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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I think that I am right in saying that Eric Morcombe owned an Ocean 30 which was moored at Brooms. I think he later moved the boat to the River Great Ouse.
  2. I would agree with Ricardo, take care, whilst there should be no ice risk it will be pretty breezy at times.
  3. Draught Double Diamond from their competitors was not much better.
  4. PS. It was unfortunately a dream not to be realised! The anchor became fouled on a generous salary, pension, fat expense account and two company fully expensed cars. Not to mention my two sons schooling and before you know it the years have slipped away.
  5. I think that I can pre-date you by about ten years. This was my "bible" when Judith and I were thinking of taking our Berwick through. The pictures of areas now largely built over are amazing.
  6. I have to say the last time I saw that yacht at Stalham Staithe the rigging looked suspect. I think I would take it to France on the back of a truck. PS. You will be hard pressed to manage on his quoted Broads budget in the Med.
  7. There is also a BM2 not sure if it better for large battery banks or if it is about high voltage systems.
  8. I find mine is excellent, a really useful instrument.
  9. It appears that we are due some very strong Northerlies accompanied by heavy rain. Here on the North Norfolk coast they are calling gust approaching 60 mph.
  10. In Australia it is the inner lane not the outer that merges to go back to single carriageway. Also if turning left at traffic lights you may have a green light but so may the pedestrians where you are turning in to, you must stop. Takes a bit of getting use to.
  11. It is that bit where the tree cover disappears where the cut through between Stalham Dyke and Sutton Dyke is, that goes first. A few times I have left Broadsedge only to have to turn back there even if I can see open water beyond. Gays also is an early freezer.
  12. Beds on Board uses a similar formula and can really help out with mooring fees. https://www.bedsonboard.com/
  13. I Air BnB'd three times in Australia in October. Had three beautiful places at a fraction the cost of a hotel in Sydney where you are hard pushed to find a room near the waterfront under $500 per night.
  14. "Just a Little run around the World" is also a good read where she runs unsupported 32000 km in aid of Prostate Cancer and a Russian Orphanage.
  15. PS. I am the proud owner of a signed copy of her book " Children of Cape Horn". Took ages to get to the front to get her to sign. What a colourful life she has had!!!!!
  16. Ummm! Yes. Her sailing gear was a tad unconventional for a circumnavigator.
  17. Always wanted a Catalac after reading Rosie Swales book. We went to the Boat Show to look. The Trouble was mooring it. With two small boys we could not risk rowing in the dark on a Friday night to a swinging mooring and marinas in Poole at that time charged double due to the beam. We hung onto the Centaur for a while and bought the Berwick which was a ketch rigged version.
  18. I was walking at Neatishead this morning and went out on the boardwalk. It appeared Pleasure Island was completely under water marked only by a circle of green shallow water bouys.
  19. I like Deks Olje D1. Very good on hard woods, it is not cheap though but I only have 2 small swim platforms to do.
  20. I never really understood the various models but I do remember some Fisher moulds at Northshore in Itchenor. Boy they did not scimp on the mat and resin there. Built like the proverbial out houses.
  21. Lovely boat, was she built by Northshore at Itchenor?
  22. Rain shadow can do funny things.
  23. When I used to climb we would use (3.5 X change in elevation)/1000 = temp loss due to elevation in degrees F. In countries with high mountains, the mountain forcast is quite often for 2000 or 3000 feet so you need to subtract that from your destination height. Not a problem in Norfolk. Wind chill will naturally effect temp as well. Most wind forecasts in the UK are for 10 meters above ground level.
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