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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Well despite it being a tad warm yesterday I got a fair amount done, the hot tub was topped up to the max level mark (it had dropped below the minimum, so needed probably 150 litres, this cooled it down to around 30 degrees. Then it was moving a bench top milling machine up into the workshop bedroom, this involved several trips as even disassembled some of the parts are pretty heavy, following this was dealing with the collapse of the workbench, (the folly of expecting a stack of 3 plastic crates to hold the weight of a milling machine) and the building of some supports for said workbench. by this time I was soaked through, so headed for the not so hot tub, at 30 deg it was 2 deg cooler than its surroundings, so blissful, after a good 30 minute soak it was back to work to troubleshoot this mills gearbox, as it doesnt seem to be going into a gear when one of the levers is moved. one chillmax air fan has been moved into the workshop, as it managed to get up to 27 deg indoors here yesterday
  2. I have the Huawei unit with the antenna sockets, did you know if you plug it into a laptop it supplies a connection without using WiFi whilst also charging.
  3. Polly/ Griff, is there an online streaming of the event? for those of us who cant get there?
  4. I took my bike ride early today, 8.8 miles and was back indoors by 7am, before it got too hot to do things, the good news is the bruised hand is not adverse to cycling (until I try and brake hard anyway)
  5. that said, I have just worn through my first set of brake pads at 760 miles, not bad- under £12 a pair, and simple to fit.
  6. I dont, I have a himiway big dog with 4" tyres, it has the size and appearance of a moped, it doesnt fold down easily.
  7. that will depend upon several things, a 300W panel may certainly be bigger, so you need to check available space. your solar charge controller will need to be rated to match the panel voltage and output (for the 100W panel, you may only have a 10A controller- this would need upgrading to the current and voltage rating for the new panel. wiring from controller to battery, check this is up to the expected curren toutput from the new panel, ditto the wiring from panel to controller, a 100W panel could get away with 4mm cable, the 300W panel might need 6mm. also check the panel type, a monocrystalline panel will start accepting charge a lot earlier in the day than a polycrystalline, and will even work somewhat on dull days, my monocrystalline 50W panel starts charging about 6AM at the moment, while my bigger panel needs direct sunlight to start outputting.
  8. well the hand is still quite swollen, but I can use it, so i managed to take the bike shopping this morning. while at the shop I got some ice compress packs to use on the hand to hopefully bring the swelling down, the bruise is starting to appear on my palm. Now I have a couple of tasks today, one is the bikes front brakes, at 763 miles i am suspecting i am nearly through a set of pads, and then I have a back wheel of the scooter to see why it went flat- new tubes on order anyway.
  9. non arrival of one part means the car wont be available until next week now, of course i was half way there before I got the recall message. an added bonus was the scooter got a flat on the way home.
  10. well not a great start to the weekend, MOT day today, so I drive the car to the test centre, I threw the electric scooter in the back to get home quicker (i still dont know if the bike fits) nearly home and I swing around a corner i do daily on the bike, except the drop kerb has about an inch of step, so the scooter hits this and dumps me on the pavement, I got away fairly lightly a very minor scratch on my leg, and though my cheek kissed the pavement it wasnt hard, but my hand, my left hand I broke the fall with, although I didnt break anything, its sore and swollen- the advice that I was given, pop into A&E and get it checked- yeah right, the cars in the garage being MOT'd so thats not possible- got the call that the car had failed, the only unpredictable reason was the coil spring needed replacing on one corner- no big deal, the headlight wasnt correctly aligned, well I only fitted the new one last weekend, and didnt even try aligning it. so now we are in the race to get the parts and fix it today. I am not sure whether I will be able to use the scooter with my sore hand- or even the bike to head over to pick it up when its ready. ho hum, not a great day
  11. I have to admit to only ever using wilcos for the nut and bolt pick and mix bags, where you paid for the size bag you selected, and crammed as many nuts and bolts in as possible.
  12. Here we go, here's the page from my notebook again, you will note a difference of 6" between the cills, but the ludham side cill is 2" higher than the other side, the high side cill has only 93 1/2" clearance, so if you can only see that one call, that's all you have, in reality at the centre of the bridge you will have a bit more. Your 8'3" is only from the call Wroxham side of the bridge, when that call is exposed, you have 7' 11" at the other side of the bridge to the water ( effectively 8' at the centre of the span)
  13. there is a post I made somewhere where I posted a copy of the sketch I made, and the cill to top height on one corner is under 8 foot, but to alll intents and purposes if you can see the cills at water level you have 8 foot.
  14. life is only full of these amazing coincidences if you make the point of talking with people and finding them out. if you hadnt met this couple and if you hadnt offered them a trip, then none of this would have occurred, I think your kind actions made more than one person happy that day.
  15. thats either the beast or a very close clone, I got mine in roys when they were on offer one may, we have 1 for each of the cabins (and each of the shore power plugs- there are only 2) and they keep a small cabin lovely and warm, 2 will chew through a whole electric card overnight I found.
  16. It is certainly a prospect under consideration, as is buying 2 boats (one purely for the workshop space)
  17. well it had been a little like that when she had just moved out, I cleared a good 12" of stuff off the floor, and found a dustpan and brush buried in the furthest corner, I had already boxed up 20 plastic storage crates full, just to be able to walk in and use the desk as my alternate office, this just left the area under the bed to sort out and the bed itself to be removed, which was the task that I undertook this weekend
  18. I spent the entire weekend sorting out the room that used to be my daughters bedroom, I had already added a small work bench in there, but it was time to get the bed out and clear away the junk under it, so I could create a few feet more of workbench, this involved disassembling the bed, clearing 3 big drawers full of junk, a trip to the tip with the mattress (well past its best) and using 6 plastic storage containers as the legs of a new workbench, adding anothe 12feet of shelf on the wall (3x 4 foot) and general tidying and hoovering. still got some general tidying to be done, but it gives me an extra 4 foot of workbench, which will come in handy. there are still about 20 plastic storage crates stacked at one side of the room, my daughter has nowhere to put these in her flat, so they will stay as deep storage for now.
  19. you just have to break the surface tension, old motorcyclists trick, cut a potato in half and rub that on, breaks the surface tension and stops the misting
  20. only the edp would caption a picture "Roger Wood has been in a long-running dispute with Roger Wood over issues at Thorpe Island"
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