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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. The Dino 206/246 GT and GTS were imho the most beautiful of cars after the car that Enzo said was the most beautiful the MK1 3.8 E Type.
  2. The weather over the last month has seriously denuded the beaches. An Allan Williams gun turret, like the one on the on the west bank of the Cley Marsh reserve has come to life on the beach at Bacton. Folk who have lived there all their lives have never seen it. I took this photo on Thursday.
  3. That is what I did, thank The Lord. It gave us eight wonderful years before my wife's terminal cancer. If I had plodded on towards 65, we would have had no retirement together.
  4. It was always our intention having secured a contract gardener to spend a summer in Ireland in order to drive the 2600km "Wild Atlantic Way" then return to the north by sailing from Killaloe to Belleek some 400km. But the attraction is not there anymore now that I am on my own.
  5. Not one day boat waiting for easter punters
  6. The feed put down for game birds also supports vast numbers of song birds during the Winter months.
  7. My condolences on your geographical location for your chosen profession. I stand corrected. I have never found Cambridge too bad. However when we lived at Bledlow Ridge my late wife had to visit The John Radcliffe on a regular basis and it was a nightmare. Often it was school time and you would have a child or two on junior cycles with Mum doing the mother duck bit on her cycle with another riding pillion and the latest member of the family in a trailer being towed.
  8. CC only disagree on one point.. Oxford I think has more cycles than even Cambridge and therefore is my cycling capital. Mind never been to Beijing.
  9. At one time "The Canoe Man" was offering wild swimming on The Bure. I think it was around Lamas. Now that is ideal. Deep clear waters perfect for swimming and canoeing and not a hire cruiser in sight.
  10. Potter to West Somerton would have less boat traffic or vikki versa. Or across Hickling if calm.
  11. If they build appartments on the site with their own moorings I would be interested.
  12. The smell of Castrol R at Brands and Silverstone. We used to add a drop to the fuel in our sports cars to make them smell like race cars.
  13. Coffee...there was a shop in Watford that did it's own roasting when I was young. It was wonderful at the bottom of the High Street. In the mid late 50s it was Camp or Maxwell House. No wonder the British are tea drinkers.
  14. The malting smell of the Guinness factory when it was going at Park Royal on my way down the A40 Western Avenue.
  15. As long as you like snow showers and a wind chill of -8C. Yellow warning of snow been issued.
  16. I was at Broadsedge for 10 years, well kept, good facilities, excellent workshop and David and Tom are lovely people. You will be hard pressed to find better!
  17. With the above Normal Tidal Limits you may be interested in this from "The Song of the Paddle published this time last year.....
  18. And for the sake of interest the NTLs of the Upper Thurne area.
  19. Normal Tidal Limit can be a bag of worms and very emotive as it could have legal consequence with regards to ownership and rights of navigation before you even start on SSSI and AONB etc etc.
  20. I know that area very well. I walk at East Ruston and often take the footpath over South Fen (but not after the weather of recent times) The development is really out of the way and can do no harm what so ever IMHO. Many Norfolk villages in that area have no main drainage including where I live and the run off eventually ends up in that waterway. It is only in the last three years that East Ruston has been on pumped drainage. So the impact of a few holiday pods is really insignificant.
  21. I dunow, some of the fishermen I see must have an artic to carry the gear they have. Don't really understand it being a fly man. I can carry everthing in my fishing vest. Can't get my head round this numerous rod, tent, box as big as a garden shed business.
  22. I have used a 16lb Bruce Anchor on The Broads they hold extremely well but a huge amout of mud comes up with them and going along with it just below the surface does not clean it like a mud weight. Also difficult to stow on a small boat.
  23. No, I had them made by a sign company in Stalham it was just white plastic with the BA signs stuck on. The company was owned by some people associated with The Dog at Ludham Bridge but alas it is now a car wash.
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