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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Thats a big marina to work your way around and earn some trimming commission!
  2. Yes but no.. Colregs or (GY PA bylaws) which are really a copy of the BA bylaws (if not just a bit complicated) will apply, so no... it may also mean that many broads boats will be in breach as the BA lights bylaws are different.
  3. I still don't understand this, it's easy to navigate on a large river because you can steer following the reflection of the sky on the river. But even this is harder when you have a windscreen infront of you as this reflection is weakened dramatically by the general reflections inside. So if there is no reflection of the sky (i.e the tree line closes in) then you need more lighting to light up the river. Even steering at waking pace the banks on narrow rivers quickly get closer. ?! Yes I guess I guess if you have an open boat then it's easier but again with a windscreen it's hard work.. Perhaps I do need to eat more carrots...
  4. This is shocking and clearly stinks of something. We went here in the summer. The little cafe looked uninviting and ask you me aimed at an older clientelle which is a bit dated now. The other cafe was far more welcoming and more my style. I'm sorry but I certainly won't go to the other cafe. Very strange indeed..
  5. I so need to stop working so hard and try to find time to read through this thread.. Hopefully over Christmas.. As I say though Robin, if you need anything just shout, don't forget too we now have really good relationships with lots of trade suppliers (certainly helped going to the marine trade show in holland) so if you are buying boaty stuff please come to me first.
  6. I've just ordered mine, hopefully I wasnt too late :)
  7. We do a lot of night cruising and have done most of the northern broads at night. Just before dusk is amazing and we've seen most of the wildlife we've ever seen on that broads at this time. At home here night navigation is common as mud berths make it a necessarily if you want to use your boat. We also have two huge spot lights on Orca as on the River Ant again it's a must as the river is far to narrow not to use them. They are positioned low and pointed downwards as to not affect my night vision and they are not used if there are other boats on the move (which their hardly isn't) and turned off when passing close to other boats as to not be a jerk and shine in their windows, personally I see no difference in using spotlights on boats than on the road, it's far more dangerous to use on road if you ask me.
  8. Looking forward to seeing her Robin! Wonder how much teak carpet we can put on her!
  9. I still bet that dad left his wallet at home...
  10. That's right Andy.. it is normally predictable but it's not the best. Certainly wouldn't recommend one.
  11. I think it is a bit confused.. one day it will go in the drink! bloody thing!
  12. Sadly my drone got attacked by a windmill (pump) in thurne.. (it has a mind of it's own) thankfully only a £10 fit but annoying none the less..
  13. I brought a cap from the shop, wasn't the smoothest of transactions. Quality wasn't the best in all honesty sadly put me off buying anymore. If the forum needs a supplier, Trimnet can assist, we do embroidery in house including vinyl printing.
  14. Geoffrey.. Are they still doing this? Really enjoyed listening to this last year.. now it's the start of our norfolk boating season would like to go again..
  15. We find June and September tolerable, the crews about seem to be more experienced, there's no screaming things, there's less day boats about, it's busy but there are normally gaps, the weather is normally a bit more stable..it's just a bit more grown up. so it's just nicer to be out the rivers really.
  16. No idea Grace.. Don't forget as always events may be dramatised! Day 2 - Tuesday I was awoken early (about 10ish) by the sound of an unsilenced hireboat bearing down on us moored hopelessly on the broad, follwed quickly by the reassuring sound of "IIIIIAAAANNNN - YOUR GONNA CRASH", Dave sitting out in the wheelhouse stated the obvious, "you better get up your folks are here". Eventually Dad got Sweet kingfisher close enough to pass over yesterdays BBQ supplies which we deposited in their fridge as Orca's skip acquired fridge has now given up the ghost.. RIP FridgeyMcBloodyFridge. Dave stored in the bilge section which has now became our lukewarm cold stores.. yup it's on the list..buy more carpet people..teakcarpet.co.uk A quick wake up moment later dave untied and slumped myself in the helms seat headed off south. The rivers are still busy from the remnants of the mad season but thankfully everyone was playing nicely and the lightships all moving at the sensible speed nature demands. Over Barton, through my future homestead of Irstead (Mines the last/first corner one), past How hill. Even the infamous devils bridge "ludham bridge" was navigated with no hassle. Onto the main rivers we turned left, Orca's poor little engine struggling to even turn over at the 4mph speed limit was engaged now and quietened down to a much happier speed. A bit busier down here but a strong wind with current was confusing the lightship crews and keeping them well below the speed limits, that allows for some swift overtaken by Orca.. Watch out the shark hunters about :P Eventually the shanty town of potter and reaps approached, Orca was slowed to a "noisy" speed, it's been some time since we've been up here.. but strange though it always feels like the first time.. All looking lovely, not quite sure I could live like that though too vulnerable to flooding and no escape by road. A gap was spotted close to bridge, tide behind (wind god only knows where), Orca did a handbrake turn and drifted at ease into a tight mooring, to the disappointment of the skipper of the boat in front who was clearly itching for a moan or rope assistance. Over that pesky bridge, Why is it still a road and not a footbridge now? Off to the fishing shop first, I got even more of the pretty plastic looking fish, despite Dave telling me I wont catch anything on them, "But they look so pretty", also mumbling to myself "Well you caught jack on your proper stuff". A fortune later we ran out the store, gulp.. Lathams baby here we come, the blue and white neon sign drawing us in.. all the deals the bargains we will buy... "Lathams, Lathams, Lathams". Once inside and stuck behind the slow moving clientele, walk faster I need bargains. No shorts for Dave, no DVD's we brought 10 last time, no how to fishing book for me/Dave. No decent grub.. we checked out with 20quids worth of junk food and drink.. Oh well maybe next time. Back to boat, we waved good bye to the bridge and headed back the way we came.. We did spot a possible omen, what with deadly hurricanes, an insane dictator president, is the end neigh? The light was off... Oh look a kingfisher.. We/I decided to head to womack and make way for our corner mooring. On approach to the turning about 20 boats turned in and then turned down the little turning too so thinking we would be out of luck but I carried on to take the other turning. A lightship was coming out and looked a bit flustered I waved (only to be ignored as usual) and took Orca into the berth which is the perfect size for us. The other lightship moored opposite on a makeshift spot and Dave said they was trying to get in here, although going to wrong way?.. oh well you need to not dither to get a mooring certainly when the shark hunter is out. A evening of shark fishing for Dave (Lol no luck for him despite the other boat reeling in tonights dinner like there's no tomorrow), I tried fishing using my real shark bait but quickly got bored. BBQ on, nothing overly special, Quick movie as another day closes.
  17. "Wake me up when September ends!" Day 1 - Monday After a day at work yesterday, Dave had already pretty much packed by the time I woke and the cat was already moaning, obviously knowing he will have to keep himself amused for the week. I squeezed 15 changes of clothing into my weekend bag and we dragged everything into the car. An easy drive up, Dave wanted to go shopping in the camping shop so we stopped in there first, thankfully being on a lower pay than my previous job meant I didn't spend anything and neither did he! Next stop Stalham, we planned to have a BBQ so off to the butchers, sadly being a monday afternoon they had nothing tasty looking so oh well Tesco's we went. Two weeks worth of ships stores suitably purchased we headed off to the marina. Orca didn't look too bad, she's got accents of green and the blue canopy is nicely exhibiting what looks to be a moss garden.. one thing to do this week noted. Anyway, we couldn't be bothered with the unloading trips with so decided to take the boat to the car! Car unloaded directly into the boat and off into the sunset we went! I'd been learnt that the oldies were up our way so thought best to go and say hello, considering they was at Sutton! so surprised them and turned up, thankfully there was a mooring one back from them just big enough for Orca so there she was put! We quickly unpacked, i.e threw everything onto the spare bunk and headed off the pub with the oldies. It's been some time since we all sat down and had the usual moaning about anything and everything. The old man still won't move to Narfolk.. god only knows why but anyway huge 3 course meal later and some lemonade tops for me (Sadly I can't drink these days) we waved good bye to them. I don't see the point of mooring by the land there so nav lights on and we headed for our spot on the broad for overnight! Not a bad day!
  18. Well it's been some time since I've done this.. sorry all things got in the way! but all moving forward so get comfortable and get the popcorn out!
  19. Hi All, I know this is an old thread but I've been away. It may have been said already, covering your boat is really only needed if you have a leak which you can't fix or timber bits which you want to preserve. Covering well though can cause big problems with keeping condensation inside the boat. Boats do need to breath, leave windows open to allow it breath. A problem with tarpaulines also is that they do rub really badly and can wear through gel coat in a couple of months, they also break down pretty quickly so it's just not worth the expense. These's negatives can be removed if you use a bespoke cover, most manufacturers sew in air vents to allow and force airflow where required, there is also special materials designed for the purpose, there's one even which has a nice soft backing which removes rubbing issues. Cover's aren't cheap but they are well worth the investment. If you did want a quote drop me an email direct: alan@trimnet.co.uk and I'll assist. Don't forget to you can buy materials direct from our online store: trimnet.co.uk/shop use NBN for a 10% discount. (not all products are on there but more are added daily).
  20. Oh Geez, Pop's you are so snobby! I've only seen hireboaters wearing a red ensign a few times, whilst it does make me look twice it's never offended me. We proudly fly a Red Ensign on Orca, whilst it is a bit tacky, it was donated to us by a good friend and has proudly been flown on several historic boats including the chaps 1912 Thornycroft ship who took part in dunkirk, I would rather proudly fly this than a cheaper clean flag. I've always said I would rather see flags proudly flying than none.. If anyone knows where I can get a norfolk burgee type size flag please advise as I can't find them :(
  21. It is known for quickly wandering off subject... It's normally Grace and bound2please .... Shoes, wine, police...
  22. Morning All, Just a reminder. Trimnet.co.uk/shop is now live.. It's your online trimming supplies shop, selling everything you need to retrim your boat and loads more. There are over 1500 items on there and more added daily (ish).. We have price checked items and some bits should be cheaper than our competitors. We only sell tried and tested products which we use daily in our bespoke side of the business. NBN members use discount code NBN at the checkout of 10% off. If somethings not listed, let us know, we will have it, but it just means we haven't got around to adding it on the shop yet (unfortunately it's a manual data entry job :( ) There is honestly loads more coming and I'm always on the lookup for more products to add daily.. Take a look :)
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