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Everything posted by grendel

  1. i too wont be driving anywhere to exercise, i am only driving to the shops to be able to carry a weeks shopping in one go, i was just showing why some would consider driving to a spot where they could exercise in the countryside, due to the lack of green space in the city centre.
  2. well in my effort to keep grounded, this morning was my first online yoga session with my normal teacher (we normally get these provided by work, but as my yoga teacher cannot hold normal lessons and abide by social distancing, she has in a limited way gone online using the zoom meeting app, at least this gives her a modest income and can be done from home, unfortunately the only place big enough for me to do yoga at home is in the garden - 10 degrees when I started this morning, but it has stretched a few of those kinks out that come from sitting around at home.
  3. Living in Canterbury where the council was intent on building on every available inch of land i am suddenly glad that two areas managed to get their green spaces common status, there are few green spaces in Canterbury, a couple of nice walks down by the rivers, but if everyone in Canterbury decides to exercise, then those areas will be overcrowded, so it makes sense to drive for a couple of miles to get to the countryside to exercise, the countryside is not far, but very urban to get to it from near the town centre where I am, the nearby green space is about the size of a football pitch, so not enough for more than a dozen or two people to walk, jog or exercise around while maintaining social distancing.
  4. The chairman asked nicely that the issue be shelved during the current crisis so that people didnt argue, i see no argument here.
  5. I would be sweeping the paving in the back garden if i hadnt broken the stiff broom.
  6. from the looks of this 1907 map the basin has been expanded into the area the malthouse stood. so quite possible
  7. Paul, as i related elsewhere my morning shop went rather easily and i managed to get around my normal 3 supermarkets in just 2 hours, the first 2 having no queues (i must have timed it just right as there were queues as i came out) i eventually managed to get my normal shop plus the list my daughter had given me (one person shopping per household), the shops were set up so there were arrows, but you could skip aisles you didnt need and backtrack as necessary, people were respecting the 2m spacing of everyone, and the queues at the tills were just one or two people long, its my feeling that everyone has been shopping through the week, and the chap on the doors at sainsburys confided that 7pm was a quiet time there, the good thing i saw was complete strangers chatting to each other (maintaining the 2m spacing) while queuing.
  8. I do admit to cringing at some of the American restorations where they take an old workaday tool and restore it to within an inch of its life, they will take a precision item and wire brush and grind it until it gleams, unfortunately all this work has removed any precision surfaces it may have had and rendered it a very pretty ornament, i prefer the type of restoration that brings the item back to its original precision and leaves it fully functional too.
  9. ah but if they are furloughed, they will get 80% or £2500 a month max, this means they would be on a lot less. but considering their 'work' is not essential, and they cannot work from home, they should be setting the example, not calling for an exception to be made, if they are exempted, then others will consider themselves to qualify for exemption, and then - ad infinitum.
  10. darn it and i just bought some secateurs this morning to help with clearing the garden and the garden rubbish bags (because the tip is shut)
  11. Tim, here i have to agree with you, i have for a week only had the tv tuned to youtube, Acorn to Arabella, Tally ho, Keith Ruckers vintage machinery channel, mustie1 if you want small engines and car restorations (mostly vw's) and as the presenters link up, you get a branching off to new channels.yes i too love model making and restoration youtube channels, so if anyone has any good ones please list them here
  12. I usually go for a number 3 all over (hair and beard) and i guess its been over 10 years now since i last visited a barbers, As for the figure, i had to go with what the software allowed, most of the time was spent getting the physog looking vaguely correct, i have added some white to the hair, next job to add some blending and highlight facial features, add the eyes etc
  13. I only know the old boats made out of proper materials.
  14. so for a few days i have been working hard while awaiting delivery of some ebay purcases, some arrived, so i was able to do some painting, another coat is needed in places, then some detailing.
  15. is it a martham boat - jocelyn
  16. when i last visited the pharmacy (literally the week before lockdown) i was given 8 weeks of meds (normally restricted to 4 weeks) and told that when i need my next blood test to phone in, or alternatively they will deliver another 8 weeks without the blood test, depending upon the situation.
  17. why dont they follow the government guidlines and furlough the players - 80% of salary to a max of £2500 per month sounds fair, as they will probably still get more than the clubs cleaners. after all if they are not playing football they are not 'working'. any mortgage payments due will get the same benefits of a payment holiday as others, and its not like they havent been earning enough to have some savings.
  18. besides it was probably an english word before the americans adopted it, plus they probably spell it differently.
  19. its what the government are calling it
  20. so while the rest of our company has furloughed about 750 of our 1200 employees, I am busier than ever, though a lot of our sites are shutting down we are able to continue with emergency work and off site works (while the roads are less busy this is an ideal time for it) thus keeping the remainder of our teams working, as part of this we have a large project in hand that we have to complete, we are changing a whole lot of our fibre data cabinets over from BT to Sky, all the work for this can be done off site and within the government guidelines, so to keep them busy we are having to go in and reserve the BT duct routes from the sky exchanges to site (while some may not see this work as entirely essential it keeps some of our construction teams off of furlough and working so we have staff available to respond to emergency situations and keep people on supply, as we cant just furlough them and bring them back in then put them back on furlough) so my work situation (as I do these designs), has just ramped up from more than normal work, to flat out working while I do additional work to get these designs out - there are 6 of us turning out these designs and we have just received our second batch of 6 new jobs each (we have 500 to be done and I think to date we have 50 done).
  21. amazing the skills you find out about at times like this
  22. tut tut, politics, we shouldnt be talking politics.
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