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Everything posted by grendel

  1. my ex used to take bookings at eurotunnel, and one of the most common questions asked was- can you see the fish?
  2. if all the private boats that wild moor carried the means to just trim a patch wide enough to get ashore it would go some way toward redressing the balance, I know after my experience on short dyke I will go next time prepared to at least trim a path to the footpath there.
  3. probably because its the only factor he can blame without accepting the cause is from his own past actions such as excessive toll hikes.
  4. there but for the grace of god go I,, last friday I came a cropper on my electric scooter- (the bike is better but I didnt know if it would fit in the back of the car) and landed on my left palm, fortunately despite my bulk, I have large strong bones, so just bruised the palm of my hand its still slightly swollen and is definitely bruised, but its not stopping me doing things luckily. so I wish you a speedy recovery, the problem is nowadays it happens so quickly one minute you are going around as normal, the next second you are staring at a paving slab inches from your eye.
  5. and how many paddle boarders hirers and private owners have actually read and understood the bylaws, probably about 1% in my estimation, common sense must prevail and everyone should do their utmost to either keep out of each others way or avoid doing anything that might precipitate an untoward outcome.
  6. its actually only 4/5 of a v70, its a 2 litre 2008 v50
  7. my guess is that this may be the reason so many hire boats are put on the for sale list every winter (as they then dont need to be tolled until they are not sold and go back into the hire fleet the next year,) and any that do sell are a bonus income. I think JP is delusional when he says all the boats that are disappearing from the broads are just small private ones, as I think its both those and hire boats being sold and headed to other waterways, but he has to say that, as its the only way he can justify putting the tolls up even more next year to cover the shortfall, (I dont think he can see that excessive toll rises is just killing the golden goose and further reducing the income from tolls - it puts up hire prices, reduces the number of boats hiring out and encourages people to move away).
  8. You are probably correct, it should be here, the original post was just a daily update on the state of play- Now down to the old question of how much to spend on a car before it becomes too much? I have a philosophy, based in general upon the cars I can afford (generally second hand with over 100,000 miles on them). and that is its better to spend money on a car you know, with the faults you know if it is otherwise in good condition, than spend a similar amount replacing the car, only to find the new one has an unknown (at the time of purchase) fault that costs you more in the long term, so yes, generally I will spend money on the car I have for that reason. the second reason in this case is that my current diesel car is one of the last generation to not require additives to reduce its emmissions, as such its going to retain value amongst car enthusiasts who worry about such things, and with the changeover to EV's that too will mean that it will hold its value amongst the anti EV diehards (personally I am not anti EV, its just that I cant afford one, and more to the point have nowhere to charge one for the forseeable future anywhere near my house or work, and dont plan to waste time sitting in a motorway services while the thing charges- always assuming there is an available not in use ev charger there).
  9. is it like mad max's car, if you dont get the button sequence correct it blows up?
  10. the garage are sending it off to their recommended repairer, I trust their judgement here (well I sort of have to at the moment, at the end of the day i am not expecting to see much change from £1000, but for a 15 year old car thats not too bad
  11. I dont, mind you i have not progressed beyond sitting yet, so the only thing I expect is a wet bum, I have only entered the water from the paddleboard once- and that was deliberately, while the paddle board was tied to the boat to ensure that remounting was indeed possible (I know my limitations, so always test these things before there is an emergency, to ensure I have a way of exiting the water if that becomes necessary.) I have been told I swim like a fish, unfortunately its true, I have negative bouyancy, however I did just miss out on the school record for underwater swimming at 55m, only beaten by someone with the surname Salmon.
  12. I think for safety reasons if you fall in, then swimming is allowed, otherwise you would have many more people drowning after accidental immersion. " sorry you must immediately stop swimming as thats not allowed" mind you most places on the broads you could technically be walking on the bottom, not swimming.
  13. by the time i get there it will be time to turn around and head home
  14. except you dont need insurance on a paddle board - " either an annual toll or a short visit toll third party insurance (except unpowered vessels with a block area of less than 6m2) a valid boat safety certificate (for vessels within the scope of the scheme, not required for short visit toll) Charges are based on square metre area and go up as the area increases. The amount they increase by depends on the different type of craft." https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls
  15. I'd never get all the stuff I would want to take on the train.
  16. as a cyclist I try and avoid major roads, if I do have to use them i do so in a manner where I can be visible, and where they have to take note, i see now why the new highway code advises cyclists to move further out from the kerb, it lessens the possibility of cars just ignoring you and speeding past, likewise on a paddle board, be seen and ensure that you are noticed, dont do anything unexpected if you can help it, and helms, dont go speeding past, reduce your wash and dont do anything to tip a paddleboarder into the water.
  17. Well the car situation has got worse, the ABS module needs repairing, which may take 5 days or more, until its fixed they cant pass it on the MOT so I wont get it back before I was due to head aboard for a long weekend. at least I have the bike so I can get out locally and get my shopping.
  18. you are not kidding me, they are plastic soldiers- look you can see the bases
  19. although I was unable to be present I wore a bright orange tee shirt to honour the no black request (it did have a few people doing a double take in our team online meeting this morning)
  20. Like great yarmouth, breydon and anywhere there is a strong tidal current where they could inadvertently get swept out to sea?- I agree there are unsafe places, well lets rephrase that, there are places that i would consider unsafe to paddle board (but then I am no expert). is it just me that thinks that if a hire cruiser is perfectly legally navigating the system, then they should be keeping a watch out, and if they hit anyone, then they have failed to be legally navigating the system (i seem to recall a rule that says they should be avoiding collisions) somehow I dont see a paddle board as similar to other inflatables, unless you have a serious leak, which you would notice quite quickly these things when inflated are a lot more solid than a similar lump of wood, and a lot more bouyant.
  21. As someone who both cruises and occasionally paddleboard, I always slow for paddleboards, canoes and swimmers, yes they are safer at the extremes of navigation, unlike swimmers they are highly visible, so should be easy to avoid, much like any other river traffic.
  22. That's what I don't know, I know it connects the laptop, but does the blueray player have the capability to network via usb?
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