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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Timbo, have you watched travels with geordie, he uses a polyeurathane wipe on varnish over tung oil, much the same as your beagle earwax varnish it is applied with a rag, his channel is the restoration of a wooden boat over in canada. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzjS_6kYzuWNznwIfQdqt1w
  2. bin bags are good too, at least my feet fit in them.
  3. it was visible when i quoted it, i have been out all day looking after my aged parents from shortly after my post. i have just got home and am trying to catch up to the thread. if the post was hidden, my reply quoting it should also have been hidden.
  4. this shows you are out of touch with current hiring procedures, the snippet from Richardsons handbook shows this as they already have all you ask with a £250 charge for recovery for running aground, this doesn't appear to have focused the minds of those still running aground.
  5. to be fair, you are hardly acting differently yourselves, a quick look in the mirror and you will find that you are doing exactly the same towards these people, who are giving their advice of long years in the industry, and know what does and doesnt work, by ignoring them and disrespecting their experience also up to the limits of TOS, and then crying foul to the moderators when you are given some of your own treatment back. your comment highlighted above could be considered an inflammatory post as you are basically accusing everyone else (other than yourselves) of being closed minded. i will ask once more with my moderator hat firmly positioned that everyone calms down and takes a moment to examine the views of others and responds politely or we will be forced to lock the thread.
  6. I suspect the answer to be no, accidents will happen no matter how good the training.
  7. Quick question Ian, with no disrespect meant, but would any additional training have prevented your accident?
  8. yes we have had 4 that took out all of canterbbury so far this week
  9. no thats later when we can all go back to the office silly boy, this is an online meeting
  10. this will make jay happy, one of my work colleagues approached me yesterday, as most of us are currently working from home she has decided that we need to inject some christmas cheer, we all connect with each other via ms teams, so she has decided (and I reluctantly got roped in) that we will do a little teams meeting for everyones children, Santa and his helper, apparently I am the best candidate for the cheery man, so she will get me a costume and we will use the backgrounds feature in teams to add a suitable background, and do an hour long teams meeting - oh what have i let myself in for..
  11. well thats me looking stupid, £100 in parts, new brake master cylinder fitted, and it was still not workin properly, i did s lot more searching on the forums, then found 1 post saying to check the calliper springs were correctly fitted, with pictures showing right and wrong, popped outside and mine were wrong, i now have the brakes working i am still going to get new fluid and replace it as its quite old, and i still have new handbrake shoes to fit, weather permitting this weekend.
  12. but the ones you quoted that do skippered sails dont generally have cruisers
  13. marthams were still doing manuals they were encapsulated and easy to clean.
  14. most dont have sailing boats, marthams also offer sailing tuition.
  15. i would also like to ask members to respect each others opinions and experience, and make allowances for poor choices of phrase that may make posts come across in a worse interpretation than intended. that way we can continue this interesting discussion within the scope afforded by the terms of service.
  16. every boat handles differently, i would only expect not to do a trial run if i had had that boat before, that said not all yards are that thorough.
  17. it can also happen as a result of automatic moderation by the forum software, in which instance we do try and contact the poster once we are notified.
  18. ok how about something like this then https://www.boatus.org/games/ a boating game on docking boats from a us boating foundation, surely the Broads could do something similar and relevant, ok not everyone would use it, but if it helped out a few newcomers, it would be worthwhile, even if it just taught them a boat steers from the back.
  19. does it need to give the full experience, or just a feel for how things work, either that or maybe a tank with some radio control boats at the hire yard, instructor - now show me how you would approach a stern mooring? now show me a side on mooring against the tide, with the tide. something simple to show the principles involved, that may well stick in the hirers mind?
  20. 1 day to load the pile and get the barge to the correct location, 1 day to drive the pile, 1 day to return barge, diesel costs staffing costs, they soon mount up, plus the cost of the timber pile., you gain economy of volume if you have several to do in one small area.
  21. airline pilots do initial training in flight simulators, now i have seen simulators for oil tankers and full size shipping, would a simulator program / machine be a viable alternative to on the water training? a simple computer simulation could give experience to some novices (as well as providing a fun way for people to learn). this could be sent as a link with the holiday pack, add a login for the customer and you could track how much self training they had done, and tailor the handover to suit. anyone up to writing the software?
  22. the thing we have to look at is the perspective of risk/cost analysis, is the cure a financially viable option? many years ago due to a number of incidents using stanley knives, they were banned by my company, at the time i used one to cut foamboard to make up signs - mostly safety signs. i questioned what would i now use to cut this, and was told to go find a safe alternative. i went away and the cheapest safe alternative was a mechanically interlocked guillotine, at a cost of £14,000. two days after submitting this option i was issued with a pair of kevlar gloves and a stanley knife and told for goodness sake be careful. upon seeing the kevlar gloves a colleague put them on and proceeded to test them by stabbing his hand with the stanley knife, upon which he was heard to proclaim ow, as the point went straight through the kevlar knit, you cant legislate against sheer idiocy. what can we learn from these two incidents, dont go swimming behind a boat with the engine running, and when mooring up, take it slow and if you are deck crew, always hang on to something.
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