her!! Or else
  7. from me. My advise would be.. Don't rush and don't plan anything just trundle along and explore all the rivers you are on, there's plenty to see and do but the Broads and boating is all about relaxing so make sure you do that. Have a brilliant time, let us all know how you got on and share you holiday tale we would all love to hear it
  8. Do I get the 100th post prize?? Did you get any pics of Farnborough John?? Was hoping to go but I think we are going to Norfolk instead...
  9. Halfords own brand are Yuasa and it's what we have always used in our cars and boats, they come with a very generous warranty too. If you can get a halfords trade card you can't beat the price.
  10. from me .. another from medway. The broads are very lovely although the rivers local to us can be pretty stunning too.. Worth trying to get out if you can
  11. Here's mine.. Orca last year I think it was Oulton Dyke. We mudweighted on the broad if I remember correctly.
  12. All aboard taxi's.. Family business (and a member on the forum here).. Brilliant service.. Nice and local. Personally highly recommended from me without any doubt... http://www.allabroadprivatehire.co.uk/
  13. Good it's getting raised.. (taken time though).. fingers crossed we start seeing some progress.
  14. HI Alan, You are clearly demonstrating here how much work goes into keeping a boat maintained, but you need some down time... lets see at least one day of no work.. or else Have a lovely trip fingers crossed the weather stays nice for you both.
  15. Full throttle through it yes...
  16. Always demand for resi.. all honestly doubt my folks would do it sadly
  17. Short answer no Fishing was crap I think I caught 1 fish all week.. We would starve if we had to fish to survive!
  18. Perfect big boat moorings though.. bit of resi on the side .. resi's don't need facilities.. yeah there's better places to moor but it has good sea access there.
  19. Vaughan, I believe the hire boat fed finance a tug boat provided by Maffetts (or used to a few years back). I guess though with the new health and safety regime boats stuck at breydon are deemed a safety concern so the lifeboat is sent as a precaution.. not quite sure why they just don't get told to sit there for 12 hours like the rest of the world though. Interesting topic though.. my view is certainly the Broads needs boats (and hireboaters) otherwise at best, it's going to be a very very expensive playground with limited facilities. (P.s mummy and daddy.. can you buy a boat yard for £150k thanks... http://www.rightmove.co.uk/commercial-property-for-sale/property-60239894.html)
  20. I think best to conclude the hearsay on this thread. Although it's unacceptable for people to overstay on 24 hour moorings, I'm sure everyone is well aware and are managing the situation. Local authorities are hardly helping themselves by their reluctance to provide residential berths (well out the way of normal cruising grounds). If you spot suspicious activity etc I'm sure a call to the authorities is the best course. If you see a livaboard feel free to talk to them.. most I find are quite normal (yeah some are a bit strange even by my standards (and I'm weird)) and most just want a peaceful life like you and I..
  21. Glad you enjoyed Jean I like your theory on Sutton that makes perfect sense.. nice to know too that we can get moornigs up at sutton (and I guess possibly wayford) on a saturday
  22. A flying boat.. there's an idea
  23. Saturday 25th June First thing I got a call from our friends (Nick and Jackie) saying they was on their way ETA 11am. So whilst waited we did a spot of fishing and admired our mooring for a bit! At about 10.30am we motored over to the staithe. We found a spot right on the green so it was easy to spot our friends. I heard nothing from our friends so texted them telling them not to miss the turning.. when they eventually arrived at 11.30am they missed the turning. They haven't seen Orca before, only Jackie had been on racing dinghies before so the broads was all new. They seemed impressed and they jumped on. I span Orca around and of we went. Once onto Sutton broad I gave them the helm to my surprise Nick shyed away but Jackie jumped forward.. she did well until things got a bit narrow and took over until we hit barton broad. Nick then jumpted on and got the hang of things.. Orca is very light and needs lots of input so it's not an easy boat to helm. He got confused and I had to reverse out of the tree line and take over until we came to the end of the ant. I wasn't sure how to far to go but they seemed happy and said they had the whole day..even the weekend if they can find a hotel. So decided to head towards thurne, that should give us all day on the boat and give a good taster of the broads. Everyone had a good turn at the helm. Just at thurne mouth we was all treated to a yacht race. Orca did her stalling trick just when I didn't need it so I messed up a manoeuvre but recovered quickly just before a yacht bore down on us .. Thankfully my hayfever/cold was being nice and it was a slightly cooler day but lots of sunshine. We arrived into thurne about 2pm and easily found a mooring spot. A nice long lunch at the pub here with a good few rounds of drinks (soft drinks for poor me though). A nice chat (Only a bit of a politics too) and eventually back to the boat. As expected we had a bit of trouble getting out, we turned on the ropes but struggled to come unglued from the bank and just didn't have the width to do anything fancy but eventually we got out. Once again time was getting on and most boats were moored for the evening so it a was nice peaceful cruise back. Strangely though as we approached ludham bridge a fleet of what must of been 10 Richardson boats came through all at once. Orca thankfully just sat still in water (no idea why.. she normally goes and tries to meet the boats here..) we eventually went through when all clear. Nick got the courage up and took the helm on the narrow winding section here and truly mastered the helm. He was listening carefully to me and clearly took it all in and mentioned about feeling the biting point, I was able to relax for a bit and really leave him to it which is always nice. At barton I wanted to show them neatished as in my view this is one of the best parts of the broads. I took the helm and I think at this point they caught the bug and fell for the broads...I think earlier in the day they didn't quite understand.. but both of them was heads out the back taking it all in. Sadly the trees have been cut back so it's looking a bit more open than before (It needed a cut but geez what's with opening things up.. it don't need it ) everyone spotted two roe deers at the end of one of the gardens and kingfishers flying.. a perfect introduction to the broads and a nice end to everyone's day. I took the boat back up to sutton to return them to their car.. as it was late we said to them we probably won't be able to moor and may just have to come along side someone but to our surprise there was mooring spots available so we moored up and helped a couple more boats moor up.. (And watched a aquafibre 32 dual steer being badly reversed out.. Dave was sent to Orca to fend it away from us.. I think the chap was trying to show off but struggling with the wheel in reverse doesn't do much on such boat.. he got out.. only giving the reeds a haircut before turning around). At this point Nick was eyeing up a Broom sedan clearly indicating he had caught the bug and wanted to hire!! We wandered off to the pub for a few drinks and a good chat about the options available to them. Nick was a bit gun hoe and slightly uninterested at the beginning of the day.. I did warm him.. by the end of the day he will be sold and will want a holiday up here at least and sure enough they was looking closely. They even asked if a room was available in the hotel that evening so they could go out on a day boat tomorrow (Sadly no room at the inn) but I handed them lots of leaflets in the pub and they went home with a date in mind (hook line and sinker! ) We waved goodbye just as it got dark. Sadly our holiday was also at an end, we had to get home by lunchtime tomorrow to collect the cat from his hotel so engine and nav lights on we made the short run back to our marina. I wasn't quite looking forward to the holiday as last years was a bit of a nightmare, but we both really enjoyed ourselves though, my concerns about Orca's handling issues are being tammed and there was no point this week were these called a worry. This was our first full week up north as we have always collected boats down south so not having to spend effort on breydon really allowed for an easy week although we did miss the sights of the south it was really nice to explore the north and we did see new sights which is always good! Really looking forward to coming back soon.
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