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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Watched it last night (I never watch commercial television live so that I can edit out adverts) and enjoyed the programme. You have to view these programmes for what they are. Travel programmes with the emphasis on entertainment.
  2. Southern Ocean Shipyards built the Ocean range, the only one I can think of was the Ocean 60 which was a beautiful boat. I had my Centaur at Cobbs Quay above the bridge and sometimes we would see new ones near Town Quay. I then moved moorings to Ridge Wharf near Wareham as the bridge really was a pain. The joke that Ocean was the butt of in those days was the company acronym was SOS.. I think the holding company was originally called Southern Ocean Suppliers and were chandlers, but not sure on that one.
  3. Should I decide to return to ownership I will go for a Family 4, Kestrel or Black Hawk for precisely the same reason:- Potter available to pass most of the time and with a beam of 6' 10" not difficult.
  4. I was corrected, out of date as to who now builds Oysters.. Mind if I ever had Oyster money it would go south to Ipswich and Spirit Yachts, the epitome of quality and workmanship in my books.
  5. I know what you mean Polly. Francis Chichester used to call boats like that "rockers" and it was his main gripe with Gypsy Moth IV. Boats designed back then had very pleasing lines but they had fine entry and did not carry their buoyancy back to the transom like modern yachts. With all the buoyancy concentrated amidships they rock. It really can become a problem if your power is a transom hung outboard. One minute "prop out" bad for both propulsion and your impeller, next OB submerged.
  6. Dear Polly and Griff, Thank you so much for your kind offers, I would enjoy that very much indeed. ( If it ever warms up in Norfolk! Dreading what my utilities are this winter! Still you have to be warm)
  7. What I can not get my head round is this :- You own a 20ft cruiser say like the one I have just sold. It has hot water, oven, grill and hob all fired by propane and two 14 litre petrol tanks. It has two 120 amp hr batteries powering a fridge, lights and instruments. You can load it onto it's trailer and bounce it from Aberdeen to Sutton Staithe slipway buy a 28 day toll and use it without a BSS cert. For a month. Who in god's name signed off the risk assessment on that? In those 520 miles it will have had more wear and tear than ten years sitting in a Broads marina.
  8. It is a pity that they could not come up with another name. It is so easy to confuse Boat Safety with Sea Worthiness. When actually the boat that has been certified could be a deathtrap once passed the mole. The test is there really to eliminate fire and explosion and to ensure combustion onboard is safe so as not to put crew and other vessels at risk.
  9. I thought Windboats still built them.. sorry...
  10. If that Trusty is still there. I know I gave up ownership today but I might offer the receiver £30K to take it off his hands
  11. Please see last paragraph When were Hardy, Gunfleet and Trusty spun off? They have a trusty 23 for sale outside their works in Wroxham.
  12. But it is not only Oyster under the Windboats banner is it? Where does this leave Hardy Marine, Gunfleet and Trusty...
  13. THE END FOR NOW.......See End of an Era.
  14. As many of you will know I have struggled to use my boat after the loss of my wife. There were just too many memories attached to that boat. We actually did not sleep on her very much, really only if we went to Hickling or Coltishall, although we liked Fleet Dyke for long circular walks. Before it's closure we would often spend a day at Boundary Farm, Thurne Mouth and having taken yet another long circular walk armed with "bins" and camera would have dinner on board and then return to Broadsedge. This would often be after dark in Autumn. My problems came to a head sometime before I went on my long vacation to Australia. Just before midnight, having not been able to sleep, I felt that I just had to get off the boat. That would have been easy, but for the fact I had helped myself to someones swinging mooring. Upshot was I night nav'd back to Stalham on a pitch black, moonless night. I had thought that the boat would help me with my grieving process but sadly this was not to be. I started to look at adverts for similar boats of a similar age but taking into account that another years tolls are nearly due, mooring similar, 8% brokerage + VAT. I came to an agreement with a dealer to take the boat at what I would have ended up with. I would like to thank Richardsons, who I called on Monday, who good as their word cleared their slip for me. I now have a large amount of equipment, some Broads related, other stuff from my sea going boats. Nearer the start of the season I will list it, photograph it and offer it for sale. As far as I am concerned the money is long gone and I don't need to recoup. I shall price all of it very competitively and will not be open to offers. 10% will go to this forum the balance I shall split between Cancer Research and the RNLI. I hope to still go boating but not as an owner, at least for this year. I have already booked a Thames Barge trip. I am waiting for the day sailings to be published for the Wherry Yacht Charter and I really fancy hiring Tumblehome from Martham and spending four days above Potter Bridge. Will I go back into ownership??? Well if I do it will be a day boat with a lid, with heads and an alcohol ring to boil a kettle and make a bacon sandwich. So a Shetland Family Four? However should a nice bilge keel, MkIII, two berth layout Corribee appear over the horizon, that I could get up here to Neil Thompson to work his magic on then I would be sorely tempted. Off she goes From Craig's Boats of the Norfolk Broads in happier times.......... A few tears did well up as I walked back to collect my car from Broadsedge, not for the boat but for the memories of the two of us on her. Time for a cup of tea
  15. Strewth Robin, with a go-juice bill like that you should change her name to "Indulgence".
  16. I sincerely hope that there are not too many small local businesses tied into their supply chain and that they don't take them down with them.
  17. That is dreadful news. Such beautiful yachts. I always thought that their "Style" was without equal. ..........:- who else has an owners cruise in company that is a Circumnavigation?
  18. Your honesty is a credit to you Robin. You made absolutely the correct call. It was one hell of a voyage at this time of year. My very best wishes and respect to all of you.
  19. Griff/Crew...If you read this even if you have no kettle make sure all the crew are drinking plenty of fluid. It is so easy to become dehydrated with sea sickness or you are too busy. And it takes very little dehydration before you stop being on top of your game. Been there, not good.
  20. I don't do facebook, I have picked them up again. I feel very sorry for Robin if he has had to take a forced disembarkation. However the crew on board will get her back safely.
  21. Well done firstly to the boat crew and secondly to the shore photo crew. Some great shots.
  22. I know the stretch from Kingsdown to Pegwell quite well. Dover was the right call given that you all must be tiring after your day.
  23. Why not call it a day at Dover? It would add 20 miles to your next leg but the west entrance is good. And that twenty miles is the difference twix light and dark.
  24. Inshore forecast for area Dover does have "Wintery Showers" Once round Beachy Head they will be head to wind, especially so after Dungeness. 5 to 7 so not smooth. Wishing you an enjoyable and safe passage.
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