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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Glad you had a pleasant trip, as a liveaboarder outside of the broads (on a government approved residential berth which has full benefits just as a landlubber would get in return for council tax) short answer no.. The broads authority et al actively discourage (you may say discriminate) against those that chose such lifestyle for a number of reasons (founded and unfounded). People do stay afloat and manage to work out ways to do so but there are limited facilities. I would love to move to the broads but I wouldn't dream of doing so anytime soon. Please can we not have too many fireworks people.. I guess it's been sometime since this topic has arisen but let's all eat chocolate and be merry..
  2. I understood that the moderators are commenting as themselves by default and they should clearly state if they are commenting in an official stance. The mods are members of the community themselves and as such are entitled to their own views, I wouldn't like to think that the moderators should limit their personal voice because they are mods... Although if this is becoming an issue then maybe it's time to have separate accounts, although knowing the software this would complicate things for the volunteer team members so it's not ideal.
  3. Oh geez where do I start, ignoring the strong opinions (good and bad). The broads are not mine, I own a boat which I am given the opportunity to pay a (small) fee to keep on the broads and use the 120 miles of inland riverways at my will. Others also enjoy the Broads, including walkers, fisherfolk, sailey people, people who holiday in tents (I have no idea why), people who are very very very smart and hire boats, and people who like swimming. I have no problem whatsoever if for one day a year, a couple of miles of a underused and under-supported stretch of the broads is used by another group of broads users to enjoy. If it's a charity event I may even try to find the time to visit this and at least spectate and show my support. This happens on the broads already, I.e the 3 rivers race, power boat racing. I also have no problem if I am asked to proceed with caution or even pause my route for a time for safety reasons at any point on the broads as the authorities or I see fit. With regards to safety concerns, Do I believe swimming on the broads in general is a good idea. 50/50, I don't believe swimming on a busy part of the river is smart, we have experienced swimmers at how hill before (of which I sounded our 160db airhorn continuously for 20 seconds, put the boat into neutral, prepared crew for impact with moored boats and then moved off once I was happy it was safe for all to do so, I didn't voice my thoughts with the swimmers as they chose to do that and I knew how to react). Ignoring health concerns, show you have a little paddle on a broad on a summers day on a broad? maybe.. Perhaps the best advise is to follow the BA's advice, I can't swim really, my biggest fear would be ending up in the water, near boats. Do I believe a commercial enterprise should do a swim event again on a couple of miles of a underused and under-supported stretch of the broads? 50/50; anything which brings people to the southern broads is a good thing in my book. As I mentioned, I support minor closures of the river, I wouldn't like to see large parts of the broads closed to boaters as yes I would worry about the introduction of sanford. I think safety to everyone, must come first, considerations must be given for inexperianced boating crews which is clearly an issue in the broads. Am I a little unsupportive, selfishly, that this is a commercial activity and it will cause closure of a bit of the river that i will not use as my boat is not there?, yes, but again only because of the mistrust I have of the BA's position. Would it be different if it was a charity event? Yes, it would have my 100% support. For the southern broads, I hope the event goes forward, the southern broads gets a ton of visitor support and we see it a popular annual event, but with adequate and careful consideration for safety and consideration for all. I hope that clarifies my position on this and thus I'm not automatically seen to agree or disagree with generalisations associated with the user group.
  4. I must admit, I don't post on here as much as I used to, not only because I don't have as much time these days, but because I do find I have to bite my tongue far too often and if I do post I have a strong impression that someone will comment back just to cause an argument. The forum has ground considerably since when I joined and it always was the place for a constructive discussion place, it is a huge shame that both new members and some older ones are pushing for a bit of a power struggle. I also know that couple of members do come on here and other forums just to cause an upset, personally I find that as a huge shame and I do wish these people find something better to do with their time.
  5. Maybe you could do a sponsored app for the forum in return for some advertisement.. I may know some other companies who maybe up for an advert or two ;)
  6. :welcome: from me too! I know a good marine trimmer if you need any trimming bits or just materials! mention NBN for a special discount.. www.trimnet.co.uk Looking forward to watching your renovation!
  7. Here's the Brooms press release from yesterday. Via BOC. Press Release 21 March 2018 Broom Restructuring for the Future Broom has announced plans to restructure its operations into a leading leisure operator on the Southern Norfolk Broads. Over recent years the market to build and sell boats has changed significantly, reflecting low customer demand, overseas competition and rising costs. Against this backdrop, the shareholders have continued to invest, with the company becoming one of the best fleet hire operators on the Broads. This has led to a strategic decision to focus on the growing leisure part of their operations and to discontinue boat building. This will sadly involve the loss of some jobs. Broom, which employs some of the finest craftspeople along with a heritage stretching back to 1898, remains committed to developing its excellent marina , hire fleet and service operation situated immediately adjacent to the Brundall station, a home to many private boats and its hire fleet, along with workshops performing maintenance and repairs.
  8. http://motorboatowner.co.uk/news.php
  9. Someone once said to me that if they boat is valued over £10k then get a survey, I think mainly because a survey costs about £1k once you tot everything up. With that in mind, on the toy boats they never had a prepurchase survey, however all boat have always been out the water and we've have a good look around and they have been projects. That changed with Orca which did however have a full insurance survey before she went to Norfolk which proved invaluable when she was damaged and the legal case that followed, that alone ensured she was repaired to the standard before, without that I dread to think, she was also surveyed three times during the repairs to ensure that she still was insured correctly. When we brought the broom although this was out the water when we brought it again I had a survey completed by my trusted surveyor which I brought in from away from the area (read into that what you want) and I actually spent the day with him and although I thought I knew boats well enough, what he taught me and what they go through clearly demonstrate the importance of a professional survey. The results of that survey showed that a brokers advise is to be well and truly ignored as the boat was not in a seaworthy condition despite the broker being certain it was. A survey is really worth its weight in gold if anything goes wrong, it helps get the fight the insurance companies, it gives you peace of mind, it helps to keep you safe (moreso than the pesky BSS if you ask me and our surveyor), there is always something wrong with a boat and any cost that you pay for the surveyor you will get back from negotiating). Despite now being able to survey boats (excluding moisture readings) myself I will always have an upto date insurance survey on any valuable boats.
  10. :( the new forest didn't even come second.. that's my favourite national park by a long shot..
  11. Sounds like every winter living aboard.. It's when the loo freezes when it's a pain...
  12. We are currently snowed here in here north kent due to snow drifts! http://www.kentonline.co.uk/medway/news/villagers-stranded-as-snow-returns-160865/
  13. I suspect they may send over a sample. If not as I say give me a shout and I can get one sent over :)
  14. Good spot :) If Ross fabrics won't talk to you as I believe they may only be a wholesale provider. Trimnet do have an account with them so I can help to supply. Drop me an email: alan@trimnet.co.uk
  15. What was that about members not arguing between themselves...
  16. Use the right products Robin: https://www.force4.co.uk/starbrite-rib-inflatable-boat-cleaner-protector.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bnUBRA-EiwAc0hZk_FRRvkFl9ZkddP05wx0rH_xpKPDiX_T--Qrina697O9qsVXyYXJBRoCnfQQAvD_BwE For Fabrics: https://shop.trimnet.co.uk/collections/cleaning-and-proofing-products
  17. Socrates, it's a big shame to think anyone would think any less of a classic broads woody like yours.. anyone who has the courage and skills to keep these timber boats going deserve MBE's if you ask me. I'm sure if you make the event there will lots of other members whom will be all over your lovely boat :) We should really try to attend this year, although my calendar is all over the place and I know Orca needs to come out for a check up and some little bits of work so I'm not sure. If we are passing we will at least drop in for a short time.. if anyone wants any trimming work doing that may help me make the time with work too ;)
  18. It started seeing a Hoseasons catalogue when I was a kid, mum was too much of a wimp to let us holiday when we was young, something about us failing in (or her failing in) So it was only when I was 18 and could book my own holiday, me and dave got the coach up from london, arrived in a busy Norwich bus station some 10 hours later (or it felt that), eventually we found the train station and walked down the lane to Silvercraft in Brundall. The yard looked horrified! although so did we, the boat looked new and massive (Silver Melody), after a 2 second trip on the river (To be honest the older chap taught me loads, most of which I still use even now) we headed down to reedham! A week later we returned the boat floating in many pieces and loads of paint missing and the rest is history. (We now live afloat, have Orca in Norfolk and I now work in the industry).
  19. Lol at this rate you may be in luck! If you want to drop me an email with your sizes: alan@trimnet.co.uk I can see what I can offer you, Our single cushion prices do start from as little as an hours labour depending on what type of finish you are looking for.
  20. I hate to break it to you Robin, but shopping for all that nice screen stuff will be like a walk in the park until you see my estimate!! but best bit is unlike flashy pretty screens, trimming stuff add's to value of the boat and looks pretty so it's an easier buy. You need to come in look at our showroom and I can show you all the newest pretty fabrics, we stock and sell all what the big brands use.
  21. £999 now.. please someone just come and take them.. they are taking up space :(
  22. Ohhh... do you mean... Teak carpet - Teak effect marine grade carpet! It is indeed soft underfoot and offers sound absorption.. perfect for a soft teddy impact*.. See more at www.teak-carpet.co.uk. (*teddy claim is yet to be verified).... (Smooth enough?! )
  23. aggghh my eyes... who mentioned B&S when there's the best trimmers whom sponsor the forum ------>>>>> Where's the mods and my Teddy I need to throw my Teddy....
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