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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Believe me, just sitting doing nothing with a mask on makes it difficult wearing a mask.If I walk even at slow pace my breathing becomes mush worse.No doubt the doctor/surgeon doesn't suffer from a serious lung condition. Lets have a level playing field we are not after special treatment if they make the law, which they clearly have, then provide support to those of us exempted. If anyone wants to swap places with me, providing there lungs are in better shape then mine feel free to swap.
  2. I'm not Asthmatic, many of which were not classed high risk such as me with COPD,made worse with pneumonia.
  3. Just a few points. My view is clear if you are exempted by the Government/NHS its only right that you are supported by a official letter.I may be wrong but if you suffer from hay fever you are NOT exempted. Dont know if you were referring to me but I'm not Asthmatic, I suffer from COPD and yes I use a puffer twice a day and easyhaler Salbutamol,which I can use up to four times a day.Yes I may well need to use that at any time of the day.Often I get a feeling when I need to us my puffer. For whats its worth I don't think theres a hidden adgena about exemptions.I see no reason why there isn't supporting documention.
  4. We did go to B&Q then Aldi this morning. I did wear a shield it was far better then a mask.There was about four without face coverings. One chap asked when challenged to wear a mask,replied do I have to,think he went away.One challenged in Aldi she put one on.It was noticeable people were closer together. My opinion is still the same and will not alter until we have official backing from Government/NHS. DIY Internet print offs are open too abuse.
  5. There is no doubt whatsoever there are exemptions no if buts I like many am exempted. I don't care what anyone on this or for that matter anywhere else thinks.My issue is prove,I don't accept the DIY approach that then can be done by thise with no medical conditions. It needs to be done very easily by Government/NHS.Regarding weither or not you can prove if you've got covId19. Often some can't because some dont have symptoms. As for being refused entry because you don't have a mask.If it happened to me I would pursue it.
  6. Most of the time its okay.At times like the last one,it was both arms then my hand which worked.Now and again I'm dehydrated.
  7. Sorry but if as you suggest I or anyone else can print off something such as I suffer COPD. Then ayone else can do the same.This is where the problem will be.The Government and the NHS know who is exempted It can be tailored easily to me,on official headed card my name and even my nhs number.Yes I fully understand the , problem like me face a double edged sword. This law is to protect everyone and those with certain medical conditions are most at risk.I'm sure many people such as me may feel trapped and may well stay at home. Sorry if anyone feels annoyed by my views on this subject, but it is easy for us to be supported in law.A DIY approach on labels cards is open to abuse by those for no medical reason can and will misuse . With due respect If I can't persuade some on this forum, why I'm exempted. Just imagine doing the same to a self appointment finger pointer on a bus,train or shop.
  8. Okay As everyone can tell I feel strongly about this.Why because even on a good day its hard to breathe. The Government brought in this law.Theres no doubt some are exempted. WE don't make that up.Why they have not provided support in a real condition is,I feel is unacceptable. Its not reasonable for us to constantly explain why to I'm sure many self appointed busy bodies who finger point.As I've said before they know who is exempt, certainly our Doctors do.
  9. I was going to stop replying on my post.But I agree there will be some that will refuse to wear when in the samw way as some,carry on smoking in non smoking areas.Many of us that have problems due to medical conditions that are exempted will try to explain our conditions to those that challenge us,putting us in a unfair position. After speaking with my gp surgery.They don't have Authority to offer letters in support of our condition sadly.Today I will a sheild,hopefully it won't affect my breathing.
  10. Blood tests,my last one or should I say ones.They had trouble getting blood out.Okay I'll say it can't get blood out of a stone. Hope yours went better then mine.
  11. Sure he and others at BA,wouldn't say no if your buying!
  12. Most of our pets have been rescues or not wanted. First boomer many because people kept taking him back(boomerang).He would often try to catch helicopters ! Tess she had lived with a old chap.She came from Battersea. Poppy from RSPCA.And Cici one of a litter,as mad as a March hare from Suffolk, I say nothing. All very loving and sadly missed.
  13. Agree but Howard from Broards Authority.
  14. Thanks Tom I have just spoken with Howard also ,he said the same as yourself. Regards Ian.
  15. Okay I have just spoken with BA,they are going to get me an answer and get back to me about there 24 hour moorings. Once they do I will pass that on.
  16. LETS GET BACK ON SUBJECT, or go to joke section!
  17. Let's leave it where it is,yes its been side tracked,not uncommon for the forum I think this is a serious post.We spent a day by Berney windmill.Very nice to, it is worrying in my opinion that some pubs are disappearing on the southern broads,also mooring are often few and far between. As I said I will contact BA about the moorings there and report back.
  18. That's what we intend to do its far from easy.This is the longest we've gone without a pet.
  19. Hope all goes well Griff.Since we lost Poppy and Cici (cats).We often think about getting cats and a dog.Its hard.My chances of getting work are slim. We at present are at home,Marina may return in August. We hope to move to Norfolk in the spring. So problem is if we got pets now,may we.be unfair to them moving within the year.
  20. I intend to phone BA tomorrow, I will ask them about the moorings.
  21. Dont understand about moorings being unsafe.We moored on the BA moorings there last week.In truth,pub and BA moorings look the same. All said and done its very sad that the pub is used as a football.
  22. I agree that's what I said also.Do I hope for a vaccine?Will it happen maybe or maybe not.As time goes by think we're all getting used to living with it.Your right.Some are stupid beyond belief. The challenge now is to balance health with wealth.
  23. So how am I alarming people ?What I've said is fact.This virus will be around for perhaps years.We will have to live with it until perhaps a vaccine is in place.
  24. Who knows the answer, it could happen anywhere.I don't know what the infection rates in Norfolk and Suffolk. I checked the rates yesterday for Bexley population 247 thousand. 10 new cases up to 2 July,6 down on the previous week.Its perhaps a double edge sword. Numbers coming down,therefore lockdown relaxed ,then infections may raise again.This morning numbers on the up in Melbourne. Sadly from whats being told this may be the pattern for some time.
  25. Perhaps if some people can understand whats its like to have a serious breathing problem they may also understand what I am saying. Wearing a mask for me any length of time is near on impossible. That is obviously why the Government made exemptions. AND just for your information not that I need to explain myself to you or anyone else for that matter.I listen to the Government, Doctors and make up my own mind.I do feel its wrong not to support those of us that according to the Government are exempted. Another point prior to this virus taking hold,I worked long days and managed risks to my health even though I had COPD. Yes I have taken greater care in the past 3 months,taking very few risks.SOME on this forum thought I was being too careful, yet I still got pneumonia and perhaps Covad.All I'm saying is treat those of us exempted with fairness.Without proof of our exemption. We will be challenged by members of the public and others.Why should we have to explain perhaps many times a day why we're not wearing a mask a simple badge with a supporting letter will do.
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