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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I do not wish to join in the whys and wherefores but a certain Mr Gove who imho is the ultimate "snake in the grass" has promised a much higher green agenda after the EU is abandoned. I would be concerned what can be hidden under a Brexit agenda not just for this topic but for numerous others. This whole business with Europe has brought about a lack of transparency not seen since WW11.
  2. Both my sons went to Hull Uni. One of the induction bits was never use Kingston on Hull, even with the right post code it will probably end up in Surrey.
  3. I believe it covers both as in the bit "what keeps water out" and the city of Kingston on the banks of the River Hull.
  4. I have had an e mail from a friend in the media. BBC4 23.00 "Handmade in Hull" he said "Don't miss it " he is usually correct.
  5. "MAZEL TOV" Robin. From Tidal River, Wilsons Promontory. She would be lovely down here.... Sunday/Monday sees me back in Norfolk. Cant believe my month is up!!
  6. I am attending my youngest son's wedding next weekend and so have not been keeping up to date with the forum as I have been away. Follow the dock behind the stern on moored boats, turn the corner and you will see:
  7. No, I thought about the forum as I spotted a nice woody.
  8. Not to be answered by any personal friends.
  9. My cockpit seating (cream in colour) has been stained the worse ever this autumn.
  10. In our 2006 search for somewhere to live in Norfolk we viewed a house that overlooked Blackhorse Broad. The house then was smaller as it has since been extended, I think, but although it has access down to the water the house only owned about halfway down, in fact it came to light because I passed comment on a hedge half way down the garden. It was a Friday evening viewing and the Motor Bikes on that Hoveton/Horning/Ludham road made my wife and I say to each other once back in the car " How much ? And some strange boundary " not for us.
  11. Years ago a guy I worked with in Wokingham was left a river cruiser by an aged uncle. He was an International 12 man living in Reading and had no use for the boat. I was roped in to help sail it to Potter for disposal as the air cooled engine was really only fit for scrap. As we sailed down the Bure the wind started to increase from the north, we had too much sail up and as we passed St Benets ( where the moorings may have been lower than today ) we hit our hull speed. We had the perfect trough half way along the hull as we reached along past the moorings. Thank the Lord nothing was on those moorings as our wash must have been 2ft high and swamped them. It was not until Thurne that we could luff up and get some sail off. Luckily for us a wooden motor cruiser came up from Acle and seeing our plight in strengthening wind and failing light took our line towed us to Potter.
  12. Despite temperatures not being hugely warmer than here the Monaco Yacht Show is on.
  13. Nice hand finish to your lapels Greg. That Jacket did not come cheap.
  14. Are you sure they do gas? The Cobb is a super bit of kit but it was originally designed by an engineer who saw African Women walking for miles collecting firewood for cooking whilst standing next to mountains of Maize cobs which were perfect fuel having dried under the African sun. Gas seems to fly against the original concept. They are a treasured piece for travellers though.
  15. To return to a more serious note, whatever antifoul you use nothing actually betters boat use for a clean underwater profile.
  16. If the substrate is in good condition you can recon on about £15 per foot. It is usually put on with a roller. Antifoul is toxic so to spray would require a spray booth and air fed and filtered respiratory equipment for the operator not the sort of expense a yard would be willing to fork out on. If on lifting the boat needs considerable preparatory work due to excessive build up of paint, mussels etc then that would be work in addition.
  17. ChrisB

    Dog Poo Bags

    It might restrict numbers. These is a chap walks past with five of them on leads. They are a pack jumping around I cant possibly see how he can clean up after them on his own.
  18. ChrisB

    Dog Poo Bags

    My marsh piece which is a Beretta 12g semi-auto would make a very good deterent loaded with a 3" 4SG.
  19. They certainly were really well put together boats. We were interested in a 25 either version but we could not seem to pin the company in the IOW down to even rough costings. I dont think I have seen them exibit at any boat shows. The wood work on a Sri Lankan Yarmouth we saw was very high standard and the pictures of the factory out there were impressive. We saw a few secondhand ones about but they were getting very long in the tooth. Soon after sea going again was abandoned so we never moved any further then.
  20. A Fisher is it not. Bet Peter can remember them being made at Northshores at Itchenor like me. Along with the Yarmouth 23 fishers are now made in Ceylon/ Sri Lanka I think.
  21. And the original tooling and plugs are in Rochdale. The politics and juggling behind these famous boats is actually quite sad. They have certainly proved themselves David Pyle sailed to Australia, Webb Chiles most of the way round the world, and of coarse the Lugworm Tales and the Greece to uk journey. I am pretty sure that the John Watkinson design had its origin in the NE coast Coble.
  22. That is some ride, but this was the one I was thinking about. The hull form is so classic coble/viking/longshore that if you can keep the bow at the weather they just ride it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPibdzPwgWU
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