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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Carpet? where? who mentioned carpet? Carpet I saw it mentioned....
  2. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    Are you doing lunch Rick? I'm up there with work on weds.. could stop for lunch if so.
  3. I'm with all what's been said. Canopy and cushions on older boats can cost far more to replace than the purchase price.. Engines also obviously aren't cheap, so take a good look at these, the newer these the better. A surveyor is only interested in the hull they will not look at the engine they will advise about seacocks although you can look at these from inside (to a degree), best practice is to really take the boat and scrape these off and make sure they aren't pink, loose or pitted, if in doubt change them.. In terms of osmosis, most old boats will have them certainly old ones and certainly cheaper boats. Boats haven't sunk from it but it can cause problems but it's really not worth worrying about unless you are buying a new boat or a very very expensive boat. Older boats value really won't be affected by osmosis (Monica sounds like you hit a rouge).. so honestly don't worry. So a surveyor will find osmosis though, they also will find delamination in the glass and any potential problems.. To do this they actually use a hammer but rather skillfully, you can do this yourself (to a degree) as problem areas sound different (Normally a dull thud instead of a steady ring). They also use a moisture meter to identify previous repairs and other problem areas including water stuck in bulheads, you can't spot this yourself but as I say it's only really worth the hassle if it's new or very expensive. I would recommend taking it out the water really and having a look, also get someone who knows about boats to have a look too. Take the boat on a trial run and get the engine up to operating temperature. Older boats under a certainly value and under a certain speed shouldn't require a survey for full cover. Although if you need to claim for whatever reason it will help if you have had a survey. Enjoy..
  4. +1 for Rupert at All abroad taxi's..small local family run business in the broads..
  5. I just wasted.. Bloody auto correct.. watched one... is it a spoof of Robins (and even some of my videos)... weird..
  6. Looking forward to a classic fleet Clive... one day it will happen Spark looks spot on... brilliant to see done... really really hope to see more! But come on Clive though lets see some pics of yours!
  7. Sure we have in stock.. just shout
  8. Sorry y'all my view on this is slightly different. The NHS systems are disgusting, I had a message from a contact that said that the trusts have been greedy and mismanaged this so as always its crap and greedy upper management that have led to this.. There are little excuses for not updating computer systems, the trusts have money they just spend it wrong (outsourcing to the wrong companies.. typically companies owned by thier golfing buddies!). Hopefully though the NHS and UK government will learn from this and get their act together. If anything this is a needed wake up call to management that you can not run and make money on old systems.. get your act together, spend properly and mondernise! Sadly the world needs computer hackers for good reasons; Most of our systems are developed by computer hackers, it's actually a way for some very smart people out there to get noticed and further improve our lives. Although lately it seems that the days of hackers being 10 year kids is somewhat gone although it seems this attack was stopped by a 22 year old hacker in his bedroom who hacked the hack and stoped it.. There are also suggestions that this attack is part of a huge cyber war between governments so therefore this was not some little kid it was the american government.. Don't forget with war brings technological improvement... yes it's disgusting the NHS has been affected but it's certainly an eye opener to see.. personally I will not do trade with any company who publicly admit to using xp as our data isn't secure.. Needless to say the NBN is not run on xp as is Trimnet's.
  9. Hi Pauline... we are on the look out for a seamstress... Very good work.. If you need any bits give me a shout though.. I can supply all and more than Hawke house can for less!
  10. Because Fred.. The BA and local authorities won't permit planning permission of which is needed to make residential moorings (You have to do a change of use). Where the BA have done they have put a silly short term restriction on it effectively making it pointless as you can't easily find moorings for large residential boats. Sadly the local authorities (and BA) for some reason can't see where it does work well and were it benefits the local community.. It is sadly very political and a tad frustrating when it's easy solution to a housing market problem which isn't going to go away anytime soon. Therefore there is little point for any marina owners to even consider bothering with the idea.
  11. Guys, please keep it cool.. The residential boaters always kicks up a heated debate.. I do think the BA have quite understood the potential. Apart from our pesky sky disc you wouldn't tell we are dirty liveaboards.. the boat like many others around here look like posh gym palaces and many take huge care and spend an insane amount of money on them.. I live in a residential marina where we pay full council tax etc.. trust me I don't put rubbish all over the river banks, and although we first moved afloat due to struggles getting a mortgage we now chose to do so mainly because the peace quiet and community spirit we have.. it's not cheap though I assure you! The BA are adding restrictions (time limits on the berths) on the current residential berths due to to whatever reasons so effectively removing the use (as you can't expect people to just move away like that).. PR exercise is all it is. One day...
  12. And lets leave it there...
  13. I'd like to see commenting withheld as Jonzo mentions these people are in the boating community and it would be unfair to pass any judgement.
  14. Orca failed her first BSC.. due to braided fuel lines on our new Vetus engine.. because they was braided he couldn't see if they was BSS standard?! I'm sorry but I trust vetus over some canal folk... Our own marine surveyor disaggreed but these BSC chaps won't listen to anyone... we had to modify the pipes... needless to say our broom will not pass bsc now but she's a hell of lot safer to use at sea what with glass fuel filter caps.. there's safe and there safe.. bsc needs improvements in places to cover the right safe! In terms of pesky poxy dirty liveaboards.. you know where my view lies.. there is a serious issue of housing, I think it's easier for the older generations to be ignorant considering housing in the past was a lot easier to come by, now it is well known it's near impossible to get on the housing market. People have to live somewhere and the government, local authorities etc are still ignorant to permitting residential moorings.. one day.. In regards to keeping boats clean it's really not as easy as it sounds, boat attract crude in seconds and really need weekly cleaning as much as I love my boats I have other things to do at presents.. The joys of shared ownership though you don't get to experience the best of boat ownership...
  15. Very sad indeed, I never met Jill but had a couple of chats via the forum and had a mutual respect. Very very sad, would loved to had met her. My thoughts are certainly with all her friends and family.
  16. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    I heard rumours the farmers have given up. Good to hear though. Looking forward to stopping in!
  17. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    Are there still (24 hour) moorings at thurne?
  18. https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/our-boats/spark-of-light.html I guess Certainly very nice to see
  19. I really don't understand people negativity.. All this is a flying camera... when used correctly they are no danger to aviation.. it's no different than a camcorder which has been used for many many years.. An engine running past your boat makes more noise than this.. Someone can walk up to your boats window and take a video with a smart phone.. a drone isn't any more deadly. What they do is give an unseen view of the world and the broads.. they aren't cheap so there is no way I let this out of my sight.. Sadly I'm not going to stop using this on the broads although I may stop sharing on the forum as it's just not worth sharing on here some times..
  20. Obviously all, I hastern to add that I like to think I'm a responsible individual.. I have read the drone code at least once. The broads isn't ideal place to fly these as it is populated but I will try to get some good footage ... I'd love to see what others have done.. Andy I know you have one.. and BB I bet you have some amazing stuff
  21. https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g190775-d6223152-Reviews-Emperor-Lowestoft_Suffolk_East_Anglia_England.html This is our favourite.. in lowie old town.. it has mixed reviews but the food is really good... midweek is better as they cook to order but worth a try..
  22. Good point Peter and thanks for the opportunity;.. James if you need Trimnet to "stitch" an on-suite on the side please just shout and we can quote
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