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Everything posted by Victoryv

  1. I don't think you're the smirking type !
  2. I think my Superman One"sy through him off balance.
  3. No, he had his partner in crime, looked at me like I was mad !
  4. He was on the edge of the day boat mooring adjoining the hotel, and directly under our window
  5. Wouldn't mind but he thought it was perfectly reasonable to keep it running for another 15 minutes. In my not quite awake state, I did say to him that it was to early for a Sunday morning, he corrected me and smirked that it was actually a Saturday morning!
  6. Thought we would escape to Norfolk for a couple of well deserved days rest, and check out the work on our boat. The boat is presently out of the water so alternative accommodation was sought and a deal done at Hotel Wroxham. Lovely well presented room overlooking the river, very peaceful and relaxing, lovely meal in the restaurant, excellent staff, nothing at all to complain about. UNTIL 6.45 am Saturday morning, awoken from a very comfortable sleep (excellent beds ) by what sounds like a diesel engine at considerable revs, quick look over the balcony and a Richardsons boat sat with his engine roaring away right under our window, now I'm comfortable so give him the benefit off the doubt for ten minutes, half an hour later he"s still at it. out of bed, into some clothes, down through reception around the front of the building and rattle on his door (he is sat inside comfortably reading the paper) gives me a very puzzled expression when I ask him what he is doing and then proceeds to tell me his batteries are nearly flat, and the yard have advised him to run them for 3 hours a day. I calmly point out that this is not the way to make friends on holiday and that it is 7.30 in the morning and byelaws are being broken, to which he replies no its not its 7.45, I"ll just keeping running till 8 and then turn it off ! He did, I despair!
  7. Never owned a camper van but always had an open mind, I do however love motorbikes and boats, so we have just ordered a race van, sleeps 4 people and has a garage in the rear for two bikes. Somewhere comfortable whilst working on our boat and a nice old motorbike to potter around Norfolk, bliss !
  8. To be honest it never ran long enough to need indicators.
  9. Seen his work van, passed it in Donny on the way to the Audi garage !
  10. Griff, Sorry to change the subject but who did your tiling ?
  11. Tie, bow tie, lost me there ! Mooring ropes, takes a little longer but always looks a bobby dazzler .
  12. A gentleman should use nothing less than a full windsor.
  13. I think you have hit the nail on the head there ! I live and work in the peak district, we seem to be the one's with the least influence or decision making ability, we are run and managed by people that do not even live in the park. Is it true that you can only really understand the way a place works, if you are immersed in it most of your waking hours? Or is the outsiders view more balanced ?
  14. Thats not a rant, very balanced and to the point!
  15. I have a 1947 AJS, same year as my boat.
  16. No such thing as the perfect bike, you need a different one for every day of the week! Thats my excuse.
  17. Don't forget to nominate Martham Boats new yacht Jacinda. Great photos Dave, helped pass a very boring day, remembering a brilliant event.
  18. Hello Dave Have you ever considered a proper job ? with holidays, a pension, proper wages etc Just a thought.
  19. Diane is watching Torvill and Dean, how could I be bored !
  20. Dont get me wrong about diesel engines, I do think they have their place, in boats !
  21. I would worry more about having a diesel engine, than not having a spare wheel !
  22. Wonderfull, another Judith on the water, is it coming to Beccles next year ? that would make 3 Judiths I think. Is this what was Judith Windmill ?
  23. You kept that quite ! people were beginning to wonder if you had a boat at all ?
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