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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Always get one.Yes most sailing boats will go under. Sadly most others won't .last time I went under apart from a day boat was 15 years ago.
  2. Speak to the yard and the pilots office. You can do so before you arrive. They will let you know.
  3. Very fews boats can now get under PH bridge.Do what I've done get a day boat.lovely stretch of river.
  4. Not easy there's to many of us,however I for one am a Londoner, not a cockney.
  5. Eels have long declined over many years not only in Norfolk and Suffolk. Right across the country.Thats why eels were so popular in the many pie and mash shops in London.Like eels,many shops have gone.There are measures to increase and protect eel populations.There has been increases in illegal catches of young eels,mainly going overseas Hopefully the good work done by agency's across the country will improve the population.
  6. We always visit the Whitehorse great pub.Summer before last they had a Psychic night.We didn't need to book,he knew we were coming!
  7. Caffè Rojano Mediterranean Restaurant, Padstow. He has five or six Restaurant.I would have gone to Mariners,but expensive about £80 each for set menu for lunch.The Caffè overs smaller plates if you wish.Think Rick Stein was booked out that week.Would like to visit Nathan Outlaws,think not enough time.Wait and see.Also rude not to have cream tea,and pasties at some time.
  8. Sadly not on the broads. Tiding up in the garden and the house.Slowly getting there. Next Monday we are staying in Cornwall for a little break, until the Friday.Very much looking forward to it.I've never been. Marina had as a child.Booked in for lunch on the Wednesday one of Paul Answorths Restaurants. May go up to the boat following week.Just for a day,will see.Nice to at last a sunny and warm Bank Holiday.
  9. After the last week or so,I've no nails left.City played well,but Chelsea dealt with them very well.Its been a strange season for us,none the less Two cup finals, One Champions league and fourth in the Premier league. Think we're in a good position for next season.All credit to the ref as well.He let the game flow and was fair to both teams.
  10. Am I pleased or what.For the third time this season we beat Man City.Our second Champions league. A great team performance by Chelsea. Not the best of seasons,but what a way to finish. TT not only got the team in a good place,he conducted our fans.Well done blue boys.
  11. Alan and myself,have often thought about going.Sadly never got round to it.Perhaps one day.
  12. The ferry house Surlingham. In my opinion one of the best pubs on the broads.No charge, but asked to eat at the pub(Always) busy.The New Inn Horning FOC but ask you eat in the pub.Coldham Hall Surlingham £10 taken off the meal.
  13. Many pubs with moorings, charge £10.Thats taken off the price of a meal.Theres no way I would pay £10,just to moor outside a pub.
  14. Okay, its an apartment. Think I'll book in for next year,or take Sweetkingfisher!
  15. You could have had a room there for the weekend for 26k.Cheap as chips!
  16. Most recently France, so many I've lost count
  17. We've got a few players who've also won the World Cup too.
  18. Over the years I've worked with Arsenal fans.I told them Arsenal never been the same since they left Plumstead. For a time I worked at BT sport.One evening they hosted a event and English and European cups were on display. The real thing.The cups had there own security. We had our photos taken with the cups.I said to one,we've won all of these.He replied your a Chelsea fan.Yes who do you support.Arsenal he said.Bad luck.
  19. I've not many nails left. Thanks to Spurs we are in the Champions league next season.Even though we lost to Villa 2-1.Sums up our season really at times brilliant then poor.Bad passing,not clearing the ball when in danger and allowing teams to get the better of us.A game we should have won,but all credit to Villa they took there chances when it mattered most.Next up an easy match(not).Man City in the Champions league final. Okay we beat them recently,but no doubt they will be on there A game.
  20. Hotels pub restaurants,will pick up.Theres a demand for people to get back into eating and drinking out.WIll it happen overnight no.Many staff have left the business. The challenge now is to get staff back into the business.
  21. Regarding the car.Booked in on the 2 June.Will cost £350.Not happy,would have hoped the person who did it would own up!Not much happening at the moment, all is going through. Most days we are reducing what we are taking,so lots of trips to recycle centre and charity shops.Today I had to get a new paper shredder. Think I killed the old one!This morning we had a removal company round to give us a quote. Two more to come,then see which one we like best
  22. True but my section last year we was told 80% of which would be made redundant. Due to my age I thought it best to take VR.Two weeks later 100% made redundant. I only know two people in my section who got back into catering. There are many vacancies in pubs,Restaurants, Hotels and right across the board. Without knowing the circumstances regarding the pub hard to know why he doesn't have staff.I do agree however if furloughd staff have to return to work.
  23. As someone who was furloughed,then took VR.Dont think I had it easy.There is without doubt many have left catering. Many starting new careers,not out of choice. Think in time things will re balance. Think some people should find out why people have not returned to certain jobs before making comments about being lazy or returning money.Most people I have worked with in nearly 50 years are hard working, and far from lazy and love the business.
  24. Monday we re looked at our wills.Made some changes which should ultimately help Nicola and Alan.Slow but sure sorting out stuff from the loft.Lots of memories, a fair few sad many happy and some we forgot about.lots of stuff from my dad when he was in the RAF.I'm thinking of putting together a srap book of memories. Nothing to do with the move or perhaps yes.Some kind soul in a white car grazed the front of our brand new 21 reg car.No damage but will require work.The same happened to our last car,which was also new.That cost £600 to put right.Think this too will cost the same.At least our new house has a driveway and garage.
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