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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. our boat is 8 6,we get under ludham bridge.When you pick up the boat just check with the yard.They know the bridge heights. Ian
  2. What we do each year is compile our own list.Using info from broadcaster YS pubs etc and we update it each year.Thats kept on the boat.Many numbers are on my phone also.
  3. Welcome to the forum from me,as others have there's info here and the broadcaster.Some moorings ie Beccles,great Yarmouth,Oulton broad Norwich YS will have info on tides etc Ian
  4. Looks good where was it taken?
  5. Sorry Boycee I'm a plonker, you sure your not a Chelsea fan.Hope you are well hope to see you over the season. Best wishes Ian
  6. to the Forum there's a certain Boyzee at Sutton say hello to him if you see him.I know for a fact he's a big Chelsea fan Ian
  7. I understand what's happening at the pub,over the years have stopped there many times.Its as I said it would be good if the long time future of the pub is settled.
  8. Yes it's good that there is a second BA moorings,but a well ran pub would bring the place back to life.As I said when spending two weeks on the broads we looked forward to spending our first night at Berney Arms. Now we just go past.
  9. I don't know what is happening at Berney Arms I believe if the pub was up and running,normal hours in the season. That would help.Last year there was times when people were asked to pay 10 pounds. Which I feel was unfair not even sure they had the right to do so.We last stopped at Berney did not feel welcome,Which in the past was always on our list to moor.Richard is right.There seems to be a lack of good moorings before BW. Let's hope something can be done to improve matters
  10. Not many people stop at Berney Arms since the pub is on ,off and BA only have a few spaces there.I very much doubt they will put in electric posts.
  11. from me tell us a bit about yourself. Ian
  12. Very good however not sure about the bedrooms seemed a bit tight for space.
  13. I to used to smoke 40 plus a day.Sometimes 60 then 12 years ago I gave up thanks to patches. At the time I was working at Abbey Road and you could smoke inside,against advice I had a few drinks with one of the guys who was leaving. Of course everyone was smoking. Then I quite liked it.Now I don't,I am not anti smoking or for that matter anti vapping.If people wish to do so fair enough but not inside public buildings.By the way when I did smoke I did not like Smokey pubs,clubs etc.
  14. Have never seen anyone vape inside the Yare thank goodness
  15. Can't speak for now.I know last year there were spaces available on certain days.
  16. I noticed you joined on the first of April. You sure this is not a belated April fools joke?
  17. The simple answer is no.Some private moorings do have some visitor moorings ie Brooms.Hire companies allow other hire companies to allow there boats on certain days,and some will allow private boats to moor at times.A phone call will give a answer.
  18. Let's hope it all works out well.
  19. Does anyone know who owns the pub,and have they a background in the business?
  20. I would suggest you hire a few times.If you use a good adgeny they will give you all the information you require when buying a boat.
  21. Most people have said hire a few boats,I would agree.As Liberty has said there are a number of courses ran by RYA.I would suggest to try a few boats not just day boats,because all boats are different.I like many gained experience over time.Give it a go then if you wish book a course. Welcome to the forum Ian
  22. Depends on and or where they are.Surlingham ferry house is open 365 days,others reduce there hours.The yare is open all year and most times is busy.This may be an idea for a link to add for information?
  23. They are on the bottom of the posts.
  24. Yes I agree Alan they are not very nice.Sure if updated it benefit the moorings no end
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