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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. John Williams, Westward Boats based Beccles is sometimes, well often really, confused with Westwood Boats who build quite beautiful boats on the Erne. They are based at Enniskillen. I think that they are Norfolk designed though by Andrew Wolstenholme. A particularly nice feature of Westwoods and most likely due to being in Northern Ireland is they have a 9kw wet heating system that really makes them year round boats and perfect for the Shannon Erne waterways. I did not know that the 45s came from Westward, I thought they just did the 38 in two styles and the 31.
  2. If you were here now you probably would wish to be in the Med. It started to Bucket down about 3.00am and has not stopped. So hard it woke me in the night. Lovely photo, captured the reflections beautifully.
  3. Remember that it also funds 8 or so world class radio programme chanels, the online radio and tv content, i player, Welsh language programmes, Galic programmes, all the regional news and weather programmes. Money from the licence is subsidising broadband rollout to remote communities and the excellent Red Button for events as diverse as Glastonbury to Wimbledon to The Olympics. I am sure there is more but can't think anymore. It is £0.40 a day, not bad value. I cannot abide commercial chanels, I record them and edit out the ads prior to watching.
  4. I was having a Panini lunch on Blakeney quay last week and the same thing happened. I took my lunch and drink and went and sat on a bench. However one chap told the owner of these two King Charles Rats " if you don't know how to train a dog you bl@#dy well should not own them" they left shortly after with them still yapping in the back of the car.
  5. But that is only £100 cheaper than a 4 horse Mariner/Tohatsu/Mercury. All three built by Nissan. For the cost of a weeks shopping you have peace of mind.
  6. Personally, I do not wish to join the discussion but giving out a bottle at the start of a trip sends a bit of wrong message.
  7. The main problem with the trad quarter berth on a yacht is your feet and lower half going under the cockpit means you are subjected to heat and noise if under power. Not a problem day sailing but if you are on passage a pain.
  8. According to the news they are trying to get the ones still at sea anchored off Lowestoft then salvage those aground before towing them back to Norway. They say this will take several weeks. Just in time for the Autumnal Equinox at it's attendant gales!!! Yippee watch this space. Bet it spoilt someone at Lloyds day.
  9. What you need is someone with not only Marquetry skills but who can choose the correct veneers to stand up to the harsher environment that you would encounter on a boat.
  10. They (Happisburgh) still had half a dozen flags last Sunday, but the much smaller triangular burgees were snapped up last year. There is quite a difference in size.
  11. Have to say it is an ambitious tow nearly half a kilometre long. That was going to go through the separation lanes in Dover Straight having passed the Goodwins. Now if they had broke free there it could have been chaos.
  12. Yes, came in early to nip down to Palling. Aground on the reefs Sorry photos not working
  13. I have lived next to the Metropolitan line at Little Chalfont. Never noticed it except when the leaf blowers or deicers worked at night in winter. Now unless there is farm machinery I only hear the wind and when the wind is high from the north, the sea. About four times a day a helicopter goes out and returns from the rigs. The biggest noise is when the jets are training usually in twos but I like those and get my bins out to watch, but that is not very often. Somedays I hear nothing but wind and sea, my son when he visits does not sleep well until he has been here for a couple of nights he says "it's too quiet".
  14. How very true, I wish you were on the Board of HS2, make what we have already work for heavens sake. When I had to travel for business I got up earlier.
  15. Grouse are actually not bred they are totally wild. The most common species Red Grouse are hatched on the moor and eat the young heather and wild herbs. The four species of Grouse are Red, Black, Ptarmigan a high living variety that turns white in winter and capercaille which is a very large woodland grouse. The Grouse should not be confused with the Pheasant and Partridge that are reared for shooting. The land on which the Red Grouse roams is managed by burning, this promotes the young heather to sprout but also eradicates sheep and deer ticks and other parasites. A few years back I was having a pint in The Tan Hill Inn at the top of Arkengarthdale and was talking to a Head Keeper. It has to be said that he was drowning his sorrows a bit because of a cold and wet spring chick numbers had suffered and his employer had decided not to shoot that season. It would be the estate that would be down over £300K but the beaters who rely on the tramp for their beer money and the Keepers tips from the guns which he said paid for a holiday in the sun for him and his wife at end of season was not going to happen that year. As for grouse shooting 90 plus percent is the Red Grouse
  16. ChrisB

    Wroxham Bridge

    I also use a compressed air hand horn, takes half a dozen strokes with a bike pump. My experience with horns on boats is they are never pointing where you want them to. With a hand held you can point it firmly at your intended target. And they are very loud.
  17. Waterside Marine at Potter only seem to have about 20 on their books. Ranging from a 31ft sedan @£80K (might be a Haines) to a Kayak @£250.00. Furthermore of that 20 or so craft 6 appear to me as though they are Herbert Woods "Outers".
  18. ChrisB

    Wroxham Bridge

    The picture that I put in was there yesterday. tried to put it in again and no go!
  19. ChrisB

    Wroxham Bridge

    I agree where is that upper deck, fly bridge going? Not under the bridge for sure. And that stern on outside I assume the "Wroxham Claridges" does not aid getting the Keystone centred. Lot of potential for great spectator sport.
  20. Are they really in the real world? I wonder on the future of this once gem, of a Broads yard. Not that it will fail in any way, No Chance of that, but I think boating may not be forefront in the owners plans.
  21. ChrisB

    Wroxham Bridge

    Hove to, lie a hull Hylander, I am sure no offence was intended, your cam watch observations are enjoyed Hylander. Please continue.
  22. Not forgetting that most folk these days have experienced exceptional customer service, at cheaper prices, under endless sunshine! Hence the higher expectation as you so rightly say. Since Banque Paribas started this ten year mess with their freeze on certain bonds the "Stay Vacation" has given the home industry and undoubtedly The Broads a real boost, but how many have re-invested given this boom time? To their credit I think the large boat hire companies have. But what happens if we return to pre 2008 and a strong Stirling? I agree with you Peter totally, except that the "Shed with a licence" don't half work well when coupled with oysters, a sea food platter, lobster salad, or just plain Cod & Chips.
  23. ChrisB

    Wroxham Bridge

    We Broadsmen do make a fuss of our bridges though. Some canal tunnels are like Potter and are a mile long. Again it comes down to the correct boat for the waterway.
  24. I can think of a pub with a beautiful setting in Broadland that has had mixed fortunes in the past. Could we be talking riverside in the general locality of Langley.
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