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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I think also city boats at Norwich do.Unsure of timings,as Paul said give Swan and or city boats a call
  2. I could say down in London most people are not London born. Some years back where I was working .I was setting up lunch.Two staff from different countries,were talking,one said to me.Chef where do you come from.London I said.No chef where were you born.London.There was a look of disbelief on his face. Ian
  3. Sorry to hear of the loss of your cat,as others have said,he did have a good long life. Returning home today from our holiday,it was good to see our to two cats.For sure they are very much part of the family.One of which will certainly take up most of the bed tonight. Ian
  4. Sadly we are now home.We had a great two weeks on the water.The weather was very very good,lots of rain and wind yesterday. Still most of our hols sunny and warm. This morning the chap next to us was really arranging his ropes,so I said morning are you okay. No he said the boat was taking on water.He was understandly distraught.It seem to be that the pumps were not clearing the water quick enough. He call the fire brigade. Pleased to say there problem got sorted out.His wife who had been very ill,said how nice everyone was.I told her that's what boating is about. Just a few more pic's Ps The fire at East hills and the office were badly damagbut they hope to be back to normal in a few weeks.It seems it was an electrical fire that started about six in the morning on Tuesday. Ian
  5. Paul it is a very good idea the only problem is they can't even get the present boards right. The other day the board West completely covered in reeds.Someone also said they don't want to open the bridge in hot weather. So that follows the wrong kind of snow/sun/rain/etc etc. Ian
  6. We spoke to someone the other day and they said that she had been sold but did not tell us who it was
  7. Stopped here at present still overcast waters edge
  8. Hi everyone a wet and overcast start to the day here at the waters edge.Pictures from last night and this morning. Food last night very good. Ian
  9. I don't think that are serving food yet still waiting for equipment,the other week we went to the ship very good.
  10. Should say when you come Iain visit the white horse
  11. Yes ian they are revamping the loose plus showers Alan when you do come vista's the white horse very good Ian
  12. Now in Norwich very warm,sadly coming to the end of our hols,still a few days to go yesterday we moored at Hadley mill Then a boat pasts calling out Chelsea. Glad Boycie has seen the light.Then we moored at the ferry house surlingham. Next to Andy and Karen .Dinner at the pub.Before that Loddon white horse food as always good Oulton and Lowestoft. At Oulton dinner at the waveney very good 5 rating now.boat the other side to us yesterday was the landlord of the lady of the lake.They don't do food anymore. Must go more shopping Ian
  13. On our way to Norwich last night at surlingham very hot more later
  14. Yes some people push there luck boating close to dark.As Peter said no need for a lifeboat however
  15. I just think the whole thing is very sad.I hope it can be sorted soon.Lets hope also that the yard is put to good use.Like many we like the southern broads,because it is quite however I fear that the hire trade in the south could die out I hope not.We gained our love of boating with alpha and silverline Ian
  16. We are moved at Oulton after coming from womack this morning. Arrived there yesterday very wet in the afternoon. After a very misty and foggy start lots of sun a bit windy however Ian
  17. Yes as you said I ain't some of the moorings have gone,however there are still many free moorings also most pubs.After one week most of our overnight stays have been free Wroxham did cost us 20 pounds,Potter at Herbert woods 8 pound and last night at womack 3 pounds. I do think more free moorings are needed. It seems busy for this time of year. Let's hope more free moorings are provided for nest year
  18. Hi Trevor and welcome to the forum we are at Potter at present yes the broads does get to you.Lets here more about you your boat and where you moor Ian
  19. Moored at the cafe Potter.Dinner last night at the Thai. A little bit of info the cafe/day boats and The hotel charge 10 pound between 9am to 4pm.10 pounds 4pm to 9pm.both of which you can't pre book.Hope to be heading for womack then down south Ian
  20. We are by the abbey for lunch and little light rain. After marina and I cleaning the boat at Sutton yesterday the nice man (not)cut the grass making the boat and mess again
  21. Another pic marina on sk at Sutton today
  22. Sorry you should have waved ,called us etc.Hope you have a good time 20.53 at present and still very warm
  23. Here are a couple of pics first one at stracy arms looking out from our window.The ducks you can see Chelsea duck Norwich duck.(marinas idea)of a joke.Chelsea duck don't talk to Norwich duck.Also Sutton this afternoon
  24. At present we are at Sutton it's been very warm today .We went to Stalham from Neatishead dinner at the white horse very good.We marina and I have done some cleaning. Yesterday I got told off by a hire boat a woman said only 4 mph I was just on tick over any slower and we would have stopped .We phoned up about booking a moorings at Wroxham the cafe/day boats and The hotel charge £20.00.Day boats at Herbert woods are £65.00 For 4 hours
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