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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I see a couple of the Marthams fleet are stuck the wrong side of Potter Heigham Bridge, but if Ludham is down to 7 foot, i doubt even Marthams can get them through potter heigham (I have been taken under with less than 5'10" at PH.)
  2. I seem to recall there was a survey done by the BA a year or so back, so maybe thats what they are referring to
  3. would this mean that if the Broads Authority were to use their power to request the name of a hirer from the hire company under a bylaw breach for the purposes of a civil prosecution under an MCN, that this would be a breach of GDPR (or any other laws)? and would seriously compromise their case against an individual?
  4. the service on planar / autoterm ones is excellent, we had a service engineer drive out from north wales to meet us at oulton broad the other year on lads week (aboard Broad Ambition)- we ended up with a replacement as there was an internal connection fault, these are a mid range price between the cheap chinese and the expensive webastro/ eberspacher ones. https://planarheaters.co.uk/ priced between about £600 and £1000 depending on which one you want (thats for a complete kit)
  5. I used to clear my old freezer with an air hammer (smallish one) it did the required job and only once did i put it through the plastic at the back, that freezer has since been retired from use. failing that just put a bowl of hot water in the bottom and let it melt out, you will need to keep refreshing the hot water.
  6. A bit like the new Marthams boat.
  7. oh dear, having fitted the new ABS pump, and had the pump ECU coded to the car by volvo, I thought it would be a quick matter for them to bleed the now functional system and return the car to me, however after performing all the above tasks, the car is still throwing the ABS codes, and wont clear- so back to volvo, who are now saying that the pump part of the newly refurbished ABS unit is faulty, now we are back into a back and forth discussion with the ABS repair company we are also awaiting delivery of a new bracket that holds the ABS pump from volvo, as the old bracket was lost with the pump by DHL. more waiting while this latest issue is resolved, of course until they can clear the codes, they cannot pass it through the MOT- the wait resumes.
  8. we sed 80 litres on Broad Ambition over lads week, but we also did 5 hours more cruising than the other 2 boats (to and from the wet shed) and we were against the tide quite a lot during our week (and certainly tuesday when we had to get from cantley all the way to griffs corner, so despite the tide against us were on the speed limit all the way (we did pass 3 boats on the lower bure that seemed to be struggling against the tide, but the 2 symphonies have the same engines as BA does (though she has the 4 blade prop)
  9. Front screen hinge pin removed to enable the glazing to be done.
  10. sad that i had to drop out half way through, but i couldnt keep my eyes open, we had an early departure from Horning yesterday morning and a bit of night navving in the rain at 6.30am when taking Broad Ambition back to the wet shed.
  11. Actually, I was aboard Broad Ambition, so didnt get to see inside much, they do have the same engine as BA, and were better at keeping up, other than the gas bottles needing replacing, we didnt have any issues, the lads did have a look at the emperors when they returned to the yard, and it looks like we may be able to sleep 7 comfortably in those, I am told the saloon area in the symphony happily accommodates 7 sitting around chatting on those 'wine tasting evenings'. I did manage to take Broad Ambition through Ludham bridge without incident on our way back to the wet shed yesterday morning, so I am pleased about that.
  12. in practice, it was the information staff member who moored the boat, after asking if we needed help, we answered in the negative at which point he grabbed the ropes and pulled us in, just I am sure so he could make the claim that he assisted us mooring. we needed no help, in fact he almost pushed one of our fellow lads week crew to one side to get the rope first.
  13. Arrived Home just before 5pm, Bruce and Andy not so lucky as clutch failed on the A11.
  14. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/individual-rights/individual-rights/right-to-restrict-processing/#:~:text=Article 18 of the UK,the erasure of their data. So unless the individual concerned has signed a waiver allowing civil prosecution, the BA may be in breach of their own gdpr for a civil matter.
  15. Would this mean that if the Broads authority used their own database of registered owners in pursuit of a civil offence that they would internally breach gdpr?, as the details supplied have not been listed for access for such a usage? I believe any details kept have to have the usage to which they are put carefully controlled, and usage for other purposes would be a breach of gdpr. Ie previously declared usage.
  16. I believe they are required to provide names if a law has been broken, eg speeding etc, but mooring fees are not in the bylaws, so it is a civil matter.
  17. Currently on train home just departed norwich
  18. Worth noting it mentioned the terms are clearly stated on the signage, This was the sign that had writing on it that I had to alight and approach to 3 foot to read. Also clearly marked on the sign in bigger letters, it is an offence to obstruct someone mooring (see sign for exact wording) and we were not asked if we were parishioners.
  19. The first mooring contravention notices have been issued #001 issued to Barnes brinkscraft wrt symphony 2 and 3. Brinks have refused to give them the hirers names( presumably gdpr), matter will be addressed at the next ba meeting by the representative for the hire boats.
  20. Southgate directing pump outs down to ferry marina, while we were moored there moonlight shadow exited from boulders heading towards their home moorings.
  21. Departed Fleet dyke, bound for a pumpout and the new Inn, we have 2 teams for their quiz tonight.
  22. This morning it was a reverse out of thurne dyke, then a short hop to Fleet dyke where we all managed to get moored up, morning relaxing, then off to our pre booked moorings at the new Inn Horning. It looks like we will be fielding a couple of teams for their quiz night.day spent fishing and relaxing.
  23. One very brave lady came and took a picture of us for her daughter who loves clowns, despite her fear of them, well done that lady.
  24. Just went to pay for our couple of hours stay at Herbert Woods, at first when she said £15, I queried it saying we were just here for a short stop, not overnight, that was when she told me it was 1 charge, whether you stayed 1 hour or all night. Even the guy on the Quay that sent me to pay said it was a rip off. So private boats take heed if you feel like just popping to the shops and want to Moor up in hw basin.
  25. Passed moonlight shadow this morning just after we left griffs corner, headed for potter Heigham, currently all moored up in hw basin.
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