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Everything posted by Wussername

  1. As Shakespeare said: "One man in his time plays many parts" Well done. Trouble is that I cannot think of anything that I am good at. Andrew
  2. That wunt me master Vorn. I dunt no narthan.
  3. i am not sure Ray that the car bit is relevant. it is a boat. Concentrate on that bit. I was hit by a hire boat on Salhouse Broad three weeks or was it four weeks ago. I was moored up. Having lunch.They reversed into me, at speed in attempt to stern moor. I had ten people on my hired picnic boat. Children, parents and grandparents. It was a serious hit, at speed. Glasses, food, plates on the floor. Cupboard doors flew open, the contents smashed on the floor. I had ten guests on board. All confused. Upset. On the hire boat, one women injured, badly bruised hand in an attempt to fend off. Some of the hire boat people were in tears. the hire boat attempted to leave. One member of their crew was standing on the stern, his arms extended in a passive manner and in broken English told me that it was the first day on the boat and they they did not know how to reverse the boat. i requested that they reversed back. They did not feel confident enough to attempt the maneuver. so another member of the crew used the boats dinghy to the bank to confront me. As he approached I informed him it was not to be a confrontational meeting. I helped him from his dinghy and shook his hand and thanked him for meeting me. By the way, it was friendly fire, a blue on blue. We were both from the same boat yard. I told him that I was duty bound to report to the boat yard which i duly carried out. And we carried out the formalities. Although I feel that the lady with the bruised hand would carry her discomfort for the duration of her holiday. I felt so very sorry for the hire boat driver. He had an expectation, for his holiday, which failed to reach his ideal. The Industry, the Broads Authority, those who rely on our visitors, our pubs, restaurants, our media, indeed the forums need to be aware of the value and impact of their contribution.
  4. Hi Poppy. "Properly prepared and instructed". By who? What training has that person received? What accreditation has he obtained to teach, to instruct. Do all boat yards conform to the standards and principal of that which is accepted and approved with regard to the basic requirements recognised by those of us, including your goodself, and have a reasonable expectation that these disciplines have been identified and understood. Some will say that the trial run has stood the sence of time. It requires little attention. I disagree. It needs revisiting. There are so many implications which relates to the boat yard, the boat yards agent and his client, the customer, in the event of a serious incident. We live in a different legal environment from that of years ago. That is why I believe Poppy's post is so important. Andrew.
  5. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/river-chet-cruiser-sinking-one-of-200-crashes-recorded-on-broads-1-5686298
  6. A wonderful tale Timbo. I gave it a laugh. I wanted to give a thanks and a like. But unable. Andrew
  7. Great photo. Ship shape and Bristol fashion. I love to see it. No wonder when people coming into moor sometimes get themselves into the most awful muddles when presented with a dog's dinner which they try frantically to untangle. Andrew
  8. My word. Thank you Breydon. I hope that others may contribute to this post.
  9. Evening Flight was certainly at Stalham Yacht Services for some time.
  10. Great photos JM That's next year's calendar sorted then! Andrew
  11. I can remember when Maidie stood on a hardstanding in the centre of Norwich for what seemed several years. In fact some thought she would never race again. I believe she was owned by a Mr Tinkler a motor cycle dealer, but I may be wrong. Andrew
  12. Could one argue that the volume of the tank is for three toilet's and that the owner of the equipment has to pay for the disposal to the local water/sewage authority accordingly. I really don't know. On a different tack. Many many years ago I remember one bogerolagist who on taking payment worked on the principle that every other payment was his and was trousererd in an old aged tradition. The governer had the rest. Andrew
  13. Funnily enough I was at Womack today when a holiday makers asked me where he could get a pump out. He had been on the boat two days. Four adults, four children. The three toilet's were all reading full. There was only one holding tank. I directed him to the pump out facility on the quay heading. He also asked me how much it would cost him. I told him to enquire at the shop which managed the facility. Firstly should the toilets have filled up after two days. Had they been instructed as to how to use the toilets properly and finally on what basis should they have been charged. One, two or three toilet's. Andrew
  14. Who knows. Dear old Timbo has only been on the river for a couple of hours and there is a hiatus. All of us are now on QRA. (Quick Reaction Alert) Andrew
  15. “History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon?” ― Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code I prefer Vaughan's version of history as to that which is perceived by some.
  16. Pass the parcel comes to mind. Ii is my fervent wish that I will be able to witness an authority that is recognised as having accountability and considers itself worthy of accepting that responsibility. I am unable to identify any such authority within our community or The Broads in particular. Andrew
  17. Pint er twos wude hev been better.
  18. Thank you Willow. I was a trial run driver, an instructor if you like, for some 30 years. I find your comments worthy of further consideration by those on this forum for contribution and may I suggest constructive criticism with regard to the induction of the new hirer. Andrew
  19. I was just going to give your post "a like" Fred. Then I thought that Facebook despite my fear of the site, my reservations of the site, having the ability to be able to destroy NBN is unfounded.
  20. I believe that the comment above should go a long way in having a calming influence on the doubts and suspicion that many of my generation have harboured in the light of adverse articles of late in the media towards Facebook and the amazing use of Twitter by a well known gentleman. It is good to know that there will be a measured control and discipline across both platforms. I for one don't always like it or agree with it but it is so very important within our community in the long term. Andrew
  21. Never did read it. Always felt that actions speak louder than words. I wonder what became of Lynda.
  22. ECIPA. You must plough your own furrow. For me all I see is smoke and mirrors. Perhaps I am of a different generation and would like to leave it as that. It has served me well in the past. Andrew
  23. Your reply would seem to suggest that you are aware. That I believe adds to the lack of transparency and credibility and accountability of Facebook. We provide our names, they do not. But no real issue i suppose in the scheme of things, I do not wish to escalate this any further unless it impacts against the forum which to my mind is paramount towards the future and advancement of the Broads as we remember it and as to its future. Facebook will not contribute to that vision.
  24. May I refer to the original post. Falling in the water.For some a bit of a laugh. For others it can lead to life changing injuries, as witnessed at the tragic incident last year at Acle where an elderly lady suffered life changing injuries to her foot. Caused initially, by falling in the water and being in contact with a propeller. According to the statistics the number of people entering the water inadvertently, last year, discounting those who who capsized dinghies etc or from any water sports where entry into the water is predictable. For 2017 the total amounts to: Twelve. Clearly a statistic which is a nonsense. As for hospital treatment, some 36. A considerable increase on previous years going back to 1993. As quoted from the report it would seem as if that disembarkation and falling in remains to be the main activity which results in injury and potential for drowning.. Andrew
  25. May I suggest credibility and accountability Andrew.
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