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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I'm sure you have seen one Lulu,our boat sweet kingfisher!This year we saw some in March and Easter.
  2. I think Liverpool are overdue winning the premier,that's why.
  3. Well done Man city,although a Chelsea fan,I am sorry Liverpool did not win the premier.However what a great season for both teams.Just a bit more silverware to be decided. Of course I hope we win the cup.England playing next month and the Lionesses in action during the summer. Let's hope they both do well.
  4. I did to see the post before mine.The bit on the left is now private moorings.
  5. Easy, another New Inn at Rockland st Mary
  6. For hire boats it will have _2 for example. Our boat is ex hire sleeps four but is a _ six.which means it can carry six but only sleep four.I would however speak to the hire company. That way you are covered.
  7. That will teach you, downing lots of the black stuff then Scotch
  8. Like others very sorry with the loss of Tan,my thoughts are with you and the family. I too hope you have closure. Ian
  9. What's not to like Grace,he's the crooner from Vancouver !Its smooth listening. For me like a large selection of music.Have seen live, from Pavarotti to Westlife. Liking a large selection of music Perhaps one of my best jobs was wrong at Abbey Road.Dont worry Grace wont hold it against you not liking the Bubble. PS You are the only one that dont like the Buble Ian
  10. I missed out on getting tickets for him.He is a great singer and person.Next up for us is Westlife also at the o2.Enyjoy the Buble.
  11. Just got home from seeing take that.A great night.Rick Ashley kicks off the evening,Lulu sang relight my fire with the band.Songs from the start up to now.This being the second time we have seen them.Been almost two years since we have been to the o2.There is a shopping centre, bit like a mini bluewater.Worse bit getting out of the carpark.Like wacky races.
  12. At the o2,justhad something to eat at Wasabi .Waiting to go in
  13. The point I am making is terrorists that bombed Mancheste,r borough market and Westminster two years ago.Killed many people out to enjoy themselves .young and old.Senceless killing. For what reason. Just leave us alone.If they want to die do so without harming others
  14. Hello Dave welcome ,what to you mean,its not a hassle.You just throw a few hundred pounds in the water every month. We have owned boats for almost ten years.Not cheap,but it's great always happy on the water.
  15. I know what you mean,but think there is a deference between good natured banter and abuse.
  16. Football has often been a bit war like,in recent years has got better.There seems to be a problem with Sunday league and even some school age children. Players, refs and line officials being verbally abused. This must be stopped. I think players young and old should take part without fear.Good old banter yes,anything else is unacceptable.
  17. Yes Griff we last saw Take that just after the Manchester concert.Change of subject these people why dont they jump of the edge of a cliff somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.
  18. Know what you mean Alan,I dont often wear shorts however,last weekend Marina had a tidy up and found I had about six.Most of which are Chelsea football shorts.
  19. My day,Marina has arranged someone to clean our carpets.He's done them before,and a very good job he's done .Tonight we are going to see Take That at the o2.Very much looking forward to it.Saw them two years ago.They put on a great show.
  20. Chelsea what are you doing to me!We don't make it easy.Should have finished them off first half.Not our best season yet two finals and third in the premier. Now just got to overcome Arsenal. Great for English football two Euro finals=four English teams
  21. Depends on the photos I suppose!Welcome to the forum by the way
  22. There are available some mobile phones that are basic,with large numbers.It may be worth contacting mobile providers. Hopefully someone more tech savvy will be more helpful then me MM.
  23. Grace I understand you don't know the off side rule.If you like I can explain the rules of Cricket!
  24. Glad to see your the boss did you ask her permission first?
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