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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. ChrisB

    Night Night

    I agree, we often travelled late in the dark planning to mud weight. The trouble is planning to mud weight indicates calm and calm often brings fog. In my experience the Thurne Mouth, bottom of Ant, up to just short of Horning is particularly prone to thick mists off the marshes. As opposed to a clear night with a full moon which is magical. The Ant can be very dark I would find between How Hill and Irstead.
  2. Real North Sea Haar here on coast and cold with it. This time last year it was really warm 20C+.
  3. How is your shoulder this morning Griff? No mean feat discharging 500 shells even if they are only 21g.
  4. Well done! You deserve a great day out. It means clays that try to simulate a driven game day as opposed to other disciplines like "*****" or "Down the Line" or "Olympic Trap" whick I think is the English name for one of the former. Edit to say I think the naughty word blocker has been a bit over enthused. The discipline stated starred out is S K two Es lastly T. Naturally a clay can never fully simulate a wild bird as a clay comes out fast and slows where as a bird does not slow down but goes higher and faster hopefully.
  5. I was only thinking the the other way. He has gone under Spa Common and is on his approach to Little London and the high wooded ground in the background is the Witton Common end of Bacton Woods.
  6. Sounds a cracking day! Some years ago I went on a few days like that staying at Brocket Hall and Weston Park. At Weston Park your room had a selection of Malts and you had your own Butler! I would add the huge expense was met by The Ford Motor Company. There were usually shooting guests of honour. The picture is Weston Park with a very young me next to a fantastic shot ( not too bad behind the wheel also). The other Celeb. Confessed to me that if offered a big driven day or a day on a classic Spey Salmon beat, he would take the fishing.
  7. We were last there in Sept 2015. In fact it was a memory trip to where my late wife and I hung out when we first met in the 60's. Our last dinner was at the yacht basin and our last pub visit was to the Anchor Bleu one of the first pubs that I took her to in 1967. Sadly shortly after our visit Judith's cancer was to return which was terminal.
  8. It is yours. Shore power cable SOLD
  9. Chichester Yacht Basin, Birdham, Itchenor, all very much my old stamping ground. One could many years ago travel to London from there. That canal not only went to Chichester but on to join the River Arun at Ford. Then the Wey & Arun canal to The Thames.
  10. 1. Soft horseshoe lifebuoy. Zip off cover for washing £5.00 2. Kampa 25m shore power cable £10.00 (never used in original bag) 3. Seago automatic lifejacket, serviced by Seasafe April 2017 £10.00 4. Seago manual inflation lifejacket, serviced by Seasafe April 2017 £10.00 (I always had both types because you don't want the trouble of re-arming should you fall off your inflatable or step off the end of the slipway).
  11. New series on More4 at 9.00pm on Tuesday called "My Floating Home" Don't know what it is about but I will record it and see!
  12. Yesterday afternoon I received a message from Roz, Richard Davies ( Viking 23's ) wife to say that he had just passed away. She has asked me not only to inform this forum's members of his passing but to express sincere thanks for all the kindness and and support that he received throughout his illness and to say what real strength it gave him in his fight. Richard was an inspirational man. Not only in the open way he shared and managed his illness which I know helped others face their own troubles, but he was just one of the World's Good Guys. I know all members will join me in sending our sincere condolences to Roz, their son and daughter Simon and Hanna, their spouses and the grand children that gave Richard so much pleasure. Chris Barton
  13. BAH!!! Designer Gin nonsense.. Give me a Plymouth Pink with a dash of water, a proper nautical mans drink.
  14. My advice would be keep your money in your pocket for now! By the end of your first season with her you will know what you want by way of upgrades and their order of priority.
  15. ChrisB

    How Hill

    Pretty certain the answer is nope.
  16. I think he must mean Ant from HONING not Horning. One often finds Honing Lock refered to as Horning!
  17. Silicone polish contamination can cause all sorts of problems should a surface need to be painted in the future. Like electronics silicone sprays are banned from paint manufacturing plants.
  18. I was working on a project at Taffs Well in South Wales and had one of those calculators. It took up nearly all the boot of my Triumph Spitfire. We had one that that was fitted with a comtometer keyboard as well. But I never could get the hang of them.
  19. Sorry Griff I forgot to say the other two grounds that I have attended, one just outside North Walsham on the Bacton Road and another as you approach the Trinities on the A149 travelling towards Yarmouth appear to have folded.
  20. I go to Taverham for their open practice before the season. It was for many years in private hands but is now owned by Churchills. The valley behind the club house provides some very high clays and simulates driven birds well. The new road will get you there in no time. PS. Self operated electric traps, which are great when shooting on your own.
  21. I do not wish to join this thread. However it occurs to me that maybe the very small size of The Broads....Not much over 100km for a craft that is practical to live on, when compared to the rest of the UK waterways in excess of 3500km may be the reason why there is an anti movement. I have no knowledge of the practicalities, but should I wish to follow an itinerant lifestyle ( which I find very attractive but am now a bit long in the tooth ) I would choose the freedom of the canals and major rivers over the landlocked Broads. ( I say landlocked because few boats are designed to safely escape The Broads )
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