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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Was long enough to go below, grab the makings of a marmalade sandwich, and then make one
  2. Currently in Wroxham, did some shopping and got chips for lunch, next will be head ba k to Salhouse for the night
  3. Planks seem to have stopped weeping after 3 weeks out of the water Steering can now be set and stays where you left it
  4. 6.30 departure from gym, bilge pump, once the impellor was unclothed, behaving itself, float switch was caught under a beam preventing operation, now fixed,. Proceeding upriver at a moderate 1700 rpm, with the tide
  5. well finally time to update, I am on my way, boat went in the water 3.30pm it had to be on the lift to fit the new rudder, 4.45 departed Oulton Broad, 8pm arrived great Yarmouth yacht station., went in the front cabin, splosh 2" water. Cleared the blocked bilge pump, now awaiting dave with spare pump to dry her out, the joys of a wooden boat. A more detailed report to follow.
  6. I havent seen her yet, she only came out for a hull survey and thats when the rudder damage was found, a new rudder is being made and fitted, as that was more urgent than any other work. other than that some woodwork has been sanded down, but due to the weather the varnish has had to wait.
  7. provide the underwater paint and I will give it a shot.
  8. I suppose I could court controversy by saying that paddle boarders are more visible than swimmers, but i will refrain from that, i wish everyone on the water well, all I really ask is that they understand the rules of the river, and dont just scatter in all directions when a cruiser wants to get past, generally I will slow to a tickover when passing paddle boards or canoes to reduce my wash and thus have a better chance of not tipping one off their paddle board (of course this does not work if they are going faster than my tickover.
  9. work is progressing on water Rail, i am told she will be going back in the water wednesday, I was also told that due to the weather being so wet until now, I would have a tin of varnish to be applied to the bare wood cabin sides as I progress through my time aboard. (not a problem as i enjoy that sort of thing.)
  10. you could try Martham boats, I have always hired solo from them, though they do expect some previous boating experience (as you would expect)
  11. this is an interesting read, it relates to the code of practice parking companies must follow- https://www.britishparking.co.uk/write/Documents/AOS/BPA_AOS_code_of_practice_version_7_January_2018.pdf section 13 the grace period states there must be a time to allow someone to read the terms and conditions before departing or entering into a contract, (10 minutes suggested), so the wording of the BA notice is definitely in contravention on that point as it states you are entering the contract as soon as you moor up. the terms and conditions signs should be at least 450x450, hmm the BA sign is clearly wider than that, but is it 450 high? (section 18.3). 18.9 states that there must be at least one sign readable without leaving the vehicle for disabled people. I wonder if there is a regulatory body for moorings certainly one would imagine that following best practice for parking signs should be considered, otherwise the risk is great that any MCN challenged will be thrown out in court.
  12. I still say that if you cant read the sign before you moor, then you cant be legally bound by the contract. as by the time you are moored its too late. besides that, just how much are all these new signs costing the toll payer?
  13. after a few days of rain so no biking i took the opportunity this morning to head out at 9.30am, up through the university along the crab and winkle way to clowes woods, a quick circuit of the main paths in the woods and home again 12.4 miles, just under 2 hours, lots of other cyclists out, and walkers, and dog walkers, suns out now and its turning into a nice day.
  14. well, just to raise the stakes, this morning while shopping at lidl, they had SUP's on offer for £199, so in light of that I have now joined the ranks of sit down paddle boarders (not quite up to the level of standing up yet) so a short toll will be purchased for two weeks (£19.20) for my upcoming trip later this week.
  15. this is the only issue I have with large numbers of paddle boards (at least the ones I encountered up at coltishall), to be fair, they see a motor cruiser coming and all head for the side of the river, which side, well they all choose a different side, and sort of occupied that half of the river, if you were lucky they left a gap in the middle for the cruiser.
  16. It's easy, I have never had a problem (on water rail or Martham boats) my bugbear is potter Heigham, its always been below 6 foot when I have looked.
  17. I guess its safe to say that what they are gaining in revenue from this is vastly outweighed by the loss of good will amongst the boating community.
  18. if it is the same one that caused a complaint about people sounding a foghorn 4 or 5 times at random hours of the day and night, and why were they so inconsiderate, then the answer is probably yes.
  19. a thought strikes me, the boat is an ambulance when it is rescuing people and getting them to safety, it is possibly conveying injured people, so, surely if an ambulance is allowed blue lights, instead of displaying blue lights on the tow vehicle, use them on the boat, then all should be fine? like the off road rescue vehicles?
  20. well there i was out for a bike ride, suddenly I spotted a sign that said wye, now i know that means i am just a hop and a skip away from ashford, so i checked my mileage, already over 11 miles, further than I planned today, so I turned around and headed home- 22.9 miles total
  21. as in the document - the broads authority
  22. oh were it that easy, it in legal language so really only a lawyer can interpret it and my guess is that they will all differ in their interpretation. (the files displayed above are in the public realm and freely available)
  23. I notice under the charges register sections c4 and c5 that the Broads Authority are obliged to contribute to the repair of the church with a tithe from presumably any earnings from the moorings, I wonder if the church are aware and are recieving their tithe from the mooring fees paid? I would imagine that all the time no income was being generated, no tithe would have been due.
  24. wussername, please see below for the title plan and register entry
  25. so by mooring you have entered a contract, the terms of which cannot be ascertained until after you have moored, and the presence of which you cannot know until you have already moored and thus accepted the contract- that doesnt sound legally enforceable to me, that sounds very much like the unenforcable car park terms used by the dodgy car parking companies. I am sure you cannot be forced into a contract against your will, that you cannot previously have seen the terms of the contract, surely you could ask that they produce a written copy of the contract, which cannot be binding if you dont sign it.
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