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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I looked at one about 18 months ago but decided against as it has to be hard wired. My phone was up for renewal so got a Sony Z3, waterproof to 1·5m, and you can take it anywhere, and you have the GPS, Tide and weather apps out in the rain with you!
  2. 20,000 new homes by 2026! Where are these 20,000 households living now? If they are not living around Norwich Now, where will they find the type of employment needed to finance the purchase of these type of houses. Or will they all commute to London, Cambridge etc leaving the estates empty. A sort of Holiday Home debate in reverse!
  3. But will some of these pople even want to get to their boat in ten years? 20,000 additional households around Norwich by 2026. Where is the natural playground on their doorstep? I am very fearful that the old saying about the ruination of what they have come for is going to hold true for the Broads. Once the land either side of the NDR is developed the next step must be to expand either side of the A47 so the villages on the North Bank of the Yare and South Bank of the Bure will lose their identity to suburban ribbon development. For Norfolk largely unspoilt for centuries "Times they are a changing" (and not for the better)
  4. The Gas Terminal January Luncheon for the over sixties of the immediate villages was changed this year. It had been at Sutton Staithe for years but was held at Northrepps Cottage. Maybe the change of ownership was ongoing at the time causing a change of venue.
  5. ChrisB


    I sold my 2.5 honda on the other forum because of the price of a motorised tender. I had never used it. I will not moor at Ranworth or Salhouse so weight and row in. Adding the motor to my 2.3m inflatable added about £60 or so.
  6. ChrisB


    I just paid it a few minutes after it came in. Minus my tender £31+ as I have not blown it up for two years and due to circumstances it will not be used this year for sure.
  7. Personally I always loved a game of Bar Billiards. I remember that depending on geographical location some had an extra "Mushroom" Screwing the last ball off the top cushion always showed a good player rather than taking the easy side cushion option. Where have all the tables gone? Probably with the Benskins I used to drink then.
  8. A now deceased relation of mine would only shop in Waitrose. To quote " Because you get a better class of screaming Brat"
  9. ChrisB

    Pastures New

    Why not just say where you are going? Unless the creditors are snapping at your heels! In which case it should appear as a "New Berth" in the Birth, Marriages and Deaths section of the Times or Telegraph.
  10. Good for sliding down the warp to add weight in a blow.
  11. I jest Griff. In the immortal words of Manuel "I know nothin" where football is concerned. I come from a long line of Rugby players, went to a rugby school, both my sons were county players. I enjoy watching some football but don't understand the finer points of the game.
  12. Only when they play Doncaster.
  13. I have not got a clue (I am a rugby fan) I was simply making a point re cost of leisure activities. I got it off their web site, I suppose an A+ is Chelsea or Man U and a D game is Wroxham. Or it might be the seconds or youth side.
  14. An adult ticket for a D grade game at Carrow Road is £30. For an A+ game it is £60. All for just 90 minutes.
  15. Zero experience and a belly full of beer!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Should anyone wish to purchase an Origo product my advice would be try Ely Chandlers first. I saved over £40 on a Heat Pal.
  17. With the closures of recent years all day boats should have some form of heads facility, even if it is a curtain and a seated bucket.
  18. You can with an Origo 6000. The oven even has a thermometer built in. http://www.foxsmarineandcountry.com/products/origo-6000-alcohol-oven-stove-cooker-es5758?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=428030197&gclid=CLGmw8Hs7MoCFSwW0wodLlUNGw
  19. Blofield https://www.norwichcamping.co.uk/
  20. The "TrueCost" is never known until you stop boating. Only then can depreciation be factored in. I know of a couple who bought a new boat, kept it in good order for twenty five years and virtually got their capital cost back. I also know of people who bought new, found the activity or boat did not fit the bill and lost tens of thousands in a short space of time. Undina the Abbeking and Rasmussen, Rhodes design classic that Griff Rhys-Jones completely restored cost £75k, nearly £500k in restoration and yard expenses and when sold brought £75k! I think most people over value their boats and like houses and Estate Agents Brokers overvalue to get boats on their books leading to some head shaking when it is finally time to swallow the anchor.
  21. Somewhere on Youtube is a Defender dragging a Dodge Ram backwards in a tug of war.
  22. I had a Standard Vanguard!!! But it was grey in colour, the same as the real one my father had. I believe the engine was shared with the Razor Edge Triumphs and was used to power the TR2, 3 & 4 (in modified form) until the straight 6 2·5 litre PSI fitter to the TR5 & 6. I suppose it is the maroon that makes thi one so rare. Cars had no colour in the lte 40s early 50s just black, grey and light green.
  23. As the result of an acquisition in the very early 80's, I inherited two Bedford TMs fitted with two stroke Detroits. Really strange trucks as unlike the norm they revved like a car. Their horrendous consumption sentenced them to the auctions at Frimley.
  24. Compared to what the original owner paid ( or as a customer given for free) they appear expensive. But you only have to look at the interest in The Broads ( this site being evidence of that) and the fact that supply is finite, there will not be any more. Then for a little piece of history and nostalgia they are quite cheap.
  25. Jeep were Chrysler, not GM, who after being dumped by their last owners Daimler Benz are now owned by Fiat. The new Jeep Renegade is a Fiat 500X with a biscuit tin body. Some Chrysler compacts are sold as Lancia in Italy and other countries.
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