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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Philistine MM. just about the most beautiful lines ever lofted..........
  2. Contact Simon Waller!!!!! Any relation Jenny Morgan?????????
  3. Looks like the bridge into Ely Marina
  4. My most hated place in high season is Ludham Bridge. However in mid winter I love it. I fill an open necked flask with baked beans and sausage, take some bread and butter and after a walk up Hall Road eat my lunch and return to Broadsedge. I can not claim this as mine as I got it off a friend who spent some time in the States where it is common practice but this makes an excellent snack for day boating/sailing in winter. You need a good quality hot dog roll split and pre mustarded and ketchuped. Warm a large frankfuter sausage in a pan of simmering water then transfer to a Thermos flask water and all. If you can get some freeze dried onion like caterers use dump that in as well. And you have it a hot dog for lunch in a sailing dinghy, fishing dory or whatever. PS. Best to have a separate food flask, sausage and onions can taint coffee, tea etc.
  5. The Broom seems reasonable at £20K, however the name reminds me of Montmorency in "Three Men in a Boat" and he was a dog !!!!
  6. If you study Scandinavian yachts and motor boats you will see that they very often have split pulpits to allow bow access, also many have anchors mounted on the stern. In the Stockholm Archipeligo the water is very deep right up to glacial smoothed boulders sticking out of the water, many of these have mooring rings on expanding bolts and bow first mooring is the norm. For any sailors wanting a change of scenary there is a hire company called KF yachts that hire Nordic Folkboats in the Stockholm Archipeligo. It is almost tideless, grass grows to the edge of the water as it is only just saline, and it hardly gets dark. Folkboats are a bit basic but sail beautifully.
  7. Sounds my sort of place, as I tend to drink water with a really good meal, a beer before maybe a Cointreau after. Well, I am hoping to retrace a trip next year. I have "bookmarked their site" many thanks.
  8. They could easily have been Millionaires if they had not supped a years production of John Smiths.
  9. I wiil reduce the quantities pro rata and have a practice. I thought I might do a rib at Christmas.
  10. You are right, the LPG ovens are not up to the domestic type be they gas or leccy. Talking of yorkshires with Yorkshiremen have you ever eaten the giant yorkshire filled with mash sausage ring and gravy at Tan Hill. A must if walking that part of the Pennine Way.
  11. Like the Cannabis Reggae Ensign Over the years the Broadland area has grown quite a few crops.
  12. ChrisB


    After all her years in Norfolk and cosseted in a wet shed I think the mid summer Med. Sun would probably do your pride and joy no good at all Griff. All of us once waved goodbye to an immaculate 1950s varnished Laurent Giles design. When she returned to Chichester 2 years later having "done the Med" she was a wreck and had been painted, all her brightwork gone. Dont be fooled by Classic Boat magazine in articles about St Tropez. Those wooden lovelies are cared for night and day at huge expense for their owners. For us of more normal means the Med takes no wooden boat prisoners. Even in this country I have see a boat with a dark painted hull open up on it's port side which faced south when moored, whilst the starboard side remained as tight as a drum.
  13. The word "Bullet" is very emotive. Given the way EDP report it is probably a pellet. Rifles fall into two catagories "Small Bore" say .22 rim fire or .17hmr or "Full Bore" .243, 7.6mm .375 etc. All rifles fall under FAC and extremely difficult to obtain without just reason. A Full Bore would have done more than break a window. Over 60 metres a stray shotgun pellet has lost a huge amount of energy and would be hard pressed to break toughened glass, SG might. Most likely some idiot with an air gun. I assume they have recovered the "round" if not then how do they know it was shot at. Or has a window been broken, they hear someone shooting and 2+2=5
  14. ChrisB


    Blue fenders with white fender socks, very Essex. Boatwise Nordhavn or Grand Banks would be my choice. Could have a bit of a problem with their new "Sky Lounge" enclosed fly bridge though.
  15. I agree with Dilligaf. When were they last serviced?
  16. It is a peace of mind thing as well Robin, knowing it will start and run when you turn up is hard to put a price on. Also if it is a nice boat with a knackered engine 3 or 4 grand and you have a new boat performance wise. With an inboard, nice boat knackered engine you are probably looking to the North of 10 grand.
  17. Mundesley was formed after the drowning and near drowning of a man and wife just half a mile from the beach in1971. They were in a sailing dinghy. At Sea Palling lifeboats have been stationed since way before the RNLI was founded run by private companies. The RNLI were there afterwards until 1931 ( I think) the growth in tourism to the beautiful beaches prompted the need for a boat in 1972. Caister has a similar history to Palling, Private beach company then the RNLI until 1969. Caiter operate both an inshore and offshore boat. In recent years both Mundesley and Sea Palling have had a RNLI presence in the form of Lifeguards.
  18. Remember that from 10am today the 6th September 2017 the Coastguard MSI, Shipping Forecast and Inshore forecast will move from channels 23, 84 and 86 to: 62, 63 and 64.
  19. Just downloaded "Master and Commander" to my Kindle White. This time I will finish it, I promise.
  20. I have been a Governor of the RNLI for many years, I also support our four Norfolk highly trained and professional independent water rescue bodies. Mundesley, Palling, Hemsby and Caister. I really think that these are the independent organisations that need our support, As a Governor I registered my opposition to the removal of cover at Oulton in 2011 and still feel that this was a regrettable action
  21. I wiil, I have a 21 hour flight in October so I will get stuck in.
  22. The "emergency response driving" is I feel somewhat worrying.
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