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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. This looks good! http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/new-tree-shears-make-light-work-of-overhanging-vegetation?utm_content=buffer5074c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  2. Are you sure? Granted not the huge flocks of years gone by they are still about, at least on the Waveney.
  3. I would stay with what you have! A great deal to recommend a smaller boat on the Broads. Size is not always an advantage, especially in relation to crowded moorings or low bridges.
  4. Should have called out the volunteers from The Broadland Cave Rescue Team.
  5. Perhaps he was expecting a bridge!
  6. Back in the Seventies a gang of us had an old Vertue sailing boat that was fitted with an Origo petrol stove, wondrous affair that was! Lighting it was a dramatic experience, especially in a gale when we were on our beam ends. Whoever fired the thing up was bound to lose the hairs off the backs of their hands and from well up there fore-arms. However, once alight it was the doggy's doo-dars, boil a pint seemingly in seconds. Condensation, what condensation?
  7. Is not duct tape and gaffa tape one and the same thing? If not then nearer enough, both seem to do the same jobs! Gaffa tape on an old gaffer does seem right somehow! PS The 'lads' were pretty well 'lubricated' already!
  8. Actually a well prepared cruising dinghy would have one, that, a can of WD40, a hammer, a bottle opener and shackle spanner will tackle most calamities likely to be encountered aboard.
  9. The starlings are there in the second picture, to the left, just about lost against a dark cloud. I had hoped for better but the *uggers failed to co-operate. Still, I enjoyed their antics!
  10. Normal for Norfolk! An evening lifted by a flock of starlings murmerising against the setting sun. Well worth a waddle to the waterside. Just to let you know what you are missing!
  11. There is a forthcoming Broads Authority workshop on the question of access to the Broads. Inevitable, I suppose, but there is a very serious risk that by increasing access there becomes a very real threat to what it is that people come here to enjoy. Mind you, whilst Horning is already rammed people still flock there, and in ever increasing numbers, and they do that in preference to visiting more out of the way destinations.
  12. I do genuinely leave the mudweight just below the surface so I can wash it whilst underway. Always get some clever *ick jeering from the bank! Well, at least my foredeck is nice & clean.
  13. Does that mean that they will also get bigger?
  14. I note that Gracie has reacted to a number of our comments. Gracie, bless you and thank you.
  15. Doing the rounds on FaceBook but nevertheless worth posting over here simply as a warning. Mind you, what a silly billy thing to have done! Not only the power cable but also the TV co-axial cable!
  16. There being a flood warning, a Northerly wind and an interesting sunset I thought I'd waddle down the garden, camera in hand, just to check that nothing could float away on the tide. Whilst I was there the sun came out from under the clouds! Looks like it's raining over Beccles
  17. Adam, did you make it? The weather gods were kind to you.
  18. No black pudding or roast pigeon, how tight can a man be?
  19. Nor me, at least in foul weather. However I would be able to nip into the yacht-station for a pee and a tea every hour or two. I'm not convinced that SOB or even a RIB needs to patrol for 6 hours. A fair bet that in the event of a grounding it will be a t one end of Breydon whilst the patrol boat is at the other. The RNLI doesn't constantly patrol, but their boats are on call 24hrs. No, I'm not suggesting that the BA takes over from the RNLI but I do question the process that lead up to the purchase of SOB and the rationale for her choice.
  20. Fair comment, Old Gregg, but the young crews don't generally get bladdered!
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