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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. When the temp goes high as it has done over the last week.some seem to lose all reason. In the last few weeks think two people died in the Thames others risk there lives swimming in deep cold water.Now the weather is cooler the risk reduces, however the risk is still there and must be managed.
  2. Thanks to the Ferry hose,we found out the Ale trail is back.Think they are missing a trick.In the past they used to send me details before it happened, now they dont,no longer have a discount card or sent a news letter.Whuch in the past did.
  3. Ste,let's hear a bit about yourself, where are you moored etc. Ian
  4. It wont sadly change our lives.Marina did the lotto yesterday (lucky dip) winning £7.50.Its funny last on our hols we won £100,three lucky dips and two £2.50s.
  5. At Oulton its overcast and cool, lots of rain overnight. Yesterday not very good for my COPD, however a bit more sun would be nice.Off to Lowestoft for a bit then onto the Ferry house for a light dinner.
  6. We are at Oulton,both bridges were shut talking to the chaps at the YS,Somerleyton was working early Friday but not when we went through. Also the road bridge at Oulton was not working. At present its overcast and cooler will see when we head back.
  7. Not wine,but a good bitter.
  8. Hope it clears up,we will be in Brundall this morning,.Then onto Oulton.
  9. Dont take this the wrong way can leave you some old Wellingtons!
  10. No cook it rare so a good vet could bring it back to life,finely chopped mushrooms fine dice shallots cooked salt black pepper.set aside with the fillet allow to cool.a good homemade pate puff pastry. Best homemade,or a good all butter puff pastry. Chive pancakes.wrap the fillet using the pancakes coat the fillet in the mushroom mix and pate use egg to act as glue and colour. Make sure the beef is wrapped allow to cool and set in the fridge for at least half an hour.Cook.in a hot oven 180/200c check after about 10 minutes reduced the temp to 160-170.Make sure pastry is crisp,total cooking about 30 40 mins.allow to rest,serve with seasonal veg and roast spuds,and a rich red wine sauce.Not for the faint hearted but a true classic. A tip before you start with the beef take from.the fridge about half an hour (room temp).
  11. Beef Wellington, know how to make it,bet alot dont.
  12. I would be happy to offer advice on menus and trends, but what do I know.46 + years in the business. They seem able to cock it up without me
  13. This was trendy about five years ago,now a bit old hat
  14. More then lightly cheese or chilli on top,ie dirty dogs,hot dogs with chilli on top.
  15. Alan we are up Friday,already booked a mooring at Oulton then the Ferry house Saturday may see you over the weekend. Regards Ian
  16. Plus she would spill a lot of the vino.
  17. Theres been one death in the Thames in the last few days.When it gets hot some people leave there brain behind.
  18. Ricky has a wide range of boats,sure they maybe something that would suit. On the south theres freedom boat s,Silverline. Why not try online or phone
  19. I fully understand times change and things move on.Marina and I will call in September, however it's the one pub that stands out in my memory. First visiting in the sixties when Susan was landlady.those memories will stay with me.I have made my views on the menu very clear,in fairness over the years we have not eaten there that much.For us it's to enjoy the pub,not worrying about the food.Once we visit I will give my views good or bad.
  20. All well and good,but not may tea rooms in the city.
  21. Welcome to both also,can we hear a little about you?
  22. Think it's all down to silly season.Not much to report oh that's report about London NP.Taking about silly season,today we find out our new PM.
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