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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Kinda reads the same to me.. dont put yourself in the way of a boat which weights more than you. Despite being able to compress the water et al. sometimes if water the boat or god decides to push back your arms body legs etc will come out worse like this poor lady. Thoughts are with the family. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  2. Some top mentions here. Gays staite is perfect for 1st nights. Nice stroll to a top pub followed by evening bbqs. There is indeed slabs for bbqs. We bbq and wild moor the majourity of the time when on the broads. Just to mention we do have a cast iron beasty of a bbq which we also use as fire pit also a cobb bbq which we do put kn the ground but its cold to the touch on the outside.. both perfect for the broads and leaves no footprint. Enjoy! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  3. Moored safely here at home on the med. Enjoy the otters! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  4. Easter Sunday I was awake early and decided to peer through canopy to see what a mooring in Norfolk is really like.. It's not a view I normally get as yeah I like my lay ins! I was a very atmospheric morning and I took a few pictures.. Perhaps I do need to try and get up a bit earlier this year and grab some more pictures soon... Of course I dosed of again but back up for 10am. My parents had plans to drop by and exchange some easter treats. I had kinda hoped that they was up early but a text message was waiting and we should expect them for lunch time. However it did mean that we should have time to run and see our friends. Sadly as we approached our friends boat we could see coast guards on the bank and paramedics and ambulances just by the bank. A little closer the Ice cream lady appeared from the boat and we had a quick word... He's OK but yeah not good sadly.. I'm going to stop there and likely not mention on this blog anymore but wanted to as he was on our minds all weekends but we exchanged contact details and thankfully at time of writing all is stable. Back on the river, we decided to head back to the yard as my Parents had just left Brundall so should be at the yard as we arrive. Orca was all moored up safely, Dave unloaded the boat whilst I sat and compiled a shopping list. Annoyingly despite lots of work being done on Orca last summer there was still a few niggles which just need to be ironed out and completed, all simple things like sorting the burgees, sorting burgees, I had hoped to get the upholstery sorted whilst working with some trimming company but that didn't happen so we will need to do these (albeit slowly), neither air horn was working and the new fridge needs some more vents. Also sadly the dinghy "Jaws" had a bit of an accident last year so needs replacing! My Parents arrived goodies exchanged and we was all soon on the way home. We are back on the boat though the next coming bank holiday and despite the health issues with our friend we both had a brilliant weekend and it was really nice to be back aboard, I guess the amazing weather helped a lot!
  5. Thanks Guys :) Easter Eve I awoke pretty late at long gone 10am. Peering outside Dave had long taken the canopy off and the Rivers where already pretty busy with the day boat traffic but yup all of the overnight boats had long gone! It was already feeling very warm, certainly a typical summers day. It was still early enough though so I fancied a quick run into Wroxham as the GPS tracks clearly show that we haven't really been into Wroxham that many times. I can't actually remember when the last time we was in Wroxham with the boat. I jumped on the helm we was quickly away upstream. I like heading briefly into Wroxham broad again it's not a spot we've every really explorer dispite just going in and back out.. I guess it's because it's almost a bit unwelcoming with all the Private signs, I do wonder why the Yacht club doesn't kinda welcome visitors with a mooring.. maybe one day we will overnight on the broad there. Back out the broad a little further up we was going pretty slowly but there was a bathtub boat which was zigzagging left and right, crew sitting on the roof enjoying Wroxham slowly passing by, unfortunately we had to overtake as the boat was barely moving and we had a bit of a convoy behind us. It was a bit tough as upon overtaken there was a very young child on the helm kinda playing with the steering wheel, The boat wasn't really a hazard but I couldn't help thinking that a little more supervision probably would have wise certainly being here in Wroxham where there's lots of boats wizzing around! Wroxham was certainly very busy with boats being dropped off at Barnes and hireboats being collected, we didn't get too close to the bridge as it was just too busy, it was nice to see that there's stern on moorings beside the hotel though, so hopefully we may have some chance mooring here a little later in the year. Once back underway, I left Dave on the helm and went to sit up front again.. My new favourite spot.. Seeing wroxham slowly drifting pass on this warm morning was pretty relaxing. I spotted a gap over at the nature reserve moorings and signalled to Dave to moor up for a walkies, he didn't fancy his luck as it was a small gap but easy enough for me, I just span around and drifted sideways with the help of the tide. Dave tied the bow and I did some loop things around a post at the stern (I still can't do a proper hitch but Dave always does it again anyway. The attendant in the reserve advised that there was only one other party in the reserve so we should have a pleasent walk. We really do this walk each time we are here at salhouse, Its a nice walk and we've spotted some cool wildlife here, including grass snakes and frogs/toads so it's never a walk to miss. This season it was clear that there was new information boards were being installed which certainly interesting to read through. I've no idea how long we spend but we was overtaken by another group so yeah it probably wasn't much of an energetic walk and we didn't really spot any wildlife but still relaxing anyway. Back to Orca, a Hunters fleet boat was struggling beating into the wind and against the outbound tide but was still moving forward, she certainly looked a postcard the crew certainly agreed with me that thankfully they wasn't in a rush! For a few years I've really wanted to hire one of these at least for a couple of days.. Every time I see one it only makes me want to more.. so maybe sometime soon we will hire one. Back on the boat, I got Orca out of a tight berth, people really knock stern drives but they are pretty amazing at manevouring, kinda as good as the other boat with it's twin engines and thrusters. It was far too nice to be sitting at the helm so over to Dave, I went forward again and again really enjoyed staying up front pretty much all the way to the mouth of the Ant. Annoying the wind was starting to pick up just as we approached ludham bridge, Despite what I say about stern drives, Orca hates the wind and is easily affected at the bridge here if it's a side wind, its one reason why I wanted the Anchor winch, so I hoped for the best, dropped 5 meters of mudweight chain so the mudweight is ready to take the ground if needed and hold us whilst we wait to navigate the bridge but thankfully no other boats were about so we quickly run through the bridge. We needed some bits for BBQ tonight which meant stopping here and heading to the shop.. there was only a couple of spots and two day boats was mooring up and trying to take up a fair chunk of the berths left, Orca wanted to turn around to moor up so I quickly span around (Yup she can do in her own length which is pretty amazing when needed!) and she sat happily in the wind waiting to slot in just infront of the day boats.. I'm not sure they was overly impressed with me kinda asking for some space but yeah Orca's not a fan of the wind and current her so it's typically a bit of a crash landing. Anyway sorting through the tourist trinkets in the shop and ignoring the prices we grabbed the bits needed, Dave wouldn't let me get a pirate sword and we didnt need any tea towels apparently :( I took the helm as Dave had been driving for most of the day, we wanted a wild mooring for a BBQ and the last night of this short trip. After a few potential spots but most of our favourite spots already taken we spotted a gap just downstream of Barton broad. I wasn't overly happy as there was lots of roots visible and through the clear water you could see some sticking out below the water. Once moored though I grabbed the boat hook and did a sweep on the hull and everything felt good (One of the good bits about being on the non tidal bit of the broads!). The ice cream boat was spotted and flag down, she mentioned that she saw our friends overnight and they would love to see us, we had a long and promised to head up tomorrow.. Of course two more strawberry ice creams were consumed! She wanted to start heading home but a couple of passing day boats couldnt resist not helped by my sales pitch, I got a scowled look from the ice-cream lady as she drifted back to work :) Dave dug the Cobb and BBQ out and got it going.. More yummy Kebabs and proper cheese burgers consumed. Just before dark we spotted what looked like a couple of Dogs struggling in the water but looking closer it looked to be 3 otters fishing or playing. I grabbed my phone and took a quick movie.. Personally I love seeing otters, certainly reminding me of seeing otters in the sanctuary in Bungay many years ago, thankfully we seem to spot them every time we are on the Ant and even in the Marina. Once the sunset again it quickly cooled down so we retreated back to the wheelhouse to finish off the movie from last night whilst catching the sight of the bats going mad outside the boat clearly having a huge feast.
  6. I may try and get this going again mainly as a bit of a momentum as time just flies too quickly! Also being back in a IT job means we will get to use the boat a bit more and should be able to enjoy a little more. Anyways here goes at least and see where we end up! Good olde Friday Time indeed does seem to wizz by, despite having the odd depressing maintenance trip upto Orca over the winter and seeing in a state of depression it was over 6 months since we had an overnight trip on her. Admittedly this was due to a number of reasons, work being one of them, but we've both had constant cold/flu since christmas! However given the amazing weather forcast I was looking forward to jumping aboard for 3 days afloat! Indeed unlike me I was up, packed and ready at 9am on good friday. Kinda expecting a bit of traffic we both kinda wanted to get on the roads as soon as posible. In the car for just gone 9 google maps was suggesting all looked well with a 2.5 hour drive, not bad at all! Dartford tunnel was indeed "Empty" (well as near to empty as you can get!). Dave was driving and I must admit I was in and out of consciousness for most of the trip but 4 hours later we arrived in Stalham! That has to be a record, it seemed like half of the south east was heading to the broads! We needed to restock the boat so first stop was the neat little factory store in Stalham for some new bedding and pillows which didn't make the winter as they was left aboard, and some other random little bits! Next to the butchers, thankfully they have plenty of supply of rations suitable for BBQing, £25 of kebabs, sausages, beer cured bacon, steak burgers and fresh warm sausage rolls for lunch meant we should be sorted for the weekend! Last stop was Tesco just for the little bits and junk food! It was already starting to feel pretty warm when we arrived at a fully rammed car park in the marina but we quickly unloaded. Thankfully Orca was dry (salt bowls highly recommended!). Orca started straight away, since installing solar panels last year the batteries are always powered ready to go. Orca is now on a stern on mooring and it's not overly easy and yeah I messed up a little but she backed out and span around easily enough and we was soon on a quiet River Ant, and straight away I could feel the stresses sooth away start to relax.. It's easy to forget the influence and effect just being on the Rivers can have. A little downstream we came across a huddle of day boats all drifting together and amongst them was what looked like an huge ice cream. Orca now has an anchor winch is opperated from the helm buy clicking a button, I signalled over and dropped the anchor just out of the way and over wizzed the ice cream boat! We had spotted this some years ago but haven't seen it for years, I also remember that she is good friends with some other friends located up here, whom we brought Orca from, We had a long chat, but it was a little upsetting as she mentioned that a rumour I had heard was that our friend was seriously sick and we must go and see him, we promised we would shortly but for now to please pass on our best regards. We waved quickly just as she was set upon by more boats :).. Oh Strawberry ice cream was eaten in seconds... so nice and perfect in this "Summer" weather. I've started to trust Dave with helming the boat a little more over the last few years, we repropped her last year and shes a little more responsive and predictable and I've started doing something which I really enjoy when it's warm which is go and sit up on the pointy end.. Up here it's far enough from thumper so all you truly hear is the sound of the water on the bow and the bird song etc. I just jumped back on the helm to get through Ludham bridge as if it gets messy we have to drop the mudweight or raft against another boat but thankfully it was pretty quiet and we was quickly through. If you've not sat on the bow heading through Horning it's really something to do! I wanted to head to Salhouse for overnight, thinking there would plenty of moorings.. On arrival at salhouse we spotted only a couple of Stern on moorings. I really fancied mooring here and having a bit of a stroll around as its been some months since we was last here, I didn't tell Dave but I also fancied the Idea of hiring a Canoe for an hour or so. Unfortunately though the only mooring available was next to a boat which had it's engine up and running and not on idle either and it was just a bit noisy, we paid the mooring fees though (Now a tenner, although we always pay this even if we go and mudweight as I see it as a conservation fee), but on the way in we spotted the moorings on the main river were pretty much empty and we've not moored here before so we swapped and headed over there. Thankfully they was empty and we moored just beside one of the channels into the Broad. It was already feeling late so Dave got the Cobb BBQ on straight away, once all warmed it was chicken kebabs followed 40 mins later by sausages, we forgot the cheese for the burgers so they would have to wait for tomorrow! As the sun set though it quickly reminded us that it wasn't August Bank holiday as it felt, but indeed easter and the temperature quickly dropped. So we retreated back aboard, Dave put Orca's canopy back on and put the DVD player on. Sherlock holmes movie.. which was pretty good. All in all an excellent day back on Orca and back on the Broads, and 6 months away perhaps was needed to help rekindle the Broads... I didn't take too many pictures but will try next time.. :) More soon ;)
  7. Tim waters jumped aboard today (I actually kinda forgot he was going) but Orca passed with no issues which is nice to know. Top marks to Tim though, he jumped on without the need for us to be there, and emailed the certificate over so nice and smooth. Highly recommend him :)
  8. Indeed hull wraps.. I think the adhesive can break down and it can start to peel. It may last longer although I suspect the warranty you will get will state this.
  9. Explains a lot of the BOC's views then ;) Interesting stuff though.
  10. So something like this... could an individual buy a hull alone? or was these sold to a yard to fit out as required? I kinda disagree with the non broom thing.. surely a boat is all about the hull really? If it's a "Broom" design hull then it's a Broom boat etc (Ok what's up top matters for resale etc but I would think it's cool to honour the reputation of the hull?). I must admit though this does seem a bit unique to Broom or other norfolk builders as other manufactures didn't really do this as far as I know.
  11. Yeah interesting. Although it looks in good condition, I'd say for 1 it's way over priced. I won't say how much we paid for our Crown but you will find Ocean 37's and continentials listed for the same price.. they don't sell for that price but yeah I won't pay anywhere near that listing price. In terms of the interior it's certainly looks to be a non broom interior from the ones I've seen. There are a number of little things which looks a little broomy but it could just be copied slightly. The floor beams though look as simularly crude to our floor beams but it could be the case that this was how it was supplied. Needless to say ours is a "True blood" lol.. (Number 3 apparently). Look outside of Norfolk and the thames for a good prices ;) Don't forget that the Perkins engines are being hard to maintain now although I know where to get some supplies. Happy to help with anything though.
  12. I'm not sure I agree.... but pomp and tradition of being with the brand, I suspect it will change though considering the sad end of production. Let me know, it's more of a social club/group though than a knowledge group, I suspect we have more knowledge on here but certainly worth a shot if needed.
  13. Happy Birthday Broadscot. From the brief time I spent him he was such a character. Big shame he's no longer with us. Sleep well though matey.
  14. The hull certainly looks like a Broom 37 hull. But it's probably a custom top as suggested. Was the Hulls sold off as just Hulls? Don't forget the BOC is only for "True Blood" Brooms, lol. Hopefully you get an answer, If not I can try and stick on the owners facebook group and see if anyone can shed more info although I suspect no more than advised already :)
  15. Hull wraps are becoming pretty common, We did a few via a dedicated contractor in my last place. It's quite an investment though as it really only last 7 years (if the correct stuff is used), in terms of scratches though, it can be repaired and will look good from a distance.. I'd probably say it's quite tough stuff and will probably withstand gentle knocks etc.. It really is something for the pros though as it's a very skilled thing to do.
  16. Guld this stuff is so confusing and I'm not going to pretend for one moment I understand this but appreciate those fighting the fight. I clearly believe that something strange is going on with the BA and with JP but I've one question: What has JP got to gain from restricting the rights of navigation and undermining the Broads? Surely he will want to be remembered for improving the broads whilst in office?
  17. I'm sure though Robin that a new weber unit for example is quite cheap compared if you don't need a full kit, I'm sure we had a quote for about £500 just for a unit (Webber Air heater), it's when you need more than just a unit that the components add up and making them compatible for marine use then clearly is where we get robbed. We need to look at sorting one of our dry heaters, we thought of this but I don't think so yet. As you say though this is a good thing out of china, I think it's too cheap at the moment, but I do suspect and hope we will see a slightly better company take it on and thus be a good offering as these heaters are far too overpriced for this market really.
  18. Of course they have a CE sticker on them ;) 800 for £6? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1000-PC-of-the-European-Union-CE-standard-electronic-waste-bin-label-white-sticker-label-CE/32436466465.html
  19. There's a few more videos on these heaters Robin, I think there was an earlier issue with them but they do seem to working now. There's a few also from intrigued youtubers (whom seem to understand these things) who have stripped them to have a good look at the inners and operation and they do seem to be lacking some parts I think meaning they may die quicker (Meshing, thermometer sensors). Also the exhaust systems will not be safe for marine use out of the box, I believe (although guessing here) they can be made marine use by adding the marine exhaust system as you would find in a marine kit from the main webasto/ebber units although the price will then go up. I'm not overly sure I'd trust one yet although they have been around for a few years and do seem to be getting good. As always though it's not only us users/owners who need to happy to use, it's things like the BSS guys and our insurance companies, the latter who will do all they can to get out of a payout and it's this that's then a problem with these, I doubt china will address this and make insurance approved anytime soon sadly. But I guess if you have a cheap boat (like a fishing boat) which is away from BSS waters with only 3rd party insurance and you can monitor it's use and botch it to work then it may work.
  20. Thanks Yall.. I did read through a YBW post and seems it's pretty common for these to go off themselves if they are past the sell by date.. Certainly a perfect time to check them really I guess. I must say this is the first time I've seen one of these inflated (touch wood) and it wasn't inflated that well or that large of an area, I'm really not sure it would help with my erm mass.. Although I use a better one. I guess maybe the CO thing was a bit old too, it kinda spelt like rotten eggs when it went off. Thankfully no dizzyness from deflating it although with this pesky manflu I have I probably wouldn't have noticed. No lessons learnt though, check them all, no point having them if they are unusable...
  21. Something a little strange just happened. I'm having a tidy up here at home, and dug out some old auto lifejackets out from a cupboard and put in them next to the dehumidifier which it's on and running... It may be coincidence but one auto jacket just went off itself!?! I know you guys love a challenge can anyone work out why this went off itself? Clearly these things should go off when they are wet not perhaps when being dried? The cartridge is way out of date (2014), to be honest I didn't know they was in there. Also does anyone know how I get the bloody air out of it now??
  22. Geez that was hard viewing... there is some very pretty boats on here.. I really was drolling.. However it's really really nice to see some broadland locals being very well represented on here, truly shows the level of skill and expertise on the broads and surrounding areas. Naturally my votes went to the lovely Broadland (and east coast) ladies but the competition is very tough.. go give them support! Needless to say a huge thanks to those who keep these going, you all deserve way more support, without them the world would be a lot duller.
  23. Stop biting your nails Alan ;) Putting a winch controlled from the helm was the best thing done to Orca.. Makes mudweighting and stern on moorings a breeze :) If you've not considering switching via the helm it's well worth the extra hassle (We put a chain counter switch too so makes it's even more easy). I hope you are using Tom over at JPC for the heating works, he's the boat heating man and knows his stuff for sure, wouldn't use anyone else even down here.
  24. Hi All, I'm looking for recommendations, the BA have sent me a letter advising that Orca seems to be 4 years old in march and needs to checked for safety. Can anyone recommend a suitable Norfolk based examiner whom I can trust to jump aboard and do a good job (I'd like to think she will fly through anyway once I've restuck some stickers and erm put the fire blanket in the "right" spot!?!). I'll go with the one with most votes, although they need to be permitted into Broadsedge marina which maybe easier said than done! (Ma and Pops and liked the chap who did S.Kingfisher though, do you remember who that was?!) Thanks in advance.
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