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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. ⁸Yet again nice hot day.This morning we went to Potsdam.A great day really is worth a visit. Lots of boats on the river,which runs from Berlin to the sea.Getting back this afternoon, some bad news,one of our cats not very well.our daughter took her to the vets.She seems to be after a number of tests okay. Tomorrow hope to visit the DDR museum ,sea life centre and the Brandenburger tor .Some pics. Marina,with a funny drink.Potsdam,
  2. Yet again nice hot day.This morning we went to Potsdam.A great day really is worth a visit. Lots of boats on the river,which runs from Berlin to the sea.Getting back this afternoon, some bad news,one of our cats not very well.our daughter took her to the vets.She seems to be after a number of tests okay. Tomorrow hope to visit the DDR museum ,sea life centre and the Brandenburger tor .Some pics. Marina,with a funny drink.Potsdam,
  3. Giant oak trees from small acorns, Best wishes Ian
  4. We have been in Berlin a number of hours.Just got back from a walkabout,and a spot of lunch. Will go back out later.Its daily warm.They saw it's a small world,this morning at Heathrow, a couple sat next to us.He was English she from,Croatia.They were heading home.Wednesday they were in Oulton broad and Lowestoft. Considering it's the biggest Airport in the UK,surprising.
  5. At the airport waiting for our flight, our first time at T5.Its big.
  6. Welcome raj,bridge heights can be confusing. Hire companies often add the odd inch to there heights. As said the north sea has an affect on tides at times raising the water.Best to check with loca,,such as YS harbour masters.At Beccles Tim is your man.If I am in places such as Reedham I check with caution and approach slowly.
  7. Tomorrow, Marina and I are off to Berlin for a long weekend. We last went two years ago ,on our anniversary (40).Marinas mum was from Berlin coming to England just after the war.So for Marina a bit like home.Very much looking forward to it.Berlin has changed,not least my first visit the wall was up now thankfully gone.looks like the weather should be good.I will post photos along the way.
  8. Just got home,a great night.Two backing bands good young American girl 15 and a London family band.Then a warm up about half an hour.Lots of old stuff got the crowd going.Some new stuff and old stuff,a surprise they did about 4/5 Queen hits,which was good.We are going to see them again at the flicks on the 6 July. Now need to sort out another concert. Hope to see Ed and adele. Let's see .ONe of my old favourites sadly no longer with us,Pavarotti in the cinema
  9. At the 02 waiting to see Westlife. Just been to the shops here.Some good buys.
  10. Strange MM has not replied to this post,must be checking the takings!
  11. Not sure if I'm correct..Think there is a group called swan rescue also.
  12. Have just caught up watching the Great British Menu, at Abbey Road.My 0ld manager Doreen and Lester Sound Engineer were at the lunch.So pleased they were invited. Great to see Abbey Road.I spent, off and on about five years there as Head Chef.One of my most interesting jobs.
  13. Why dont we do birthday posts, like Facebook. Okay some members,like me are about 160 and will need a very large cake for all the candles. Some members dont put there date of birth on there profile, but it's an idea.What do others think?
  14. Sorry will try again ,better at cooking than tech stuff.Hold on Marina I have a bad cold and cough, that's way my singing was not as good.Now starting to loose my voice. Don't encourage her Grace!It dont take much
  15. Just back from seeing Take That.It was there last night of the tour,from the principality studiam Cardiff. As always,they put on a good show.Next week Westlife at the 02. Hopefully I can attach a video of there last song Rule the world, with additional vocals from me.I must point out I have a bad cold and cough.
  16. Just on my way back from bluewater. Its Marinas, birthday in a few weeks time.Okay brought some stuff for me .Chocolate, scotch well do have s bad cold,and got lunch.We are in Berlin for her birthday. Tonight we are going to see Take That at our local cinema .
  17. Yes indeed,my father wanted to join up,but was a miner.Therefore he had to serve in the mines.He joined the RAF after the war sadly he died when I was a child.My grandfather served in the RHA during WW1.Both wars touched most of us in one way or another.The TV coverage very moving and respectful.
  18. Today of course is the 75th anniversary of D-Day.Just spare a thought for those that served and the many that gave there lives. We will remember them.
  19. Any money paid to BA,sure it wont go towards diesel for SOB.It never goes anywhere!
  20. Marina and I wont be there,so for us no probs.Instead we will be in Berlin.
  21. I didn't for one minute think it landed there,it was my light hearted look .However my message was not.the bravery by those that took part in D-Day was incredible.
  22. Took this photo yesterday on the way to work at London bridge station. Part of the D-Day events going on here and France to mark the 75 th Anniversary. Spare a moment to remember all those that gave there life for us.
  23. A big set back for England, hope it doesn't prove costly. Think they thought it was going to be a easy match.Clearly not.
  24. Pleased for Liverpool winning the Champions league. They missed out on the premier league. Of course Happy that my team won the other day.Chalsea still the only London team to win the champions league.
  25. My guess,before the start most people stay in the bar.The same when we was there a few weeks ago to see Take That.Once it stats they all flood in.The same happens at Football.
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