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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. I do agree with you BowWave with regards to the aspects of online publications. I have all the East Coast Sailing mags and Motor Boat Owner downloaded to my tablet but they are only really accessed as "waiting room" reading which unfortunately I have had a lot of in recent times. I shall miss AA and in particular John Worrals articles whether historical or geographical. I had the pleasure of meetin him at the Jaguar E Type 50th anniversary at Cromer which he was phtographing.
  2. The publication may not have done the boating industry a lot of good after it slipped into Archant's "County Life " format but I think it must have worked wonders for the dental hygiene industry. I used to skip the editorial page so as not to view the photographs. I had a Retriever who was 17 with cleaner molars.
  3. We are down there as well, but it is the Gulls that are doing the damage to us at present. I do however put my old vinyl canopy on for winter. I think I probable saw the duck watching you work the other day.
  4. He or she was very at home upon "Girl Ruby" the clinker boat moored on the slipway this morning. I do not think the owner will appreciate Mickey's toilet habits on the wheelhouse roof. Friendly sort of duck though.
  5. The Ken Duxbury classic of open boat cruising has been republished by Pub Lodestar @ £16. This is all three books so good value. A great read!
  6. I use GPS to check my log as I find I need to re-calibrate about three times a year. Most people seen to use a 1:25000 OS explorer for general interest purposes, putting it on a decent sized screen is just a bit more convenient.
  7. Seen here coming out of Sutton
  8. And I have a spare tablet should the need arise.
  9. Whilst looking for some more reading matter for her “E” reader my wife remarked “What are these Tesco books?) I said that they had their equivalent of a Kindle and googled it up to find that they had just launched a new Android device called Hudl2. I was scrolling down the spec of this cheap £129 unit and was surprised to see that not only was it GPS enabled but also had the Russian Glonass navigation system chip built in. I have been thinking of replacing my Lowrance GPS for some time as it is now 9 years old and the mapping is no longer supported so ordered a Hudl2 for free delivery next day to my local store. On receipt I down loaded the Viewranger App (free) and the 1:25000 OS explorer of the Norfolk Broads £11. Yesterday I tried it out on the boat and it worked brilliantly. A clear acrylic book stand (under £5 Amazon) and a waterproof case (£4 Ebay) and there you have it a 8.9 inch plotter for £150. Regards, Chris.
  10. If you too are of a certain age and can remember the likes of the Slater Walker empire, in those days we did not call them Venture Capitalists but a more succinct "Asset Strippers"
  11. We have been there seven years and think it is very well run. Showers and toilets close end of October so you need to be self contained for four months or so. Berths are on a yearly contract so you pay the whole year in one go by 18th March and your contract starts 1st April. We however live 15 minutes from the boat and have never stayed overnight in the marina so we really day boaters. We use our boat throughout the winter on sunny days except when there is ice. You have been advised correctly as Stalham is bad for ice but it has never given us any problems. We strip the boat of berth cushions, put on an old canopy and curtains for winter and completely drain the water. Being outboard powered is an advantage in winter if you like to go out a the drop of a hat. Hope this is of help.
  12. This area at the bottom of the hill is indeed prone to flooding, but not to the extent that a well bunded development with rise and fall floating pontoons could not deal with. However if this gets the green light I bet there will be other business and marinas jumping on the development band waggon.
  13. The re-development of the site was always on the cards as the freehold was a non negotiable part of the take over. Lets be honest except for the name Broom there was not much else. I can fully understand the unsuitability of the site because getting large transport in and out is far from ideal and I suppose if they were to relocate to a coastal site they may not be able to retain staff. Cucumber Lane area gives good access for large transporters straight onto the A47. It will be interesting to see what type of development is given the go ahead as the danger is a nice marina type development could well end up as second home ghost town out of season.
  14. On another forum they are saying that Barton Turf Adventure Centre are the other party along with the BA and not NWT. But I was always under the impression that BTAC took over from and leased the land from Hertfordshire County Council Education Department.
  15. The loss of access will be a blow to those of us who day boat in winters shortest days and like to go for a walk from there. Freedom has a valid point re service to hire boats. I think the community shop delivers there from Neatishead. Dog fouling will increase unless bins are provided (how will they be emptied?) as will litter. Also as already stated many people will walk to Neatishead for a drink etc rather than risk the dodgems of Lime Kiln Dyke and Neatishead Staithe. I am not sure if there is a H&S issue?? I have often thought that I would like sight of the risk assessment file at the BA with regards to a number of their mooring policies and decisions.
  16. I think a serious proposal to open the waters above the ancient bridge to all vessels could provoke a very unwelcome response from the RSPB, Natural England, NWT, and the National Trust. Best to buy, build and hire boats that can pass under. Just my opinion you understand as the afore-mentioned are over a million strong and have many £millions to fight battles with.
  17. We bought a new Viking 20 with a 20 hp Honda High thrust in 2008. It is marina berthed, serviced each year at MarineTec and antifouled every three years. When we bought the boat we had given up our sea going sailing cruiser for about eight years so had to buy everything new including an inflatable dinghy. We use the boat about sixty days per annum and spend about sixteen nights aboard each year. We live twenty minutes away from the boat so are mostly day boaters, in fact we use it propably more on crisp Winter days. The boat was a top spec Hi-Line with about another £2000 of extras over that. I have kept a spreadsheet of all expenditure EXCLUDING fuel and as we come to the end of the boat's seventh summer the total is £43264·00 which INCLUDES £7000 for depreciation.
  18. Just watched it on the I Player. Well worth a view. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. (Must admit I ty to avoid that programme)
  19. I have also heard the term used in Industry for positions like H&E and Transport Management where people were certified to carry on as qualified by experience. Whereas people coming in would have needed a formal examination qualification. I have never heard it with regards to property. There are many examples of old properties built under "Squaters Rights" however normally were shelters on common land once stood that somehow escaped the enclosure acts.
  20. I believe the "Ducks Feet" signify the winter pelt of the stoat that is to say Ermine.
  21. The simplicity of the Origo range always appeals to me with no gas to worry about. The downside is about twice as long to make a cup of tea and about £1000 for the 6000 model with two rings and an oven. Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk
  22. When you drive over the bridge there is quite a camber to the road, I think it is this that causes the difference in air draught and the wood hanging down is there to even things up.
  23. I am reading The Dinghy Cruising Companion at present. If you get it on Kindle it is about half price. Roger Barnes really creates an enthusiasm in the reader that I have not felt since reading Jack de Crow. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in this pure form of cruising. Chris
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