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Everything posted by grendel

  1. when you think of it the current generation are those kids that didnt see a parent while they were working hard to keep the roof over their wife and kid heads, you can hardly blame them for saying that they wont let that happen to their own kids. And such a big thing is made now in the workplace of work / life balance, when it becomes a point where a company can score against its competitors, and more importantly means staff stick with the company long term rather than chasing pennies to work for the competition, then it does change the dynamics of how the businesses can work.
  2. I recall seeing closures overnight on the A12 this week too, not very forward planning to close both major routes into the Broads at the same time and in the middle of the school holidays - so peak tourist season
  3. I would suggest that maybe boat syndicates could formulate a response to the section 11, on behalf of their members as this mainly seems to be directed at organisations, though I am sure individuals could also respond.
  4. integrated access strategy- does that mean letting nettles invade the quay headings at short dyke? I dont like the look of item 5.8, maintain the free use of Broads Auhtority unstaffed moorings. that sort of implies that if they throw a staff member onto a mooring they consider that they will be able to then start charging
  5. well out on the bike a lot today, first a trip to the pharmacy for a INR (warfarin) test, then after I finished work I fitted the towing hitch to the bike, and loaded up the trailer with cardboard, took it to the tip and put it in the cardboard machine. Now our tip you are supposed to book a slot, however, without a registration plate this was not possible- you had to have a registration number to book a slot. well I went through their regulations for the tip, and it said no pedestrians, and cycles were not on the list of restricted vehicles, so I figured if they tried to stop me, they whould be getting an earful about how if you are trying to be green and recycle, and also not use a petrol or diesel vehicle, then they shouldnt be stopping me- however they took the blind eye approach and completely ignored me as if I wasnt there.. after cycling home i then took the trailer off and proceeded to cycle one of my medium 10 mile routes, so 15.5 miles cycling today, the trailer works well and has an 80kg capacity so thats all good.
  6. oh wow, at 6000 rpm that blade that looks like a circular saw just whistles through a 1" thick sapling, I also like te description of the 'blackness colour version, where the stainless steel blade is suitable for tougher grass and older people (chops them off at the ankles I guess)
  7. Thanks for that Robin, by far the best price available with all the necessary accessories - and 2 batteries to boot, mine arrived today, and I was pleased to find how lightweight the unit is, i think it will be invaluable for clearing a little space and tidying up the locale at some of the wild moorings. (as soon as the battery is charged I will be heading to the garden for a quick test run.)
  8. the first of the broads cruiser on the thames videos came out at the weekend, by both Lorna James Adventures and cruising the cut, after hearing them mention the number of locks i did suggest a week on the broads which had no locks.
  9. I too have made several excursions up there, if you get to new mills its a dead end, but avoid the right side as you approach, one time when I was there there was a regular beach over the right side of the basin, its clear up near the mill races, but near the entrance that side can be shallow, if in doubt talk to the yacht station staff, they generally know any current issues on that stretch.
  10. well today has been a bit of a mix, started off with shopping for the week ahead, then transitioned into fixing the car, the horn had not been as good as it should, and it suddenly stopped working, the replacements arrived the day I was headed for beccles so this afternoon I got round to fixing them, at first I thought the whole bumper would need to come off, but having released the top fixings and looking down I realised I could probably get away with unclipping the grill, this done it was a case of chopping wires to fit a new flying lead as the new horns didnt have the same connections, just 2 normal spade terminals, this was soon sorted and the horns now work better than they have for ages. then it was some tidying round the house to get a proper storage solution for the paddle board and bike trailer, time to get rid of some old cardboard boxes, unfortunately there are no free slots to book for today (yes we have to book every visit- an absolute pain.) a quick bike ride is called for to blow away the cobwebs, and then it will be time for tea.
  11. I have just a few images from the boat show, for some reason I was too busy to pick up the camera the rest of the weekend.
  12. well home again now, a couple of jobs to get done before my next visit, the drive home was a good one with few delays now i just need to raid the freezer to see what i have as until i go shopping the fridge is bare.
  13. Yes, the other one is just off the bottom of your top image around the corner.
  14. Well the rain woke me when it started at 12.30am, and again at 2am when a drip landed on my forehead. A few mi uses while I laid out bin bags to divert the drips from the cushions to bilge, and stick a baking tray under the one by my head, this done I put my pillow between the two and slept soundly while the patter of the rain on the roof lulled me to sleep. Last night while boiling the kettle I narrowly averted a fire, the cover that sits over the cooker is normally stood up at the back of the cooker, with its stainless steel underside protecting the boat from the heat. This needs to sit further back now , as the new larger hob ring was charring the top behind the stainless. I will bring some stainless steel angle iron to form a lip on the counter top it can sit behind, and a catch to stop it falling back down at this steeper angle. Next will be a morning of packing everything up and a short cruise back to home base.
  15. Waveney river centre (tingdene) the inner basin now has a sign, new and used boats for sale
  16. I was having a similar discussion with one of my senior managers the other week, about how to engage the latest generation and instill a work ethic of going above and beyond the basics of what they are asked to do, how to get them to add the icing and cherry on top as a matter of course, rather than just stopping when they have performed their task? It's a problem everywhere, not just here on the broads, if it doesn't arrive at their phone as a tic token, instathingie or x(formerly twitter), then they don't take note.
  17. It's big enough for several boats, with Quay heading and large tree stumps, there is also another just around the corner beccles side. You can also Moor on the left bank as you approach the locks.
  18. From herringfleet I departed, munching on a couple of cheese and bacon wraps, and drin,ingredients a coffee, I got as far as north cove with the paddle board on the roof, before Checking project troll, 7'6" and dropping, so I put a line round a post and dropped the paddle board to the side deck, inadvertently sending my clip on sunglasses to the bottom, no panic, I had spares, I then proceeded to geldeston, taking a look at the staithe, where the same boat was there as last time, Turning around I came back to the wild mooring about half way to Beccles, from there I have listened to audio books and paddle boarded, and generally relaxed.
  19. With tempered glass all it needs is a heat boundary, sunlight hitting only part of the glass can cause differential expansion, which stresses the glass and can cause it to shatter.
  20. BSS NOT Boss xxcrdt autocorrect.
  21. Ah OK I found a short that shows it was the Thames, a collaboration with cruising the cut
  22. Talking of influecers, I spotted that in a clip from her recent video lorna Jane (from lorna Jane adventures) was seen driving a blue bathtub style boat, that intrigued me as recently she has been sitting to become a boss tester, and part of the course was in norwich, I don't believe the video aboard the bathtub has been released yet, but it has to be the Thames or the broads, also she seems to do a lot of collaboration with cruising the cut.
  23. I remember the occasion the other year when 2 forum members reported a speedboat that was blipping the throttle and popping up on the plane and down again causing serious wash, one member got the video, but not good enough to see the reg number, I had a big lens on the camera and managed to catch the same boat, including the reg number, both of us reported it to the BA, next time I was down a ranger came and took a statement, and later that year a successful prosecution was made, the ranger told me they had been trying to catch the boat for months.
  24. I can't even hear someone on my phone with the engine throbbing away beneath my feet. Its not particularly noisy from outside, but there is no sound insulation on the deck hatches.
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