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Everything posted by grendel

  1. taking a guess at the location, there is a border between two different land owners at approximately where I think the boat lies, so each might consider the boat in the others land and be ignoring it. alternatively the landowner may have come to a gentlemans agreement with the boat owner. we will never know unless someone stops and asks, but really does it matter that much, if he is not bothering anyone and just wants some peace and quiet.
  2. I understand that mostly the reasoning was because 40 year old vehicles dont have brakes that come up to the modern MOT standard (old drum brakes), rather than pollution. however since most insurers wont insure a car that doesnt have an MOT then most owners will continue to have the vehicle tested for safety annually. It does not however mean that you wont be stopped and tested for safety, much in the same way that recovery vehicles and showmans vehicles dont require an MOT, they can be stopped and safety checked at any time, and if found unsafe can be prohibited from further progress.
  3. maybe the day will come when the sail can be one large solar panel.
  4. Aqueous Urea solution - does that mean the exhaust will be vented through the waste holding tank?
  5. I had a volvo V40 with the mitsubushi lean burn engine, and for a largeish petrol car I averaged about 46mpg, on a long motorway trip I could get the right side of 50mpg. the only issue with these engines was that if the valves got coked up, it was a £2000 strip down of the engine to clean them, as a fuel additive did nothing because it was direct injection.
  6. As someone who has first hand experienced diesel exhaust poisoning on a fairground ride, I can say its not a nice experience, in that instance there was a lot of black exhaust smoke belching up through the centre of a spinning ride, struggling to get enough breath due to the centrifugal forces, we were gulping in large doses of this exhaust smoke. will the diesel engine be outlawed - I dont think so, there are too many of them used for site work where highly flammable fuel would be banned. that is unless an anti flammable additive could be added to the fuel in the same way that aviation fuel has to reduce its flammable properties outside of the engine. LPG is a possible alternative, but then you are storing a large tank of heavier than air flammable gas.
  7. linked from a separate thread, as we have had a couple of last minute cancellations I have said we should have space.
  8. I am picking up Janet 3 from Martham on Saturday, aiming to get there early and may be lucky as she comes off hire the previous day (due to the change in start days from the boat i had previously booked)
  9. we have had a couple of cancellations, so I am sure there will be space Bob.
  10. well in that case I will endeavour not to get Janet 3 wedged under Potter Bridge to stop you getting through
  11. well if you want the forum rapid response team I believe the going rate is 3 bacon butties and unlimited tea/coffee.
  12. grendel

    Bye Bye

    This is something that we might be considering adding to the TOS.
  13. Well last you heard I was aiming to steam the part for longer, this was a little better but still straightened too much, so a new former has been made and this afternoon one of the first two parts has been re-steamed and bent to the new tighter curved jig. I'm not sure if I will be able to get many done as I prepare for the meet.
  14. a slower version of the day 1 timelapse and the slower version of day 2
  15. grendel

    Bye Bye

    What about the poor moderators, I'm still trying to catch up after the weekend
  16. Day 1 I spent a lot of the day making window hoppers, and a ton of other bespoke horribly shaped bits out of some of the hardest wood I have seen, with gnarly grain going in all directions video of a few hours timelapse compressed into a short time. Day two, once again only a few hours worth of timelapse (a shot every 30 seconds) Today, just to get away from more window hoppers I had to level off the front edge of the front windows (before having to make - yes you guessed it more window hoppers and window parts
  17. The only problem with bacon butty pictures is the butties are gone as soon as the bacon gets into them. Yum.
  18. well work is finished for the day showers had and getting ready to meet up in the pub. there will be a timelapse video of part of the process (the camera battery lasted for about 4 hours), once I have got home.
  19. I have a small fold out solar panel that has 2 usb ports for topping up my phone while I am out and about, plus a whole raft of smaller solar powerbanks that i just leave sitting in the sun to recharge.
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