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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. The BA clearly had high hopes that many more than a few boats would have gone electric by now but the reality is that it is electric engines that have been dumped, witness the wherry yachts that have reverted to diesel propulsion. Not convinced that it was a miscalculation, rather more that it was a well intended false hope.
  2. In truth I really don't suppose anyone back then had a clue as to how requirements would develop. It was a brave stab in the dark that probably hasn't developed as hoped.
  3. I don't see 100% electric boat propulsion taking over during any of your lifetimes. The reason is simple, no charging points at sea! Maybe on the Broads & the Lakes but I doubt that the coastal bling fleets will be going fully electric any time soon. Hybrid or atomic, perhaps.
  4. Most, if not all the early Broads electric pumping stations were DC and the cables were probably all above ground.
  5. In relation to our local surgery and hospitals my experiences are no different to Ian's. Excellent on one hand, worryingly poor on the other.
  6. When I cast off from my mooring I like to think that I am independent of such fripperies as mains electricity! It would be no holiday if I had to spend all day worrying whether or not I would be able to find a vacant power point or not. Thank goodness for wind, tide, pulling power, petrol, paraffin and candles!
  7. And learned to drive a tractor before they could recite their one times table and go 'oooooh arghhhh' when an aeroplane flies overhead!
  8. The answer is simple, all claim to be Norfolk inbreds! Perhaps Griff has eleven children, all brothers and cousins. Just remember to mumble a few 'howld yew hard bors', 'moind ya hid bors' and the occasional 'ha-ya got a loight bor' to the conversation, easy, you'll all pass as Norfolk 'n good!
  9. For heaven's sakes, let's have one simple to understand set of rule across Gt Britain and be done with it.
  10. How high would those bridges have to be to accommodate the seemingly unmovable aerials and super attractive, high altitude tents/hoods with which so many are fitted? Theoretically raising Vauxhall a couple of feet should be a doddle but would that be enough?
  11. It would also be interesting to know what the real percentage is of the many thousands of boats on the Broads that do actually plug in?
  12. You are not alone in that Poppy. Perhaps a hefty surcharge on all boats fitted for mains electricity, e.g. a toll surcharge.
  13. Countryfile has been approached in the past. The whole issue surrounding the BNP furor is also surely worth investigation by Countryfile. That said, Countryfile responded positively over the use of the BNP tag by the BA when the BA had a rare input on the program. Perhaps you remember the Ranger, when being interviewed, greeted the reporter thus; 'Welcome to the Broads Nur', the national park term having been edited out. Very clearly Countryfile are aware of the BNP situation but I suspect that the wider public interest in the Broads is not considered as being sufficiently significant. HGB is surely even less significant, regretfully.
  14. It is widely known where it matters and has been for several years. Whilst it is known it doesn't mean that an offence has taken place, having friends is not yet illegal . Fish Legal's FOI has unearthed unacceptable procedures within the EA, it will be interesting to see if and how that develops. The BA has coincidentally kept its distance in regard to HGB. Don't forget, HGB is a flagship Natural England project.
  15. You might, or might not be surprised at who went to university with whom, or who once had adjoining offices alongside the River Wensum. As the saying goes, its not always what you know but who you know! Thank goodness for the FOI Act.
  16. Slip under the bridge at Potter Heigham, marvel at the passing vista and head towards the Pleasure Boat Inn where I suggest that you moor for the week and chill. All the very best people do that!
  17. I was involved with the EA at their Norwich office thus I knew what the fishery team had firmly advocated. What has shocked me is that that information, gathered at huge expense, was not just ignored but was actually withheld and hidden from public view.
  18. The boating world has the RYA, us anglers have Fish Legal. In relation to Hoveton Great Broad Fish Legal has become involved. Further worthwhile information here: https://anglingtrust.net/2020/09/09/environment-agency-ignores-its-own-experts-trying-to-protect-vital-fish-spawning-grounds-in-norfolk-broads/
  19. Ian, for various reasons I can wholly sympathize with your predicament. The NNH has a reassuring reputation, you are in good hands. I wish you well.
  20. Looking closely I can see no exhaust from the the casualty's engine so you could well be right.
  21. I was actually stood on the bank watching the drama unfold. My impression was that the casualty tried to turn but the tide took over thus Broadsbeat and a RIB nudged her round. I have no doubt that there was a degree of panic onboard caused by the rescue response as well as the tide that was hossing full steam through the bridge arches. Their engine may well have packed up but she had come through bridge pointing seaward but then appeared to be unable to turn when instructed to. If I remember correctly a RIB crew member was eventually put aboard the casualty thus i wonder if the casualty's engine was going but the extra muscle was used for safety and handling.
  22. They'll be on a tailor made rack, easy to find.
  23. A RIB was also involved in the tow. Good boat handling by all involved. The hireboat crew must have been scared stiff by the sudden arrival of so much muscle! They had innocently passed under the bridge, perhaps drawn by the Maritime Festival, before all hell let loose and the mass rescue services pounced on them. Needless to say they had passed that massive notice that says 'No Hire Boats beyond this point'!!
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