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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I had forgotten gas pokers..It brought back memories of the smell of town gas and gas works.
  2. When I lived in the Chilterns Judith and I would go every year, we loved it. The standard of some of the wooden craft built by amateurs had to be seen to be believed. And yes, you are right Peter "real" boats.
  3. "National Gathering" and mid winter holiday for the whole family! The Earls Court venue not only attracted the boaty members but you could take in Harrods Sale, a show, a top London resaurant etc etc.. it was something that we who live outside of London looked forward to, softening the anti-climax after Christmas. All that gleaming paint and gelcoat under the lights it felt like Summer not mid Winter. In 2017 they got about 90 thousand visitors, Southampton 110 thousand. Through the 60s and 70s in the hayday of self build and self fit out, when there were for more small cruisers and sailing boats Earls Court attracted around 300 thousand! Peaking at 330 thousand.
  4. I hope that you get a result.
  5. I always think that one of the lowest things a person can do is rob a man of his tools and stop hime earning an honest wage. You have sympathy, ba&t2rds need horse whipping.
  6. My Dad owned a traditional clinker fishing boat on the beach at Deal. She was originally sail but converted later in lfe and was driven by a kelvin engine. He would spend about 4 weeks a year fishing which was a passion of his. The boat was used all year though by two boatmen that would take us out. They seemed very old to me as a child, both were crew of the Walmer Lifeboat. They used to frighten me to death with tales of the Goodwins! Like when the lightship broke her moorings. They were not above trading a few miles out to sea with French Fishermen if you get my drift.
  7. If the weather is clear you could get some good photos as I assume Griff will take her pretty close in to keep well away from the Southbound Separation Zone. The approach to Weymouth can be fun as well, my old stomping ground with the Centaur and Berwick when coming back from Salcombe. You have three choices for rounding Portland Bill. The Inner Passage, just yards off the Bill, go outside the race, but then you might as well push on to Poole or take the rough stuff!! I envy you your passage.
  8. Beware of nice looking life jackets, they might never have been worn. What is more important is they are "In Date". If not Brundall Bay Marina are agents for Seasafe on the I.O.W. who will service them and re-certify. Could you post a photo of the others, normally D rings are used to attach a safety harness, mostly used on sailing boats for going forward in heavy weather or single handing.
  9. As long as it is not Crosby, Stills and Nash "When You See The Southern Cross for The First Time" and you end up in the Marquesas! French Polynesia can't hold a candle to Great Yarmouth!!!!
  10. The caravans above the fishermans slipway gave it away. It is also a favourite circular walk, I park in the cliff top car park, walk into East Runton along the road, down the slipway and along the beach and prom. back to Cromer. Sometimes I treat myself to fish and chips at No1. Then through the sunken gardens, past the putting green and bowls club to my car.
  11. Very useful they are! I use them to calibrate my log with the average of a two way run to eliminate the effect of flow and tide..
  12. You must be too young to remember the coffee bars of the late 50s and 60s, they were everywhere. Still to be seen all over France in the type of rural Bar that serves the local wine in mustard glasses. What happened to the Dijon mustard that was sold in a glass with a red plastic lid??
  13. I was shooting before Christmas in the Suffolk Breckland. To my absolute surprise one of the "Pickers-Up" arrived in a very recent Lada Niva, which was a longer wheel base 5 door model ( never seen one with back doors before) I chatted to him and he had bought it new from a guy who imports them. I think he said down you way. Kent or one of those old Kent towns that are counted as Greater London nowadays.
  14. I had one in the 70s, always forgot to close down the appature after focusing!! Had one of their Russian 12x50 binoculars as well both performed well. NEVER drove a Lada though.
  15. Woodfordes was sold in 2016. The takeover was led by a former executive with Diageo and and another fron the Real Ale Co. The rest are Venture Capitalists, I have been told.
  16. Aspalls have sold out to American giant brewer Molson Coors.
  17. I have always fancied a go with a sand yacht. Some excellent beaches in North Norfolk for them but folk seem to prefers ones dragged by a kite nowadays.
  18. Given the state of the Yare at present and the fact the all this water must exit to the sea at some point in time, It will most likely not stay in the same place as it went down. Still water is deep there.
  19. ChrisB


    Why do folk leave their genoas on the firling gear over winter without a sheath over it? Still it is an ill wind! The sailmakers will do alright. Quite a lot of boats now open to the rain having lost their tarps and covers.
  20. ChrisB


    Getting very strong in North Norfolk now.
  21. ChrisB


    Full moon tonight
  22. ChrisB


    Looks like we are in for a bit of a blow by morning with kick off @ 0300. Gale force along North Norfolk Coast and only slightly less on The Broads.
  23. I like them both mixed. A pint of "Black Velvet" and a dozen Oysters is quite my favourite waterside or city lunch. Got expensive in the last few years though, mores the pity!
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