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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. http://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=externalDocuments&keyVal=OTS9VATBGLQ00 go to view associated documents. Could a Mod tidy up my mess please. lodges (3).pdf plan (1).pdf
  2. The proposed development is now on the BA planning website. Looks like it is due to be really tidied up. There will be 30 metres of public mooring and facilities. A great improvement on the eye. PlanningDocument (2) PlanningDocument (1) PlanningDocument
  3. Some 30+ years ago Judith and I were very keen on the idea of going "Through France to the Med" with our Westerly Berwick, we absorbed a number of volumes of folk's experiences and differing routes. It seems that to have cleats ripped from the decks as the warps take the full weight is an occupational hazard where their large commercial traffic is concerned. Unfortunately it was to be an unfullfilled dream.
  4. More a Stockholm Tar man myself.
  5. September has always been my favourite month.
  6. No your not, try up here on the North Norfolk Coast! It is trully dire. Bit of 4G around Cromer and Sheringham the rest of the coast road is devoid. Blakeney has some boosters and repeaters so not too bad. God only knows how people run business. Only joking Ricardo Norfolk is generally not good, I even have DAB switched off in my car.
  7. One must be careful with Sat Nav. On a straight river, let us say Thurne towards Acle under clear skys with a 3D fix, ie it can see 3 satellites, it should give you an accurate reading. On a winding river, trees overhead with hills, let us say around Belaugh there will be considerable lag in the readings causing much averaging and speed readings can be far from accurate. Remember GPS and Glonass are designed to tell you where you are not how fast you are going.
  8. That is actually very strange, I was reading one in 1974 and forgot it when I packed my case to work in Copenhagen for a week, so at Heathrow I bought two books "The Dove" and "The World is all Islands" and only ever read true books of the sea again. The book was "Master and Commander" but time ran out on my ticket and it was returned. I have always felt guilty about it because it was drummed into us at Prep School "if you start a book you must finish it" it is one of only three or four books that I have abandoned in my 68 years.
  9. I remember sailing on Sutton in my teens so 50+ years ago and there was quite a bit more open water between the reed beds.
  10. Only joking I actually watched the first series then gave up. Apart from Thomas hardy and Daphne DuMaurier I hardy ever read novels. I am afraid I am a documentary type, World about us, Planet earth, Travel, Art and History.
  11. All I can say is I wish Jerry Hullabaloo had drowned on Breydon and then we would not have had to endure bl^&*dy Downton Abbey.
  12. In the late sixties I was driving back home to Chorleywood from Acton along the western Avenue when I felt that I had a punture. I continued as the fog was so thick a few more hundred yards and turned into The Millett Arms car park to change the wheel. I got out at the front of about 6 cars that had followed me in. All must have been fixed on the tail lights infront of them.
  13. Diesel engines from cold start produce less incomplete burnt material therefore less carbon monoxide than petrol but produce far more toxins in the way of carcinogen particles. BUT neither is safe as it really does not take much CO to incapacitate. The key is incomplete one oxygen not two ie CO not CO2, that is why not fully extinguished bar- B Qs are so deadly.
  14. I remember us leaving Malthouse in really thick fog about 5am. The canopy was off everything dripping wet engine on tick over just in gear. About half way up Ranworth Dam we passed a Shetland 4+2 in the same mode as us, slower than walking, good job as we passed each other green to green! Oops! Very disorientating fog.
  15. The lack of cold winters is not helping, there has not been a real ice up of the open waters for at least four years. There was a time you winterised your mower at end of October and got it out mid to end march, January is the only month I seem not to mow now.
  16. If someone had said to me twenty years ago that the car that I would most like to own would be electric, I would have laughed at them. Yes, the car I would buy if my ship came in would be the top of the range Tesla Model X with the 100kWh spec. A full £30K cheaper than the 550hp Range Rover. And faster, just.
  17. 9If you are a single hander and are travelling to your boat. I say that because you just can't hop in the car and be home in 10 minutes like me. Then a Sheerline 740 is a good boat. This is a hard top but you can get a full open cockpit. It is 50 quid shy of 30 grand. Well built boats that will hold their money, built in the area. It looks a lovely safe boat for going forwards to anchor etc.
  18. Whilst the Nelson is a very fine craft my choice would be a designed in Norfolk built in Falmouth Cockwells Duchy. 45 or 60 is too big for a single hander so I would go for the 35. 2016-Duchy-35-brochure-for-web.pdf Before anyone says it because I asked the Pulpit, Pushpit, Stantions were left off for photographic aesthetics.
  19. Being an ex- sailor I can usually read what someone is trying to do. If I can't and they are messing me about, I give then a toot with the air horn followed by. " Would you make your intentions known please" Any smart reply is usually greeted with " you maybe able but I am not a mind reader"
  20. South Hams.....Cricket Inn at Beesands or fish and chips at the Start Bay Inn Torcross. The Greyhomes on top of the hill at the end of Slapton was super but is now holiday accommodation.
  21. Don't know but friends have just whatsapped they saw an empty Richardson on tow across Barton. So maybe "what was lost is found" ( biblical)
  22. When I worked in the East End, I travelled Metropolitan line between Little Chalfont and Liverpool Street. However if late I would have to make my way to Baker Street but I then had choice of trains diesel from Marylebone or underground type from Baker Street. On these late evenings I would treat myself to a fillet steak at the Angus Steak House that was between the two stations. It was always cooked perfectly. What ever happened to Angus? They were a cut above, not seen one for years. Furthermore as a young, mortgaged, two sons dad being able to put it on expenses for working late made it taste exceptional.
  23. There is a very famous horse meat resaurant in Reims, but never got to try it as I always spent too much time in the Caves at Epernay. If you are in the area a tour of the Mercier caves is not to be missed. It was always a dash for the hoverport at Calais then........happy days!
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