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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Okay not the same as the real thing but worth going all the same.We have done both .
  2. Marina and I not long back from watching, Westlife at the Cinema. There concert from Dublin not many there only Eighty five thousand. A great night,sadly no more concerts booked this year let's see what's crops up.
  3. All it takes is common sense.
  4. Believe me we have a boat at Brundall, it's often busy any time of the year.
  5. Took this photo the other day. He's car is across from City Thames link in the City of London.At present I am working in Goldmans Sachs.Next week slow but sure every one moving to a new building.,just up from the old building. For a time both buildings will operate at the same time.Very exciting a little scary none the less.Still looking forward to it.
  6. Oh dear,to be honest I would cheer on a GB Diddly winks team..
  7. My main love is football, a clue in my tag,but also love Cricket ,rugby and Tennis. Of which have been a fan all my life. So I take it chaps,your not fans of the game.Which is a shame,its a great game.Having played the game(badly),I can only admire the skill involved.
  8. Just watched a great ladies match.The fifteen year old girl.Coco Gauff.Winning her match.She played her socks off.A young lady to watch.For sure a winner in the future.
  9. As many will know,I have been up on the broads since the sixties. Never get bored with it.In fact hopefully in a few years Marina and I hope to retire to the broads.Most folk are friendly, some not(think they must be sad).A few years back we moored at the Ferry Reedham,I helped one chap to moor.I did not realise the wood was in such a bad state,pulling him in ,one leg went in the yare one not.Another time in Neatishead I helped about four boats moor,they were nervous doing so,so I took over the helm,only to lose my very expensive sun glasses. Still.never mind.Thats what the broads are about helping one another.
  10. Try cove brundall showers,loos electric. Nice Marina, lifting winter time if required.
  11. A great result for England, bit of a wobbly in the middle.Dont think `India did them selves any favours the end of the match.They seemed to give.Still its all to play for.
  12. You may be right,I thought someone had put in a planning application for caravans.Which I think was turned down.
  13. We do like the pub,good starting point for holidays over the years.In the past when we hired,now as owners.If I'm honest I am not a great lover of the food,think the menu has been the same for as long as I remember. That said I hope the pub remains I never like seeing a pub turn into flats.
  14. Michael and Paul have owned the pub for forty years.Very much doubt Brooms own the land.If so think it would cost them to buy them out.
  15. Is there lots to do south.Norwich Oulton broad, Beccles .Long mainly quite spots,but dont tell anyone. Just be aware of the southern river monsters waiting to get northern folk as they head south.
  16. Many times we have set off early,often before 06.00.As said as long as you have the engine running to long before you set off.
  17. Oh Paul theres bad luck then theres very bad luck.Hope things take a turn for the better.
  18. Agree also very good is Silverline Brundall. Decide on your budget then work it from them.All the yards suggested are very good.
  19. Yes it is very hot two years ago,the weather wasn't great.Marina's Uncle lived in Hamberg.Not been there for many years,we just seem to love Berlin.Today we were thinking aloud and have decided to come back in two years.
  20. Sadly our last night in Berlin.Has been busy packing a lot in, very hot.We have enjoyed it ,have met some interesting people, Brits and Germans.We hope to return in two years.If you've not been here give it a go.Very interesting city.As I said Marina's mum came from here.
  21. Yes you must visit ,we have decided to come back in two years.We have met a number of people, mainly Brits,also the odd American. All with interesting stories.
  22. Yesterday was Marina's birthday, so today she's started to spend some of her euro's in Alexanderplatz.Just popped back to drop off at the hotel.Then back out again.
  23. Not long back from,a busy day.We started at Brandenburg tor then the Holocaust Memorial. Very moving.A striking fact.If you were to recount the stories of almost six million. It would take almost seven years to tell there stories. Lunch sitting by the river then the DDR museum and sea life centre.Later out for dinner. Brandenburg tor,then the photos of the Holocaust Memorial.
  24. Marina and I remember when it was East and West Germany. For me we came back in 2017.very much changed, I last visited in 1977.
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