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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Sorry to disagree again.. I have the right to navigate after dark.. It allows us to enjoy our boats all times of the year, often we are the only people out there when other boats are abandoned for the winter. I can't lower the screen nor stick my head out the side window due to the designs. I don't need anyone panicing and screaming directions at me. The boat is equipped with all equipment needed for safe passage and insured to do. I navigate on tickover and use the spotlights when I need to. I am not endangering anyone and I am within my comfort zone. I have enough experience to never endanger anyone including other rivers but my spotlight is an important piece of kit and if anything it will only get brighter.
  2. Peter, We helm quite a bit at night both on the broads and here at home. I don't quite understand why you wouldnt have spot lights... a boat with a windscreen in front makes it very very hard to helm when it's pitch black.. On a river I typically sit bang in the middle and drive by the lighter reflection of the sky on the water between the reflection of the trees (you get a white line effectively), I compare that with my plotter zoomed in. But if the tree line closes in (such as the ant) it's near impossible as that reflection light vanishes and you can't work out the river .. We have 150w spotlights on the pulpit which are low down, they don't affect night vision and light up the banks, yes they are bright and would annoy home owners and other boaters but I only flick them on and off when needed .. Larger lakes or rivers it's a lot easier certainly with radar. But trying to drive without a spotlight on the broads is reckless imho.
  3. Lol Paul.. not sure when we are up.. maybe next weekend (I'm in norfolk on monday though for work as we have a few boats to do including B.A.. I can pop in and template for you if you want ) No underlay is needed as it has a backing and can be laid as is. Message me over the measurements and I'll quote you happy... We offer a mail order service now (on receipt of templates or from stock patterns etc) so it maybe a lot cheaper than you think.. Also as we quite a few orders I can slot together to reduce any wastage so we only charge for what's used... (Ethical then see.. )... Paul. .Hope to meet up with you soon!
  4. Yeah international's not cheap.. Hence I gave you the teak carpet option (P.s it's not that expensive!).
  5. International with international non slip https://www.piratescave.co.uk/international-non-slip-additive-20grm.ir Or www.teak-carpet.co.uk with press studs
  6. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    Thats excellent news!! Well done Rick et al.. Really looking forward to visiting!
  7. Griff, Don't be spending all your money, don't forget we will be up on Monday to measure some post new carpets.
  8. Stuart, I'm surprised Gracie's not already had words... so in her slowness.. I'll have to... "come on lets see some finished pictures"
  9. Interesting thread.. Must admit I suspect it is probably something along the lines of the boats didnt sell so they thought they'd try their luck at hiring them! But then again the infrastructure probably isn't straight forward so I dunno. I've shared my thoughts on larger higher boats before.. that being that I think the yards are killing off the couple market and forcing people into ownership as boats get bigger and too expensive to hire.. but I think I see this as the southern broads diversifying and changing to make a new market there.. lets not forget the southern rivers are larger and can accommodate larger boats, moorings are typically quieter.. Obviously the distances are greater and as robin once famously said "You can't see shit" on a typically designed broads boat.. so a fly bridge /upper helm makes a lot of sense.. why not travel in comfort when you can.. ok you can't go down the chet but there's plenty more to see in a week I don't see any big deal there. Good luck to them and good luck to the southern broads..
  10. He has an rotten apple phone... say no more...
  11. Although I can't argue with the admiralty, I think there is a bit more to it. I believe it goes something like this. If the boat is registered with the government then it should fly that countries ensign (this will explain why on the canal shows we saw a swedish hireboat flying a swedish flag and why my friends boat in greece flys a greek ensign), if it's not then it should fly the ensign of its owner, if the owner isn't present then it should fly the ensign of it's captain. There is nothing overly special about an ensign it's just used as to understand the boats and crews nationality. At sea you most wear an ensign as if you don't and authorities you will be boarded, you are also under the navy of the countries ensign you are flying at that time so it's best to fly it! if you don't fly it you are a , so you don;t actually need to fly a pirates flag Inland (well the broads) it don't overly matter as it's a playground, those that want to follow tradition, do, but no one is going to stop anyone or say anything, so if on a hire boat you want to go for it.. although it's a bit uncommon to see. (use a cheap flagstaff... brian wards do.. 10% discount mentioning NBN - http://www.brianwards.co.uk/chandlery/flags-staffs/stainless-steel-pulpit-flag-staff.html). Y
  12. Good work both of you... think how much money that saved doing it yourself.. looks a lot better and will help it lots.. don't forget to put an anode back on before she goes back in
  13. I've never caught anything other than rudd, roach and Perch... I am easy distracted though and only move the rod when it's drifting of down the river.. perhaps I must try harder this year...
  14. from me Rob. I honestly wouldn't plan anything.. get on the boat and go left or right.. You can't get lost.. The rivers are best under the low bridges at Wroxham and Potter heigham so if you reach these and can go under then go for it.. But the worse thing you can do is plan anything just go with the flow.. You will be back.. probably every year for the next 10 so you have plenty of time to see most places!
  15. charlie.. everything crossed.. just shout if you need us.
  16. Looking good Simon. If you need any trimmings etc, I work for chatham based Trimnet.. we can supply anything and everything you will need.. Keep the threads coming.. despite now working in this work.. I too love seeing other posts like this!
  17. from me. My view changes depending on my moods lol... So having just had a brill weekend up on the boat. I would say don't plan anything I think.. just go with the flow.. The southern broads are amazing but they are so far away if you are picking up from wroxham.. and there are places up north just as amazing. I'm now along the lines of just stay local if you are up north stay north.. if south stay there as it's a lot of running about and a bit of a waste. Regarding Ludham.. 8.6 is pushing it really.. you should be ok in the summer when there's no storms.. but we have it as low as like 7.6 out of season so certainly nothing is guaranteed but most of the time it should be ok.. enjoy
  18. All, Can we please put an end to this thread... I don't think it's quite helping with P.R of the forum.. Jonzo is not allowed to be going anywhere until it's all sorted and he will still hold the position of Chairman..!
  19. I have no idea what your mind could be thinking... I'm refitting the forward carpet of course
  20. Please don't all jump ship yet.. I'll get seasick and that will make the boat rock about.. Do you really think we will let Jonzo leave? He's in it for life! we just need to help him out a bit more..
  21. Learn something Learn something new everyday
  22. And most of the sunseekers too! Looks good for the first couple of years
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