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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Just brought a new car.A few weeks back coming back from Biggin hill a car hit us on the back.There fault so the car was in for repair and we had a Seat Leon in the mean time. Marina loved it,so booked a test drive.We have gone for the Seat mini will be picked up in about a weeks time. Only thing is wrong colour,still nice to have a new car.Only a few miles on the clock. Marina with the sold sign
  2. The reason I support Chelsea is because I was on a school trip in Yorkshire,on the lead up to Chelsea playing Leeds in the FA cup.At that time I liked football no team in general. The locals were pulling our leg because of our voices,so I was shocked much to the dismay of my uncle who was a big Chalton fan.Have supported Chelsea ever since.Many years ago my work mate at the time suggested we go to the pub to watch England play in the test match.I said yes to the pub not interested in the Cricket.How wrong could I be.Got shocked and have loved the game ever since.The same with Rugby union. My other long time love is Tennis have loved the game since a child.Sport is a great thing to watch and play.Whatever is your sport or team enjoy. Chelsea Ian
  3. We go down the Chet often,for one Graham looks after the boat.Needless to say he does a great job,the other reason is simple.Its a great place to visit.What concerns me is the problem with boats damaged objects in the water,is not only dangerous but may put people off.I think all parties concerned should work together and don't pass the parcel.
  4. Have been in the pub,but when I was there early May only bottled beer.There pub was bar dark which I found in inviting. Will call in next month.Been in Bridgestones many times,very good.
  5. A number yesterday afternoon at the ferry house.
  6. I agree think the forum will last longer then the Facebook group.In fact Twitter,Snapchat etc are growing .So Facebook may die out or change over time.
  7. Close by cove marina very good
  8. Almost as bad as old men with long unkempt hair.
  9. I agree Peter, something's on Facebook are well out of order.As a group we should agree disagree Mickey taking but not making it personally.Long may it continue.
  10. We had a fair bit of rain and a thunderstorm just over an hour ago.A couple of cracks of thunder overhead.A bit cooler but inside the house still feels hot.
  11. It's a man born in 1998,he gave a NI number but no other form of Id or payment.He fits the description of one or two families in the street. I am certain he just picked on our number.At this stage think it's the end of the matter.They will check his NI number to find his correct address.If it does continue I will take legal action,but Taking to the lady last am certain it's the end of the matter
  12. Well the lady came round and checked our passports.Going back we know low life was caught without a ticket or pass.Was asked for id, he gave a NI number and our address.Low life was born in 1998 he said.We told the lady there seems to be perhaps two houses in the street that fits the bill on someone of that age.We were told that this should be the end of the matter.She said sadly this is fairly common.Now if it does happen again,I WILL TAKE SOME KIND OF LEGAL ACTION.
  13. We have invited them today to check our Id.Dont think this low life is that clever. I am certain he lives in our street because post codes work on blocks and each street has different post codes.
  14. At present at work my day is spent in the boardroom and I where a fleece. It is cold.When I go home it is a shock.I do like the hot weather apart from sleep time then it could be a bit cooler.Never mind soon be C-time Ian
  15. It is a shame was a good shop.There is a trade shop which is Nisbits in Norwich.More then lightly cheaper and is open to the public
  16. It depends on what and how many you are cooking for Give me some info and perhaps I can give you some advice (am a chef)
  17. Saturday before last thanks to Marina I did the hanger tour at Biggin hill.Alos lucky saw three Spits take off and land close up.Lots of planes being restored,just great plus photos wartime cars etc.If like me you like planes and are close to Biggin give it a visit Then at the end I got to sit in a spit Some pics
  18. Thanks Paul,yes we to will be down on the 3rd.Marinas friend is with us and we will go to Oulton
  19. I may have said about this before, for well over a year we have recieved letters regarding non payment of fares for Transport for London,ie buses or underground.Lots of letters from us, phone calls etc.The last of which almost three mouths ago.Thought this was sorted.Came home yesterday to see letter, saying if we did not pay the outstanding amount, nearly £800.They would take goods to cover the cost.After a few attempts sake to the woman named.Just keeping my temper, saying this person had never lived here.As agreed with us she we call tomorrow and confirm that this low life has never lived here.I am sure this press lives in the street and used our number.My guess is the fine at the time was about £20,now standing at almost £800.I would be more then happy to give the powers that be the right address if I knew!. Not only is this low life not paying his bills he wants us to!I hope he gets caught. Ian
  20. Some may or may not have noticed,I have not posted recently.Like a fool I lost my phone three weeks ago.As well as being a pain in the backside,I had not backed up stuff.Thanks to virgin media,I now have emails.Also forgot passwords back now thank goodness. So dam back. Ian
  21. I was lucky thanks to patches I gave up smoking in 2005.I used to smoke 40 plus a day,I stated to feel unwell and the cost became a bit much.If people want to smoke thats up to them.I think one of the best things to happen is the ban on smoking in public places.If you want to smoke or vape do so outside.Not around me, even when i smoked I was not a fan of smoking in pubs restaurants etc.I also am aware some people smoke and live until 100,others may only ever smoke 10 and die the next day.I now thanks to many years smoking have COPD.Believe me its not very nice and I would not wish that on anyone, okay I have no one to blame but myself.My point is as I have already said if you want to smoke fair enough,but not around me.
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