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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. On a similar theme, many years ago when there were still borders, as such, we would go to a massive Truck park from our office in Lille that straddled the Belgium border there was one cafe there that did probably my favourite all time dinner. Escargot in the cley pot Burgundy style, followed by Cote de Veau and haricot vert. The sauce that went on the veal was to die for, and all for not a lot of money.
  2. Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons, Great Milton, Oxfordshire. For something a little less formal Ye Olde Bell at Hurley or The Bedford Arms at Chenies. Just about the only places I now miss living in Norfolk! But Morston Hall makes up for the loss. The problem I have is that I really have no appetite for dining alone as is my situation now. People have kindly said "Why don't you get away for a bit" not understanding that I spent my working life away, eating alone. It was one of the reasons I retired so early.
  3. According to one of my neighbouring berths when I called in to pick up my camera I had left onboard, Richardsons were missing one this morning, failed to return.
  4. Perhaps the poor fellow had forgotten how to cancel the Sat Nav controlled Autopilot.
  5. I might have done 11 or 10, it really depends if Exmore is that National Park that is situated in West Somerset and North Devon that most of us know as Exmoor.
  6. The conditions suffered by many Miners, Cotton Mill Workers, and in Tanneries, by Navvies paid in tokens that could only be spent in their employers shops would surely come under modern day slavery.
  7. Perhaps her education missed out on the recent works of Lithuanian artist Deimantus Narkevicious who says:- " That the destruction in his country of the Soviet statues of leaders and worker activity shows a lack of cultural sensitivity. That art objects produced under regimes then or later do not necessarily represent that regime but should be allowed to become historical cultural art"
  8. Big range at the moment about 4.5 metres, I went for a walk on Mundesley beach yesterday afternoon and it was the furthest I have seen it out. No climbing over groynes perfect walking on hard sand.
  9. A complex subject Robin covering chemicals such a styrenes and various organic peroxides, low flash storage of nasties like acetone, mechanical handling of 205 litre drums, airbourne problems with grinding. I was involved in the seventies and frankly what went on then was criminal. A little light reading but it is not coshh comprehensive, PlasticsFabrication.pdf That is Gov.uk it for you, hopeless!!!
  10. A complex subject Robin covering chemicals such a styrenes and various organic peroxides, low flash storage of nasties like acetone, mechanical handling of 205 litre drums, airbourne problems with grinding. I was involved in the seventies and frankly what went on then was criminal. A little light reading but it is not coshh comprehensive, PlasticsFabrication.pdf Sorry can't load it from my phone...
  11. An interesting name. The Canary was often crossed with the European Linnet to produce a bird called a "Mule" which was said to be the best Finch, Canary cross for singing. Mules are normally barren but sometimes one is fertile and I believe that I read somewhere this is how the Norwich Canary got it's russet colour. Not to be confused with the football team!!! Which are yellow. Norwich was famous for it's singing birds which were exported worldwide.
  12. It sounds like you have had a good start. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
  13. Wish they would keep rolling down the turnpike. Just had a senior moment........... "WHEELS ON FIRE" Julie Driscoll with Brian Auger and the Trinity. For those too young, google it, and listen. Wonderful.
  14. I was careful with my words because I would not wish to cause a problem on the forum. Some years ago we had a "Problem" on a shoot that I was then a member of and in front of TV constabulary I called them a name that starts with P. Sort of P×ki*s. Attendants had a laugh, but did say that I had actually made an "Ethnic Slur" .
  15. From the news this morning it seems that Cromer and Sheringham had to close down not only their pubs but much entertainment following troubles at the end of carnival week. It appears as the fair and carvival ground was dismantled a group of undesirables took the opportunity to set up camp with their caravans and RVs. Very sad for such a well run family holiday town.
  16. I did the same with Dark Rum after Arduous Training in the Brecons. Deep Snow Bivvy.
  17. Blended = Chivas Regal Malts = Much prefer the malts of Speyside over the West coast and Island malts, I find the Spey Malts much smoother. Balvenie, Macallan, Glennfiddich, Glenlivet and Glenfarclas.
  18. ChrisB

    Water Height

    You will be into September and approaching the Autumnal Equinox. Low atmospheric pressure, and any strong winds from the NW. Will dictate the bridge clearance. Too early to predict now.
  19. ChrisB

    Breydon Rescue

    Deploying the hook, is not second nature to the inexperienced. Try to think of it as "Putting on the handbrake" if you were driving.
  20. 89 years "did'nt he do well" sorry had to do it before anyone else!
  21. Just been told Sir Bruce Forsyth passed away this pm.
  22. ChrisB

    Breydon Rescue

    When it is windy and you have time my mud weight method is a grapnel (folding for ease of stowage) on 2 metres of chain shackled to the Mud weight eye. I have sat on Malthouse, Black Horse and Barton for the night in quite brisk conditions like this. However there is a big downside especially on a small boat like mine. The mess when hauled up is awful and is often not just confined to the deck! That smelly mud goes everywhere.
  23. ChrisB

    Breydon Rescue

    I totally agree good ground tackle is every bit as important as a lifejacket in terms of safety equipment. At sea and single handed as I regularly did in my youth then given the choice of setting off without a lifejacket or an anchor I would take the anchor every time. It stops you drifting into more trouble and when hit with a North Sea Haar, you can stop in water so shallow nothing big is going to cut you in two, in other words the likelyhood of needing a jacket is very much reduced.
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