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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I know where there are some, but I dont think Griff will be parted from them.
  2. Sorry, I was just making a general point, not responding to your post, though I dont personally think you are safe from fakes even if you pay the full list price and go to a genuine retailer these days. I dont think anyone was attacking you, just disagreeing that it was just ebay and amazon. half the time I think the fakes come from the same factory as the real thing but are the ones that failed the quality testing.
  3. fake electrical cable has been found at such outlets as screwfix, and electrical retailers, this is cable with all the right stampings and markings, but where the insulation is of poor quality, with a lower fire rating, and the copper conductors are not as big as they should be (10% smaller cross section). this has been shipped into the country and distributed widely to the supply chain. If this can be done for electrical cable, then it can be done with anything.
  4. the cruisers are fairly basic, but the beds were comfortable, the instruments were particularly frugal, two voltmeters, a temperature gauge and an oil pressure gauge, but the boats themselves produce so little wash its not really a problem.
  5. I got plenty of Nothing - and Nothings plenty for me
  6. Hire a boat from Martham boats, at least then if you cannot get through Potter Bridge you are the right side of it for Hickling and Horsey mere. (though to be fair its exceptional when Marthams boats cannot get under Potter, I got taken through with just 5'11" on the boards)
  7. Not sure but I bet they do it in privet
  8. you have a good day too, cant you get them to fire off some tiles for you to shoot at?
  9. Well , they will surely know where the mechanical issue is by now, there is a chance it may have been operator error, as unlike modern bridges where it is just press a button , these old bridges must require a sequence of operations to be carried out correctly, so one missed step or out of sequence step would cause issues, but then my bet is on a mechanical failure, something a simple as a sensor failure can easily stop these things, the sensors would probably not have been an original feature and may have been added at a later date to reduce the required manning levels , ie light to say when something had happened that would have originally been eyeballed by one of the bridge crew.
  10. maybe now the boot is on the other foot they will get the maintenance required done.
  11. probably testing it opens for the scout ship. mind you it makes a change it was stuck shut.
  12. grendel

    At Last

    looks nice, I hope she gives you many pleasant years on the water.
  13. Actually, that sounds a good method of dealing with things ECIPA, I will steal your idea and propose it to the other mods if i may.
  14. I try to avoid sport of any kind by watching the quest channel - however they still have cycling motorbikes and billiards, so when they are on I have to change channels to talking pictures.
  15. Well I guess if something is amiss, and the authorities have been informed, and you are in no position to assist, then videoing the event as it happens is the next step, as then there is a record of what is happening for the accident investigators and insurance assessors, and for any criminal investigation should that be deemed necessary.
  16. or someone with a mobile phone.
  17. peas, in coot club mrs Barrable asked pc Teddar what the best peas where , and from memory that was the answer.. just gone checking
  18. too busy planting meltsham wonder no doubt
  19. well then - setting out to not catch it must be the answer.
  20. why - we had a lovely log fire going in the middle of the floor
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