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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Just noticed this on Apollo Duck. Good price for a late-ish small Hillyard. I must not be tempted...I have given up boat ownership..... Sister to one of Arthur Ransome's last boats.
  2. ChrisB


    I wonder what would happen if booze had not been discovered a few millenium ago? And now it suddenly bursts onto the "Night Out Scene" Given the social and financial problems it presents to huge numbers, what would happen? Well my guess is it would be classified as a Class A Drug.
  3. ChrisB


    I am feeling a little more to the right in my leanings this morning than Attila The Hun.
  4. Single handed I like a warp on a central cleat. Whatever the wind or flow is doing once the boat is secured in the centre you have control. Also makes setting springs of the bow and stern warps easier when short handed.
  5. If you will take to advice of an old man Robin, gentle your way into handling a boat of such short LOA mated to 100bhp. I speak as one who did a " Donald Campbell" in a Dell Quay Dory as a young man. The wrong combination of power. Wave type and wind on the bow and you need a Pilots Licence.
  6. ChrisB


    There should be a charge where any public service is used as a result of intoxication. Not just RNLI and Coastguard but the curse that causes so many problems for Police, Ambulance and A&E in our towns and cities up and down the country. And that charge should be proportional to a persons ability to pay so in all cases it hurts.
  7. Also most props are far less efficient astern so you won't stop as well as you go forwards. Bow to the flow also provides a clean profile to the water, so in effect you may be at zero over the ground but are still able to manoeuvre as Peter describes. I learn't a valuable lesson mooring stern to the flow at Coltishall when next morning I discovered they had been weed cutting up stream. It was building round my outboard leg and against the transom faster than I could clear it. If I had been bow to flow most would have passed under the hull just leaving a bit to clear by tilting the outboard.
  8. What I do think is sad is the number of Owners Clubs who's sites are now a shaddow of their former selves due in a large part to splinter Facebook groups.
  9. Looks a very tidy craft. May I wish you well to sail her.
  10. Totally agree. I am sure that their site used to have a photo of Tumblehome's interior but it is not there now. It is true of boats in general though. Not so true of inland waterways due to the benign conditions but in my many years seagoing as a family you can spent many days in harbour even in high summer and living accommodation is then very important. I have noticed builders, Cornish Crabbers being an example show far fewer interior shots than they once did. Unless it is a way to get you to look in person at an agent or boat show?
  11. Sounds great, love to see it out on the water when it is ready.
  12. Above you sleeping head position by 18 inches min.ceiling level in saloon where sitting and standing.
  13. I was always under the impression that the Acid Rain that fell on Scandinavia was as a result of our coal fired power stations emmitting vast quantities of sulphur and nitrous oxides which was wind driven their way. When it combined readily with rain it fell as sulphuric and nitric H2SO4 and HNO3. In weak solution
  14. Not trying to split hairs but that is The River Wensum. The Yare does it's own thing a fraction upstream from Whitlingham.
  15. Sounds a bit like the International 2.4mR Always wanted to try one and an affordable racer. Probably because how can a boat so short look so good in the water?
  16. For anyone in my old neck of the woods ie Chilterns and South Oxford and Bucks Thames Raters can be seen at the Upper Thames Sailing Club at Bourne End. It is a very beautiful Stretch of river and makes a good day out. Marlow and Henley being very close.
  17. And me, no true transom allowing the flow up under the canopy. Sorry to hear that it sparked unhappy memories Ricardo. I remember your loss, tragic.
  18. Do you know what the starting fleet was?
  19. I was only joking, I would imagine the BA and it's waterbourne staff are like the RNLI. That a salvage claim is just not done.
  20. Was their painter passed? Or were they passed the tow? Does salvage convention apply of The Broads?
  21. I am afraid that the weather has cost Potter businesses dearly, on a sunny 3R you cant see the staithe or the grass on the pilot office side for people. Cars can hardly cross the bridge for folk hanging over the parapets. And all of them having a drink and eating burgers, hotdogs and fish and chips. Such a pity.
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