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Everything posted by grendel

  1. grendel


    in my opinion, that would mean you had been placed in a glass or bottle and were in the process of being imbibed. - a bit like Jonah was by the whale
  2. that will be fun when you open the hatch and climb down, what will the draft be then,
  3. well the laptop is alive, I have abandoned windows 10 and installed a linux operating system, now to see if it will run my 3d printer software on a windows emulation.
  4. grendel


    I am sorry MM as a certified forum idiot, you are now overqualified for the post.
  5. They usually fly over our offices as they circle ready to head for the mall, just off the M25 at junction 29. on the computer front, I have given up trying to recover the old hard drive so the machine will become a linux laptop, it will just depend if I can run my 3d printer software on it (which is windows software)
  6. which direction are you heading out of the new cut or down the new cut
  7. today will likely be spent on computer repair, one of my laptops had been running slow, I decided to reboot it, and that took 2 hours - hmm problem. rebooted again and now it tells me its scanning the c drive and repairing 5 hours later its at 9%. left through the day while at work, and get home to find the auto repair failed. testing this morning shows the c drive partition has dissapeared, so a new 500 gb ssd hard drive has been procured, currently I am running a diagnostic on the old hard drive, once that has finished then its partition recovery to get to the data, then it just needs to be transferred to the new hard drive. If I cannot recover the partition, then it may need to be rebuilt from the recovery partition, but then I will lose any data on the machine.
  8. Question, would you be required to pay if you moored up just to lower your screens or a mast?
  9. At least its there and able to be used now to pop to the supermarket (or whatever)
  10. some of mine here and some in the original meet thread (in the events section.)
  11. well apparently you can.
  12. I think its American norty word filters on the forum, so you probably cant say bobs your uncle and fannys your aunt either
  13. dont forget folks - the donate button is just under the adverts on the right
  14. the other point to remember is that any transport into Great yarmouth on the 16th will be very busy as it is one of the airshow days, so unless you are going specifically for the airshow, it might be a day to avoid Great Yarmouth.
  15. more a question of adding supporting braces mid span.
  16. third rule of tinkering - take a photo before you remove everything
  17. Ok so I know I said it was the last roof beam, but I am proceeding to make a couple of spares, just because.
  18. I still feel sorry for any hirers who may never have heard of this and suddenly encounter 90 people in the water, who may have little experience to know how to react in the situation. I know that when I was at the wheel of Janet 3 from Martham boats I found it very difficult to hear anything people were shouting to me from other boats, so I hope the safety boats are able to make the situation clear to any boats approaching the swimmers.
  19. Well looking at the organisers page - https://broadsswimming.co.uk/about/ it would appear to still be going ahead, with 3 waves of 30 swimmers, well lower numbers of swimmers will make life a bit easier.
  20. Where did you get that clip of Griff?
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